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The Theory of Relativity: A Typical False Theory (1)

已有 6187 次阅读 2011-7-13 18:48 |系统分类:科研笔记

The Theory of Relativity: A Typical False Theory (1)


Series Foreword


This series are about topics of problems in physics. The first topic is about the theory of relativity, the biggest problem in physics that has harmed scientific world for a very long time. If readers have read this series 1 to 3, they will know the fact that relativity theory is a false theory. Future topics may include quantum theory, big bang theory, particle physics, etc.


As an author of this series I do not know anyone of these theories and therefore has no bias towards any individual. I only try to present them in academic way that people can understand.


How to solve these problems are upon everyone.




The debates on special relativity theory has been on and off since its invention. Rather than continuing the quarrel on the very many unimportant, questionable details and examples, in this blog, different approaches are taken: 10 very short direct disproof or disproof descriptions straight from the relativity theory itself are given each of which can be expanded to form a formal thesis of its own so as to, based on the true scientific meaning and truth, eliminate future further unnecessary debates if possible.




We often see which and which laboratory or experiment has proved the theory of special relativity (SR) and how many first-rate theses have been published each year related to these experiments. Well, the sad truth is that all of these theses and their claims are actually not valid because SR theory is a disproved theory. A disproved theory is always a wrong theory and experiments absolutely have no power to overturn the valid theoretical result.

What is SR theory? SR theory is a theory of relativity in an attempt to revolutionize the traditional Newtonian time-space concept (inertial reference frame in physical analysis) by Albert Einstein in a thesis: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. Its main idea is that time and space are changeable in the new inertial reference frame instead of Newtonian absolute time-space concept where they are always the same or not changeable. However, based on the thesis, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, SR theory cannot accurately or exactly account for the electrodynamics of any moving bodies in this original thesis, so its failure is obvious when it is used generically in physics.


Traditionally, people use examples of various sorts and illustrations of a various types to demonstrate the invalidity of SR theory. The problem with this approach is that these examples cannot guarantee that they are inclusive. Very fewer examples may demonstrate some effectiveness but still do not give us assurance for the whole theory. We use different approaches. We analyze the relativity theory from each of its building blocks through to its building process until its final establishment. Our analyses are systematic, practical, and mathematically based. Throughout this blog, 10 very short direct disproof or disproof descriptions of this theory from SR theory itself, labeled from [1] to [10], are given. Each of them can be expanded to form a thesis of its own. In order to have clear idea about what happen in the two discussed inertial reference frames (F’ and F), I list their transformation and Lorentz factor for your references:


t' = 1/g (t – v x / c2)             (1)

x' = g (x – v t)                      (2)




g = 1 / (1 – v2 / c2) ^ (1/2)


is the Lorentz factor, v is the relative speed of the two reference frames (F’ and F), and c is the speed of light.


The disproof presented here are very clear if readers have some good knowledge of the relativity theories and follow the presented reasoning closely. For only one or two occasions, the lack of information may be possible for some newly established theorems but this does not prevent readers to continue the reading for the main ideas. The discussion section presents some important matters of the relativity theory to strengthen the understanding of this theory further. Finally, we conclude that the disproof of the relativity theories is guaranteed. Now let’s start to have a look at what really happen to this theory and its 2 principles or postulates for the foundation of this theory.



6. Acknowledgement.

Many thanks go to the authors of Sciencenet network and some other networks. During the year 2011, I read hundreds and or even thousands of blogs from these authors and among them there are some that are relevant to relativity theories. However most of these blog authors are not aware of the fact that these theories are false just as I first read these theories more than thirty years ago. I think that I should tell the truth as the author of relativity theories has become the idol for a very large number of people and for some nations, and occasionally even worse than idol.

7. Conclusion.

Through careful analyses of the academic production process of the SR theory, we know that the inventor is at intellectual disorder and or immature in the field of physics at least at time of his this invention because the theory is full of self-contradictions that all lead to its failure and disproof. Therefore SR theory is definitely not a scientific theory (nor is the general relativity theory), they can only cause troubles with absolutely no true scientific meaning to say the least and in this blog 10 very brief direct proofs or proof descriptions from the SR theory itself have been given. Each of these 10 short proofs can be expanded to form a thesis of its own for the formal disproof of SR theory. There are more errors on this theory and they all can be formally proved physically and mathematically if necessary. Finally, we conclude that SR theory is a typical false theory.




See acknowledgement. If there are some important theses they will be listed here to acknowledge the ownerships of important ideas to distinguish them from omitted information theses.


Expected to be improved


下一篇:The Theory of Relativity: A Typical False Theory (2)
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