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已有 3353 次阅读 2010-12-28 10:08 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:论文交流| 乳腺癌, 知识发现, 早期, 绝经后妇女



Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
  A-query: early breast cancer
C-query: in postmenopausal women
The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 1153 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 30035 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 3092 terms on the current B-list (1712 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.


job id # 30035 started Mon Dec 27 21:38:13 2010
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
30035 Search ARROWSMITH A
A_query_raw: early breast cancerMon Dec 27 21:38:29 2010

A query = early breast cancer started Mon Dec 27 21:38:30 2010
A query resulted in 21334 titles
30035 Search ARROWSMITH C
C_query_raw: in postmenopausal women Mon Dec 27 21:38:46 2010

C: in postmenopausal women 37080

A: pubmed_query_A 21334

AC: ( early breast cancer ) AND ( in postmenopausal women ) 1153

C query = in postmenopausal women started Mon Dec 27 21:38:47 2010
C query resulted in 37080 titles
A AND C query resulted in 1153 titles
23939 B-terms ready on Mon Dec 27 21:44:22 2010

Chemicals & Drugs
3092 B-terms left after filter executed Mon Dec 27 22:17:15 2010

B-list on Mon Dec 27 22:19:26 2010
1 docetaxel
2 gemcitabine
3 vinorelbine
4 zoledronic acid
5 paclitaxel
6 raloxifene
7 epirubicin
8 c erbb-2
9 estrogen receptor modulator
10 letrozole
11 vegf
12 codon polymorphism
13 sentinel lymphadenectomy
14 receptor gene polymorphism
15 igf binding protein
16 toremifene
17 exemestane
18 selective estrogen receptor
19 estrogen progesterone receptor
20 aromatase inhibitor
21 erbb-2 oncoprotein
22 growth factor vegf
23 effect raloxifene
24 cyclin e
25 zoladex
26 arimidex
27 zoledronic acid treatment
28 dose epirubicin
29 mineral density premenopausal
30 igfbp
31 epirubicin cyclophosphamide
32 pamidronate
33 high dose epirubicin
34 role bisphosphonate
35 igf binding
36 proliferation marker
37 tamoxifen prevention
38 contrast enhanced
39 adjuvant tamoxifen
40 oral bisphosphonate
41 parathyroid hormone related
42 cancer xenograft
43 soy intake
44 tamoxifen therapy
45 endothelial growth factor
46 estrogen receptor downregulator
47 marker ca
48 paclitaxel first
49 calcium sensing receptor
50 releasing hormone agonist
51 mrna breast
52 ca cea
53 16alpha hydroxyestrone ratio
54 chromogenic situ hybridization
55 igfbp-3
56 expression estrogen receptor
57 receptor breast cancer
58 estrogen receptor status
59 hormone receptor status
60 tamoxifen breast
61 aromatase inhibitor treatment
62 breast cancer xenograft
63 pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
64 selective estrogen
65 taxotere
66 dom cohort
67 estrogen receptor beta
68 hormone agonist
69 estrogen receptor progesterone
70 tamoxifen breast cancer
71 progesterone receptor status
72 letrozole advanced breast
73 associated tamoxifen
74 tamoxifen endometrial
75 fenretinide
76 progesterone receptor human
77 soy isoflavone
78 goserelin
79 lhrh agonist
80 adjuvant treatment breast
81 versus tamoxifen
82 treated tamoxifen
83 t1 breast
84 adjuvant tamoxifen therapy
85 cox-2
86 aromatase inhibitor therapy
87 tamoxifen treated breast
88 estrogen receptor alpha
89 vegf c
90 progesterone receptor breast
91 steroid receptor expression
92 inhibitor breast cancer
93 cancer tamoxifen
94 igf i igf
95 cyclophosphamide methotrexate 5-fluorouracil
96 growth factor system
97 tamoxifen adjuvant
98 nomegestrol acetate
99 fat breast cancer
