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已有 5627 次阅读 2011-4-25 10:40 |系统分类:生活其它| 密码, email, 新骗术, 邮箱信息, 窃取

        A new way of stealing email information by cheating
Before I have written an article about network cheating-A pie can't be fallen from the sky! Today in my email box, I found another cheating email(mdgm@kelantan.gov.my) from one called “Administrative Information Services (AIS) mdgm@kelantan.gov.my”. The so called Administrative Information Services informs the recipient to reply and add their email account information including the email, username, and password,  and it says "Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect your email Account."
   今日收到一封发件人户名叫 Administrative Information Services(管理信息服务中心)的英文邮件,初一看以为是本系统的邮箱管理人员发来的信呢,但一看邮箱地址是mdgm@kelantan.gov.my, 觉得很是奇怪,再看内容,告诉我我的邮箱需要升级,为了确保用户邮箱不会因为邮箱升级而被关闭,现在需要将邮箱的邮箱地址、用户名、密码通过点击回复发“管理信息服务中心”人员,待邮箱升级完成后,管理人员会将密码重设链接发送到你的邮件中,届时,你再重新设置密码。邮件中还说,这些是为了保护你的邮箱帐户的安全而采取的安全措施。
    初看,好像他确实在为你着想, 可是你想过没有,你的邮箱如果用的是Yahoo、Gmail、163或者是其它服务器,跟他有什么关系呢(他的邮箱服务器是kelantan.gov.my)?这种让你自觉自愿地将自己的邮箱地址、用户名、密码一并告诉他人的方法,跟随便将自己的银行卡卡号、密码告诉人有多大的区别?通过网上查看发现,mdgm@kelantan.gov.my  这个邮箱是一个名叫Mr. John Galvani的骗子,此人就是以前向全世界的邮箱发送垃圾邮件并请收信人与他们一起分享数千万甚至数亿元横财的人。
Dear Account User,
This message is from the Office of the Administrative Information Services (AIS) to all webmail account owners. Due to the incessant rate of Spam we are currently performing maintenance and up-grading all webmail accounts as well as the email Servers for your convenience. All email services will be interrupted during this period, To prevent your account from closing during this exercise you will have to update it below to know it's status as a currently used account with a hard spam protector.

Has commence on March 31st to end April 30th 2011 beginning at 9:00 p.m. until approximately 12:00 midnight to enable us increase the storage size of your webmail account. Be informed  also that we will not hesitate to delete your email account if not functioning to create more space for new users.
Confirm Your  email account Details by clicking on the reply button and follow by your;
After upgrading, a password reset link will be sent to your email for new password.  Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect your email Account.
Webmail Support Team
Warning Code :ID67321434


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