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The American Presidential Election, CA Political Organizatio 精选

已有 6380 次阅读 2008-10-23 23:42 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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    (Note added 10/27/08: This morning's South China Morning Post has an interesting article about Chinese-American running for national office in this year's election. 80-20 was mentioned in the article. I am attaching the article below for your possible interest))


Compared to other minorities, Chinese-American (CA) participation in main stream American politics are minimal. An African-American is about to be elected President, Latino-American votes are regularly courted  by persons running for office. Japanese-American numerically much smaller than CAs (1.2 million vs 2.6 million), have long ago elected JA senators, congressman, governors on the national scene, while CAs had only an appointed one term senator, one elected congressman, and one former governor in the entire American hisotry. Why is this so? There are many reasons. During WWII, JAs were treated badly by the US government. And after that, they vowed “never again” and build up their political power to protect themselves. On the CA side, culturally, Chinese go for personal relationships with politicians and have no tradition for group political action except for dynastic revolutions. In fact, it seems to me that “don’t stick your neck out (樹大招風)” is a standard warning against political action. As a result, CAs as a group are routinely ignored by the American political mainstream. Whether it is in industry, academia, and government it has been well documented that there exist a glass ceiling for promotion and advancement for CAs
Such issues must require group action and are beyond personal political relationships. In 1998, a group of CAs led by S.B. Woo (former elected Lt. governor of Delaware) formed the 80-20 initiative. The main purpose of this movement is to educate CAs and other Asian-Americans that we need to vote as block (80% of the AA voter will vote one way in order to swing an election. Hence the name 80-20) particularly in state where AAs are significant. For example, in California if 80% of the 11 million AAs vote one way it can definitely swing an election as have been demonstrated
In the current election, Obama has acknowledged in writing (with his signature) to 80-20 that if elected he will do a number of things for AAs to address the glass ceiling issue at the federal level. McCain choose not to. Thus, 80-20 has endorsed Obama and urge all AAs to vote for him. This is not anything ideological but pragmatic group political action. We know when Obama is elected, and it looks likely, he must deliver on his written and signed promise to AAs. This is something historically unprecedented for CAs.   I await with eager anticipation.
For more on the history, goals, and success stories about the 80-20 movement see http://www.80-20initiative.net/

SCMP article about CAs running for congress


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