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一本奇特的书:数学和性 (转载自小木虫)

已有 6164 次阅读 2008-9-26 21:38 |个人分类:非线性科学论文集





这本书开创了一个新的领域——从来没有人把数学和日常生活之间的联系解释的这么深入浅出。作者Clio Cresswell 将带你进入一个迷人的、有趣的偶尔捎带欢闹的旅途,展示数学如何回答那些关于Love、Sex和约会、婚姻方面的令人不知所措的问题。


Clio Cresswell博士从事过许多不同的职业,当前她是一名南威尔士大学(澳大利亚)的讲师,同时也是一名作家,不久前被提名并当选为第25周最美的人!她在法国南部长大后移民到澳大利亚并开始研究数学。她在得到博士学位后不久获得了大学奖金。



(Gary Cornell)写到“唔,多么令人感兴趣的题目啊!当我获得数学博士学位的时候,性和数学是风马牛不相及的,我怀疑这个题目是否弄错了:应该是数学和性的缺乏吧。但是,时代不同了,作者甚至还获得了流行杂志上第25周全澳最美的人的称号,她引用Hardy的话说,‘数学是研究学习的一种方式:发现、交流、影响并且应用’,那么这方式是否也可以包括性行为方式呢?







Models that spring from modification of the rules of the Sultan problem have always been one of my favorites in this area. This makes Chapter 3 my favorite chapter: it is chock full of goodies with lots of interesting variations of the original problem, and thus even more interesting models. Some may be far more applicable. For example, if you get to play the cad and can keep potential mates 'stockpiled,' then, by stockpiling seven potential mates, there's a strategy that you can use to increase the odds of finding the best one to 96% or so! Or, in another variation of the model, whose solution she refers to as the "twelve bonk rule," there's a result that says that if you simply want to ensure that your choice is better than 90% of the other choices available, simply 'sample' the first 12 possibilities and pick the first person who is better after the first 12. This strategy gives you a 77% possibility of success.


第一章 "爱、甜蜜的爱" 提出了大量的能引起喜爱和憎恶的问题,来源于 "捕食-被捕食模型." 例如,她提到了下列模型的起源:


This model gives rise to a standard and very simple first order differential equation. She then talks about more sophisticated versions of this model including one by Rinaldi that tries to model a famous love poem by Petrarch. (Personally, I think these models are only useful for learning differential equations but don't shed much light on the problem.)

第二章 "婚姻和幸福" and describes models for behavior in a relationship, including an analysis of how absurd the folk tale is that more ###### occurs in the first year of marriage then in all subsequent years combined. Probably the most interesting work she talks about in this chapter are the models by Guttman et al. intended to analyze conversations between lovers to determine if the relationship is on the rocks. In this case the models they build are known to be highly accurate in predicting problems in the relationship.

第四章 "约会服务—你真的被服务了吗?" and it has a fascinating analysis of the perils of questionnaires that try to match too many variables (i.e. why those questionnaires don't help that much). As she points out, this is called the "curse of dimensionality" in the literature. The problem is that if you are trying to determine whether two points are very close in n-dimensional space where n is large, you are unlikely to get a whole lot of difference between points and so closeness doesn't really matter much.

第五章 "配对" and shows how Game Theory can (should?) enter into the problem of "choice" preferences. This chapter is a very nice gateway into models that are studied in the greatest depth in economics; there is an incredibly interesting literature on these issues. One should start with Arrow's paradox on voting (that most logical axiom systems for building choice models are actually inconsistent and can't simultaneously be satisfied) and then work up to real problems with how congressional seats are allocated in the United States. Wikipedia has good articles to start with on these models.

第六章 "作用与反作用" and is about ways to model people's attractiveness. This means things like symmetry as a cross cultural model for beauty, and waist-to-hip ratio for females as a cross-cultural model for male choice. Whether these models are correct is an extremely active area of research in anthropology and evolutionary psychology. The jury seems to still be out, but the evidence for their truth is certainly growing.

第七章 "性" and is a tantalizing hint of what the mathematics of evolution is all about. In particular this chapter includes a nice discussion of how ###### itself can evolve. (It seems paradoxical that the question of how ###### itself can evolve is not yet resolved. After all, in a naive "selfish gene" approach to evolution, it would seem seem that asexual methods of reproduction win hands down. But, as usual, the issues are more complex then naive models would predict. For example, who would have thought that parasites might be the reason ###### arose? Again, for more details on the science behind the models the author discusses, you can start with a useful Wikipedia article. Ridley's popular science book called the Red Queen (or anything by Maynard Smith) is where to go next.

第八章 "How Ovaries Count and Balls Add Up," and is about models for feedback levels of hormone concentration and circadian rhythms and didn't particular interest me.

最后一章 "高潮" 我不能用一句话概括

To sum up, is this book perfect? No. I think more mathematically literate people would like appendices which give some indication of the deeper math behind what she discusses. For example, the math that shows why the answer I gave above to the Sultan's choice problem really is approximately 36.787944117144235 - or more correctly n/e, where e is the base of natural logarithms and n is the number of choices one has to go through, is well within the reach of any 2nd year calculus student. The differential equations she introduces in other chapters can be understood by anyone with a good engineering or math background. The game theory and even a proof of Arrow's theorem should be accessible to any literate person etc. As is, though, anyone with even some knowledge of or interest in mathematics will find this book great fun.


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