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优秀生物化学论文7篇 Top 7 in biochemistry Faculty of 1000

已有 3282 次阅读 2011-3-23 07:08 |个人分类:科学杂志|系统分类:论文交流

Top 7 in biochemistry A snapshot of the most highly ranked articles in biochemistry and related areas, from Faculty of 1000
[Published 21st February 2011 08:37 PM GMT]

1. Eukaryotic ribosome unveiled

Atomic structure of the 50S large subunit of the ribosome
Image: Wikimedia commons, Vossman
The long-sought crystal structure of the translational machinery in yeast reveals unique interactions within and between the ribosome's two subunits and promises to lead to a better understanding of protein synthesis in eukaryotes.

A. Ben-Shem et al., "Crystal structure of the eukaryotic ribosome," Science, 330:1203-09, 2010. Evaluated by Daniel Gallie, UC Riverside; Margaret Elvekrog, Daniel MacDougall and Ruben Gonzalez, Columbia Univ; Robert Batey, Univ. of Colorado at Boulder; Dmitri Ermolenko and George Makhatadze, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Free F1000 Evaluation

2. Detailing protein dynamics

Combining the classic approaches of ambient temperature X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, researchers detail the conversion between different states of an enzyme, and how those dynamics affect catalytic activity.

J.S. Fraser, et al., "Hidden alternative structures of proline isomerase essential for catalysis," Nature, 462:669-73, 2009. Evaluated by Victoria Ann Higman and Linda Ball, Leibniz-Institut f?r Molekulare Pharmakologie; Andrew Beenken and Moosa Mohammadi, NYU Med Cen; David Cowburn, Coll Medicine Yeshiva Univ; Gira Bhabha and H Jane Dyson, Scripps Res Inst; Fred Dyda, NIH. Free F1000 Evaluation

3. The genome shuffle

In some cancers, chromosomes are broken apart and stitched back together, resulting in tens to hundreds of spontaneous genomic rearrangements, contravening the model of slowly accumulating point mutations and more subtle chromosome rearrangements. The process, dubbed "chromothripsis," occurs in at least 2-3 percent of all cancers, across many subtypes, and is present in 25 percent of bone cancers.

P.J. Stephens, et al., "Massive genomic rearrangement acquired in a single catastrophic event during cancer development," Cell, 144:27-40, 2011. Evaluated by Jordi Camps and Thomas Ried, NCI; Yamini Dalal, NCI; Giovanni Neri, Univ Cattolica S Cuore; Robert Booth, Virobay Inc; Yan Xu and Makoto Komiyama, Univ Tokyo. Free F1000 Evaluation

4. Taming inflammation

Targeting post-translational regulation of histones, researchers are able to inhibit the expression of certain inflammatory proteins, suggesting a new direction for the development of treatments for inflammatory conditions.
E. Nicodeme, et al., "Suppression of inflammation by a synthetic histone mimic," Nature, 468:1119-23, 2010. Evaluated by Lionel Ivashkiv, Hosp for Special Surgery; Marc Rothenberg, Cincinnati Children's Hosp Med Cen; Xiaodong Cheng, Emory Univ School of Med. Free F1000 Evaluation

5. Elusive intermediate #1 captured

The existence of the fabled intermediate form of cytochrome P450 -- long suspected of catalyzing the oxidation reactions required for metabolizing the majority of drugs in the liver, among other things -- has finally been confirmed using isolates from a thermophilic bacterium.

J. Rittle and M.T. Green, "Cytochrome P450 compound I: capture, characterization, and C-H bond activation kinetics," Science, 330:933-37, 2010. Evaluated by Elizabeth Gillam, Univ Queensland; Ivo Feussner, Georg August Univ. G?ttingen, Germany; Russ Hille, UC Riverside; Kap-Sun Yeung and Nicholas Meanwell, Bristol Myers Squibb. Free F1000 Evaluation

6. ATP machine close-up

Researchers detail the crystal structure of a component of ATP synthase, a ubiquitous molecular machine responsible for synthesizing ATP in the cell. The newly identified structure includes a never-before-seen protein fold, and advances mechanistic understanding of the assembly and function of ATP synthase.

L.K. Lee, et al., "The structure of the peripheral stalk of Thermus thermophilus H+-ATPase/synthase," Nat Struct Mol Biol, 17:373-78, 2010. Evaluated by Ingo Grotjohann and Petra Fromme, Arizona State University; E Neil G Marsh, University of Michigan; Thomas Meier, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics; Michael Galperin, NIH; Stephan Wilkens, SUNY Upstate Medical University. Free F1000 Evaluation

7. Identifying the unknown

Researchers present a novel method for identifying antibody biomarkers for diseases without known antigens. The technique, which involves searching for antibodies that bind to various synthetic molecules, may prove useful for identifying diagnostic markers in a wide variety of diseases.

M.M. Reddy, et al., "Identification of candidate IgG biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease via combinatorial library screening," Cell, 144:132-42, 2011. Evaluated by Soumitra Ghosh and Kavita Shah, Purdue Univ; Ivan Gerling, Univ Tennessee Health Sci Cen; David Holtzman, Wash Univ School of Med. Free F1000 Evaluation

The F1000 Top 7 is a snapshot of the highest ranked articles from a 30-day period on Faculty of 1000 Biochemistry, as calculated on February 17, 2011. Faculty Members evaluate and rate the most important papers in their field. To see the latest rankings, search the database, and read daily evaluations, visit http://f1000.com.

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