100 factor binding protein
101 tamoxifen versus
102 mcf-7 human breast
103 intravenous bisphosphonate
104 inhibitor treatment breast
105 high dose medroxyprogesterone
106 breast cancer uk
107 binding protein-3
108 estrogen regulated gene
109 tamoxifen associated
110 mcf-7 human
111 tamoxifen therapy breast
112 diphosphonate
113 dom project
114 role aromatase
115 adjuvant breast cancer
116 bisphosphonate
117 estrogen receptor breast
118 expression estrogen
119 tamoxifen treated
120 effect adjuvant tamoxifen
121 adjuvant cyclophosphamide methotrexate
122 paclitaxel first line
123 mcf-7 breast cancer
124 tamoxifen treatment breast
125 breast cancer tamoxifen
126 tamoxifen adjuvant therapy
127 mitoxantrone
128 breast cancer adjuvant
129 weekly paclitaxel
130 t1 breast cancer
131 receptor modulator serm
132 2-hydroxyestrone 16alpha hydroxyestrone
133 methotrexate 5-fluorouracil
134 receptor positive breast
135 protein igfbp
136 maspin
137 cyclophosphamide methotrexate
138 response tamoxifen
139 cyclophosphamide methotrexate fluorouracil
140 adjuvant cmf
141 receptor breast
142 receptor progesterone receptor
143 breast cancer co
144 adriamycin cyclophosphamide
145 contraceptive risk
146 matrix metalloproteinase-2
147 tamoxifen treatment
148 menopausal hormone
149 receptor human breast
150 oral contraceptive risk
151 hormone receptor positive
152 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism
153 serum tumor marker
154 tamoxifen aromatase
155 statin
156 receptor modulator
157 receptor primary breast
158 estrogen regulated
159 dose medroxyprogesterone
160 tamoxifen or combination
161 antioestrogen
162 docetaxel treatment
163 mcf-7
164 factor receptor breast
165 goserelin premenopausal
166 progesterone receptor primary
167 risk hormone
168 cyclin d1
169 steroid hormone receptor
170 dose medroxyprogesterone acetate
171 patient tamoxifen
172 trial tamoxifen
173 bisphosphonate treatment
174 methotrexate 5-fluorouracil cmf
175 factor binding protein-3
176 bisphosphonate bone
177 liposomal doxorubicin
178 adjuvant treatment tamoxifen
179 tamoxifen prevention breast
180 gnrh agonist
181 role tamoxifen
182 antiestrogen
183 treated adjuvant tamoxifen
184 soy consumption
185 telomerase activity
186 bisphosphonate therapy
187 mcf-7 cell
188 adjuvant tamoxifen treatment
189 u s preventive
190 mifepristone
191 oral contraceptive breast
192 inhibitor breast
193 25-hydroxyvitamin d
194 versus doxorubicin
195 acid phosphatase 5b
196 adjuvant breast
197 er positive breast
198 anastrozole arimidex
199 contraceptive breast cancer
200 adjuvant breast bowel
201 according estrogen
202 tamoxifen resistance
203 pyridinium crosslink
204 tamoxifen toremifene
205 mineral density breast
206 adjuvant tamoxifen breast
207 antigen ca
208 tacrolimus
209 cancer treated tamoxifen
210 e cadherin
211 following tamoxifen
212 cyclooxygenase-2
213 tumor marker ca
214 tamoxifen women
215 factor receptor estrogen
216 pthrp
217 droloxifene
218 i igf
219 cyclooxygenase-2 expression
220 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
221 regulation estrogen receptor
222 selective sentinel
223 mcf-7 breast
224 growth factor binding
225 doxorubicin cyclophosphamide
226 cmf adjuvant
227 treatment aromatase inhibitor
228 proton spectroscopy
229 study docetaxel
230 women estrogen receptor
231 contraceptive hormone replacement
232 alcohol breast
233 cyclophosphamide epirubicin
234 tamoxifen response
235 prognostic value estrogen
236 negative sentinel
237 tamoxifen adjuvant treatment
238 triptorelin
239 vitamin d receptor
240 binding protein-3 risk
