Hydrogen is Neuroprotective against Surgically Induced Brain Injury
成年SD大鼠(weight 300-350g)随机分为三组,假手术组、非治疗组和呼吸(2.9%)氢气组。24小时后进行脑水含量、MPO、LPO、和神经功能检测。
Hydrogen is Neuroprotective against Surgically Induced Brain Injury
Jan M Eckermann, Wanqiu Chen, Vikram Jadhav, Frank PK Hsu, Austin RT Colohan, Jiping Tang and John H Zhang
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Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:7 doi:10.1186/2045-9912-1-7
Published: 18 May 2011
Neurosurgical operations cause unavoidable damage to healthy brain tissues. Direct surgical injury as well as surgically induced oxidative stress contributes to the subsequent formation of brain edema. Therefore, we tested the neuroprotective effect of hydrogen (H2) in an established surgical brain injury (SBI) model in rats.
Material and methods
Adult male Sprague - Dawley rats (weight 300-350g) were divided into three groups to serve as sham operated, SBI without treatment, and SBI treated with H2 (2.9%). Brain water content, myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay, lipid peroxidation (LPO), and neurological function were measured at 24 hrs after SBI.
SBI resulted in localized brain edema (p=<0.001). Hydrogen (2.9%) administered concurrently with surgery significantly decreased the formation of cerebral edema (p=0.028) and improved neurobehavioral testing (p=0.022). However, hydrogen treatment failed to reduce oxidative stress (LPO assay) or inflammation (MPO assay) in brain tissues.
Hydrogen appears to be promising as an effective, yet inexpensive way to reduce cerebral edema caused by surgical procedures. Hydrogen has the potential to improve clinical outcome, decrease hospital stay, and reduce overall cost to patients and the health care system.
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Cremer J, Stoppe C, Fahlenkamp AV, Schalte G, Rex S, Rossaint R and Coburn M Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:9 (18 May 2011)
Carbon monoxide inhibits Fas activating antibody-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells
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Hydrogen is Neuroprotective against Surgically Induced Brain Injury
Eckermann JM, Chen W, Jadhav V, Hsu FPK, Colohan ART, Tang J and Zhang JH Medical Gas Research 2011, 1:7 (18 May 2011)
Inhaled hydrogen could be used as an effective, and inexpensive treatment to reduce neurosurgery induced brain edema and tissue injury, as displayed in adult male Sprague–Dawley rats
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