


已有 11748 次阅读 2011-7-15 09:21 |系统分类:科研笔记| 编辑, 文章, 在线, 审稿意见, 所有人

今天接到HESS主编来信,通知投稿的文章被接受了。折腾好久的这篇文章终于有了回音。我非常欣赏HESS的收稿、审稿及最终确认流程。不想其他peer review期刊,HESS的稿件在最终被接受或者拒收前,要经过好几个阶段的处理:负责编辑排版,校对初稿,提出结构语法等方面初步意见,修改后推出HESSD;HESSD是一个开放的浏览平台,所有人都可以对HESSD在线文章提出实名或者匿名意见。当然主编也会将稿件投给众多相关领域的审稿专家,只要最终满足有3人以上的审稿专家意见返回即可。这时候需要作者针对审稿专家及其他意见逐一修改及回复。这个过程中最优特点是HESS的编辑具有裁决权力,根据所有审稿意见确定是否接受文章并在HESS发表。
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences(SCI 2.462) An Interactive Open Access Journal of the European Geosciences Union
  1. Submission of Original Manuscript and Editor Assignment

    An original manuscript is submitted electronically and assigned to a Editor covering the relevant subject areas (for details see Editor Assignment).

  2. Access Review

    The Editor is asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is within the scope of the journal and whether it meets a basic scientific quality. He can suggest technical corrections (typing errors, clarification of figures, etc.) before publication in HESSD. Further requests for revision of the scientific contents are not allowed at this stage of the review process but shall be expressed in the interactive discussion following publication in HESSD.

  3. Technical Corrections

    The authors have the opportunity to perform technical corrections, which may be reviewed by the Editor to verify requested corrections and prevent further revisions, which are not permitted at this stage.

  4. Publication of Discussion Paper in HESSD

    After final acceptance the manuscript is typeset by the Copernicus Publications Production Office, proofread by the authors, and published as a discussion paper on the HESSD Website. Public accessibility, archiving and citability are guaranteed from this moment on (usually about 2-8 weeks after submission).

  5. Open Discussion (8 weeks)

    Upon internet publication the paper is opened for public review and discussion, during which interactive comments can be published by designated referees (anonymous or named) and all interested members of the scientific community (named). Normally, every discussion paper shall receive at least two Referee Comments; for more information see Interactive Public Discussion.

  6. Final Response

    After the open discussion the authors are expected to publish a response to all comments (within 4 weeks, extendable upon request). The editor can also publish additional comments or recommendations. Normally, however, formal editorial recommendations and decisions shall be made only after the authors have had an opportunity to respond to all comments, or if they request editorial advice before responding.

  7. Submission of Revised Manuscript

    Submission of a revised manuscript is expected only if the authors have satisfactorily addressed all comments, and if the revised manuscript meets the high quality standards of HESS (MS Evaluation Criteria). In case of doubt, the authors shall consult the editor if she/he recommends preparation and submission of a revised manuscript or not. Normally the revised manuscript should be submitted no later than 4 to 8 weeks after the end of the open discussion. If more time is required for manuscript revision, the authors can request an extension.

  8. Peer-Review Completion

    In view of the access peer-review and Interactive Public Discussion, the Editor either directly accepts/rejects the revised manuscript for publication in HESS or consults referees in the same way as during the completion of a traditional peer-review process. If necessary, additional revisions may be requested during peer-review completion until a final decision about acceptance/rejection for HESS is reached.

  9. Publication of Final Revised Paper in HESS

    In case of acceptance the final revised paper is typeset and proofread. Then it is published on the HESS Website with a direct link to the preceding original paper and interactive discussion in HESSD. All publications (original paper, interactive comments, final revised paper) are permanently archived and remain accessible to the open public via internet and the final revised paper is also accessible as print copy.

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