241 growth mcf-7
242 aromatase
243 tartrate resistant acid
244 urinary 2-hydroxyestrone 16alpha
245 progesterone receptor expression
246 leptin receptor
247 tumor marker
248 receptor her2
249 tamoxifen hormone
250 estrogen receptor content
251 t-47d
252 positive estrogen
253 estrogen human breast
254 coactivator
255 dose toremifene
256 anthracene induced mammary
257 lhrh analogue
258 liquid chromatography tandem
259 mcf-7 tumor
260 treatment tamoxifen
261 cea tpa
262 estrogen receptor er
263 high dose toremifene
264 chemotherapy tamoxifen
265 i igf binding
266 progesterone receptor
267 tamoxifen
268 dietary genistein
269 surgical adjuvant breast
270 breast tumor xenograft
271 estrogen receptor polymorphism
272 tamoxifen induced
273 estrogen antiestrogen
274 sentinel
275 cancer receiving adjuvant
276 bisphosphonate related
277 desogestrel
278 estrogen progesterone
279 compliance hormone
280 factor i insulin
281 reductase polymorphism
282 dietary fat breast
283 extended adjuvant
284 fluorodeoxyglucose
285 bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis
286 receptor er
287 hormone related protein
288 polymorphism estrogen
289 estrogen receptor gene
290 technetium-99m sestamibi
291 tyrosine kinase inhibitor
292 osteocalcin
293 cancer treated adjuvant
294 ppargamma
295 treatment estrogen receptor
296 estradiol receptor
297 letrozole or
298 estrogen signaling
299 fluorouracil
300 term tamoxifen therapy
301 androgen receptor cag
302 international adjuvant breast
303 i insulin growth
304 cyclophosphamide doxorubicin
305 hormone related
306 effect tamoxifen
307 igfbp-1
308 androgen receptor gene
309 buserelin
310 estrogen hormone replacement
311 cetrorelix
312 epirubicin paclitaxel
313 taking tamoxifen
314 t1-t2
315 patient treated tamoxifen
316 trial doxorubicin
317 telomerase
318 receptor progesterone
319 steroid receptor
320 single nucleotide
321 growth factor breast
322 carcinoma tamoxifen
323 clodronate
324 dmba induced mammary
325 progesterone receptor content
326 estrogen dependent breast
327 metformin
328 node negative estrogen
329 thymidine labeling
330 letrozole or tamoxifen
331 bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis
332 patient hormone receptor
333 venlafaxine
334 bisphosphonate associated
335 docetaxel combination
336 according estrogen receptor
337 combined tamoxifen
338 correlation estrogen
339 ca repeat
340 e cadherin expression
341 danazol
342 antigen breast
343 receptor negative breast
344 lhrh
345 tamoxifen resistant
346 tamoxifen or
347 positive sentinel
348 hormone responsive breast
349 long term tamoxifen
350 treatment aromatase
351 inflammatory cytokine
352 statin breast
353 soy intake breast
354 cadherin
355 doxorubicin based
356 correlation estrogen receptor
357 pai-1
358 matrix metalloproteinase
359 cyclophosphamide followed
360 tumor xenograft
361 participating dom
362 2-hydroxyestrone
363 irinotecan
364 women tamoxifen
365 megestrol
366 breast adipose tissue
367 i collagen c
368 trial adjuvant tamoxifen
369 adjuvant chemoimmunotherapy
370 methylene diphosphonate
371 luteinizing hormone releasing
372 antigen breast cancer
373 prostate specific antigen
374 aromatase inhibitor letrozole
375 generation aromatase inhibitor
376 beta catenin
377 tamoxifen aminoglutethimide
378 third generation aromatase
379 regulation estrogen
380 trial fenretinide
381 atm gene
382 metalloproteinase-1
383 receptor alpha beta
384 catenin
385 estradiol progesterone
386 lipid apolipoprotein
387 dynamic contrast
388 aromatase expression
389 antigen nipple
390 estrogen responsive
391 estrogen breast
392 proliferation mcf-7
393 antiestrogen tamoxifen
394 binding protein igfbp
395 adjuvant letrozole
396 statin breast cancer
397 letrozole extended adjuvant
398 randomized trial tamoxifen
399 node positive estrogen
400 depot medroxyprogesterone
401 nolvadex
402 ovarian hormone
403 tamoxifen aromatase inhibitor
404 estrogen receptor expression
405 i igf i
406 osteocalcin a
407 receiving tamoxifen
408 oral medroxyprogesterone acetate
409 breast cancer hormone
410 tamoxifen trial
411 oral medroxyprogesterone
412 serum lipid apolipoprotein
413 leuprolide
414 factor i igf
415 estrogen breast cancer
416 or anastrozole
417 modified radical
418 megestrol acetate
419 adjuvant clodronate
420 aspirin nsaid
421 estrogen tamoxifen
422 aminoglutethimide hydrocortisone
423 sirolimus
424 x receptor
425 synuclein gamma
426 sf-36
427 hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha
428 nuclear factor kappab
429 aminoglutethimide
430 estrogen insulin
431 cadherin expression
432 level insulin growth
433 mapk
434 chemotherapy cyclophosphamide
435 cyclin dependent kinase
436 upa pai-1
437 retinoid x receptor
438 depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
439 novel estrogen
440 hormone releasing
441 docetaxel vinorelbine
442 adjuvant hormone
443 igf i
444 receptor polymorphism
445 cell line mcf-7
446 followed paclitaxel
447 oral clodronate
448 leuprorelin
449 paclitaxel induced
450 collagen c
451 aromatase activity
452 lh
453 hormone releasing hormone
454 value estrogen
455 role estrogen receptor
456 tamoxifen case report
457 raloxifene tamoxifen
458 sex steroid receptor
459 matrix metalloproteinase-2 tissue
460 toremifene tamoxifen
461 luteinizing hormone follicle
462 sentinel lymphadenectomy breast
463 oral vinorelbine
464 effect antiestrogen
465 cancer patient tamoxifen
466 anti estrogen
467 estrogen receptor signaling
468 tamoxifen human
469 gonadotropin releasing hormone
470 reproductive hormone
471 amphiregulin
472 tamoxifen expression
473 effect aromatase
474 receptor breast carcinoma
475 lovastatin
476 tgf beta1
477 estrogen receptor antagonist
478 99m tc sestamibi
479 expressing estrogen
480 cyclin
481 cyclin e cdk2
482 adjuvant treatment
483 mucinous
484 serum lipid lipoprotein
485 estrogen receptor human
486 vegf breast
487 neridronate
488 igf
489 receptor estrogen
490 estrogen androgen
491 estrogenic activity
492 gnrh analogue
493 cd4 cd8
494 tamoxifen human breast
495 methotrexate fluorouracil node
496 tamoxifen case
497 women receiving tamoxifen
498 tamoxifen resistant breast
499 d-glucose positron emission
500 value urokinase plasminogen
501 timp-1
502 gonadotrophin
503 mineral density
504 timp-2
505 er pr
506 adjuvant hormone therapy
507 tamoxifen postmenopausal
508 orlistat
509 tamoxifen failure
510 plasminogen activator inhibitor
511 progesterone antagonist
512 htert mrna
513 melatonin breast
514 p27 protein
515 mitogen activated protein
516 gadolinium enhanced
517 gnrh
518 finite element
519 diphosphonate treatment
520 tamoxifen a
521 chemotherapy adjuvant
522 cyclophosphamide epirubicin fluorouracil
523 leuprorelin acetate
524 androgen level
525 factor v leiden
526 oncoprotein
527 dose tamoxifen
528 ifosfamide
529 agonist triptorelin
530 soy protein
531 study toremifene
532 women participating dom
533 therapy hormone receptor
534 clodronate bone
535 expression matrix metalloproteinase-2
536 aromatase inhibitor associated
537 estrogen binding
538 medroxyprogesterone acetate
539 lipid lipoprotein
540 tamoxifen or radiotherapy
541 receptor-2
542 growth estrogen
543 receptor cag repeat
544 estrogen receptor selective
545 significance estrogen
546 breast cancer aminoglutethimide
547 vitamin d metabolism
548 insulin sensitivity
549 alcohol breast cancer
550 resistant acid phosphatase
551 relation estrogen receptor
552 topoisomerase i inhibitor
553 ca cea tpa
554 inhibitor pai-1
555 angiogenic
556 sex hormone binding
557 tamoxifen or combined
558 forkhead
559 antiestrogen ici
560 pathology tamoxifen
561 hormone insulin growth
562 progesterone receptor gene
563 post menopausal hormone
564 estrogen receptor
565 vegf a
566 cisplatin vinorelbine
567 receiving adjuvant tamoxifen
568 proliferation mcf-7 breast
569 denaturing gradient gel
570 medroxyprogesterone
571 synthetic retinoid fenretinide
572 bone alkaline phosphatase
573 protein expression breast
574 mdp
575 estradiol breast
576 effect aromatase inhibitor
577 gonadotropin releasing
578 tamoxifen estrogen
579 18f fluoride
580 pure antiestrogen
581 intraoperative sentinel
582 interleukin-6
583 adjuvant cytotoxic
584 pill breast
585 estrogen progestin
586 androgen estrogen
587 low dose tamoxifen
588 cancer adjuvant chemo
589 methotrexate 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy
590 carcinoembryonic antigen
591 receptor gene cag
592 carcinoembryonic
593 tamoxifen treatment metastatic
594 effect antiestrogen tamoxifen
595 99m tc
596 kinase akt
597 growth factor beta1
598 cancer hormone receptor
599 oral idarubicin
600 fluconazole
601 adjuvant tamoxifen postmenopausal
602 variant luteinizing hormone
603 indicator breast cancer
604 estrogen receptor level
605 gonadotrophin releasing hormone
606 leuprolide acetate
607 hormone binding globulin
608 apolipoprotein
609 cea
610 link breast cancer
611 transforming growth factor
612 tegafur
613 clinical trial tamoxifen
614 immunocytochemical estrogen
615 cross talk estrogen
616 xenograft model
617 androgen breast
618 idarubicin
619 breast cancer mcf-7
620 hormone follicle stimulating
621 cancer mcf-7 cell
622 according hormone
623 anthracene induced
624 benefit adjuvant tamoxifen
625 osteopontin
626 progestogen
627 health initiative hormone
628 vascular cell adhesion
629 calcitonin receptor
630 expression occludin
631 cross sex hormone
632 vegf microvessel density
633 cdna microarray
634 adjuvant tamoxifen or
635 circulating estrogen
636 anastrozole tamoxifen
637 xenograft
638 prognostic value cathepsin
639 doxorubicin
640 tamoxifen impact
641 salivary progesterone
642 estrogen receptor analysis
643 hydroxyproline excretion
644 urokinase plasminogen activator
645 pcna bcl-2
646 serum tartrate resistant
647 hormone profile
648 tamoxifen premenopausal
649 mpa
650 dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
651 mineral density women
652 kinase signaling
653 estrogen dependent
654 igf-1
655 adjuvant clodronate treatment
656 vegf breast cancer
657 carboplatin
658 adjuvant chemo hormone
659 aromatase overexpression
660 pcna
661 receptor coactivator
662 binding globulin
663 effect estrogen insulin
664 cancer estrogen
665 resistant mcf-7
666 medroxyprogesterone acetate mpa
667 false negative sentinel
668 factor binding protein-1
669 versus estrogen
670 insulin growth factor-1
671 or tamoxifen
672 trial tamoxifen or
673 epirubicin regimen
674 gadolinium
675 cyclin d1 p21
676 contrast enhanced ct
677 breast cancer alcohol
678 fat high carbohydrate
679 significance estrogen receptor
680 tamoxifen operable
681 estradiol breast cancer
682 cancer co operative
683 epirubicin versus
684 fenretinide prevent second
685 delayed adjuvant tamoxifen
686 trial fenretinide prevent
687 tamoxifen exemestane
688 relationship estrogen receptor
689 sulfate dhea
690 immunohistochemical detection estrogen
691 analysis estrogen receptor
692 chemotherapy or tamoxifen
693 ca assay
694 cytokeratin
695 kinase b
696 mammalian target rapamycin
697 antigen nipple aspirate
698 receptor beta
699 cancer hormone
700 matrix metalloproteinase-9
701 growth factor beta
702 angiogenic factor
703 syndecan-1
704 mb-231 breast cancer
705 estrogen metabolizing
706 estrogen receptor messenger
707 paclitaxel followed
708 insulin receptor substrate
709 cancer risk hormone
710 tumor associated antigen
711 salivary cortisol
712 androgen receptor
713 bisphosphonate women
714 prognostic indicator breast
715 il-6 tnf alpha
716 silicone breast
717 tgf
718 treated anthracycline
719 oral contraceptive hormone
720 mda mb-231 breast
721 subcutaneous estradiol
722 necrosis factor receptor
723 women receiving hormone
724 mda mb-231
725 genistein
726 rna human breast
727 novantrone
728 cancer cyclophosphamide methotrexate
729 hormone dependent breast
730 toenail selenium
731 estrogen growth factor
732 breast cancer estrogen
733 aminoglutethimide danazol
734 effect toremifene
735 estrogen insulin growth
736 t polymorphism
737 menopausal estrogen
738 tumor estrogen
739 wnt beta catenin
740 total cholesterol
741 epithelial membrane antigen
742 expression estradiol progesterone
743 gnrh agonist triptorelin
744 tgf beta
745 receptor c erbb-2
746 flow cytometric dna
747 nm23-h1
748 tamoxifen chemotherapy
749 older women estrogen
750 int-5 aromatase
751 methotrexate human breast
752 expressing estrogen receptor
753 versus cyclophosphamide methotrexate
754 recombinant human insulin
755 steroid sulfatase
756 receptor gene
757 sex steroid
758 toll receptor
759 new bisphosphonate
760 methotrexate 5-fluorouracil therapy
761 beta3 integrin
762 releasing hormone gnrh
763 patient hormone
764 complementary alternative
765 il-6
766 cancer tamoxifen treatment
767 d dimer
768 adjuvant anastrozole
769 estrogen action
770 level estrogen
771 breast cancer cyclophosphamide
772 dna ploidy stage
773 tamoxifen female genital
774 resistant estrogen
775 hydroxyestrone
776 cmf tamoxifen
777 cathepsin d
778 mda
779 alternatively spliced
780 16alpha hydroxyestrone
781 hla drb1
782 releasing hormone
783 serum hormone
784 atp cell viability
785 cyclin d1 breast
786 e selectin
787 hormone premenopausal
788 metalloproteinase tissue inhibitor
789 hormone breast cancer
790 serum lipoprotein
791 thymidine labeling index
792 detection estrogen progesterone
793 matrix metalloproteinase tissue
794 experimental model estrogen
795 density united
796 bisantrene
797 anthracycline
798 plasma insulin growth
799 luteinizing hormone
800 bisphosphonate osteonecrosis
801 pill breast cancer
802 inhibition aromatase
803 ca serum
804 related tamoxifen
805 fenretinide breast cancer
806 follow tamoxifen treatment
807 women treated hormone
808 expression vegf
809 salmon calcitonin
810 sex hormone
811 antioxidative enzyme
812 growth factor receptor
813 protein breast cancer
814 plasma insulin
815 testosterone estradiol
816 women hormone receptor
817 cancer risk tamoxifen
818 menopausal status estrogen
819 estrogen progestogen
820 splice
821 compared tamoxifen
822 dobutamine stress
823 breast density united
824 follicle stimulating hormone
825 growth factor expression
826 status estrogen receptor
827 cell estrogen
828 dhea
829 receptor invasive breast
830 analysis estrogen
831 lifetime alcohol
832 protein coupled receptor
833 cad
834 immunocytochemical localization estrogen
835 progestin hormone replacement
836 cytometric analysis dna
837 novel estrogen regulated
838 contraceptive hormone
839 gonadal steroid
840 factor vegf breast
841 brain natriuretic peptide
842 tissue inhibitor
843 vinblastine adriamycin
844 hydrocortisone women
845 role tumor marker
846 estrogen regulation
847 tamoxifen operable breast
848 effect estrogen antiestrogen
849 urinary androgen
850 chemotherapy adjuvant treatment
851 signal regulated kinase
852 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
853 prednimustine
854 women tamoxifen therapy
855 breast cancer active
856 lh rh
857 tamoxifen high
858 tegafur tamoxifen
859 cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition
860 reverse transcriptase mrna
861 hormone breast
862 antiestrogen binding site
863 role soy
864 insulin sensitizing
865 her-2 neu protein
866 expression cyclooxygenase-2
867 glucocorticoid induced
868 prognostic indicator
869 estrogen biosynthesis
870 5-fluorouracil
871 intervention tamoxifen
872 biomarker oxidative
873 proteasome
874 methotrexate fluorouracil chemotherapy
875 propeptide
876 bone isoenzyme
877 tamoxifen primary
878 protein breast
879 isoflavonoid
880 cyclophosphamide fluorouracil
881 antiestrogen breast cancer
882 silicone gel
883 quantification estrogen
884 tumor estrogen receptor
885 pai-1 upa
886 metalloproteinase-2 tissue inhibitor
887 estrone
888 hormone gnrh agonist
889 cyclin d1 overexpression
890 related protein pthrp
891 response trh
892 estrogenic
893 epidermal growth factor
894 impact tamoxifen
895 mineral density study
896 tamoxifen endometrial cancer
897 estrogen sulfatase
898 oral fluoropyrimidine
899 i collagen
900 soy protein isolate
901 bisphosphonate zoledronic acid
902 tamoxifen tamoxifen
903 study goserelin
904 optimizing adjuvant
905 protein kinase b
906 protein kinase pathway
907 psa
908 binding protein-1
909 plasma prolactin
910 expression estradiol
911 value estrogen receptor
912 regulation toll receptor
913 gonadotropin
914 steroid receptor status
915 growth factor i
916 women hormone
917 variation estrogen progesterone
918 cell nuclear antigen
919 tamoxifen effect
920 combination cisplatin
921 prognostic significance progesterone
922 prolactin estradiol
923 nuclear estrogen
924 soy
925 c polymorphism
926 receptor gene expression
927 cancer taking tamoxifen
928 toremifene metastatic breast
929 mitoxantrone novantrone
930 luteinising hormone releasing
931 hormone dependent mcf-7
932 endocrine therapy hormone
933 glucose homeostasis
934 acetate or tamoxifen
935 adriamycin resistant
936 receptor mcf-7
937 daidzein
938 level insulin
939 il-10
940 prognostic significance estrogen
941 resistant tamoxifen
942 estrogen receptor protein
943 releasing hormone analogue
944 adjuvant chemotherapy cyclophosphamide
945 chemotherapy tauromustine
946 prolactin receptor
947 cpg
948 er pgr
949 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase breast
950 adhesion molecule-1
951 vitamin d
952 urinary steroid
953 t-47d breast
954 trial cyclophosphamide
955 association cyclin
956 growth factor level
957 staurosporine
958 vitamin d3
959 lipocalin
960 proliferation steroid
961 icam-1
962 goserelin premenopausal women
963 stimulated mcf-7
964 model estrogen
965 medroxyprogesterone acetate hd
966 acetate hd mpa
967 retinoid
968 vitamin k
969 estrogen sex hormone
970 mineral density early
971 effect metformin
972 flutamide
973 receptor immunohistochemistry
974 melatonin catecholamine
975 cancer estrogen progesterone
976 n-3 fatty acid
977 zinc finger protein
978 chemo hormone
979 skeletal alkaline phosphatase
980 anti angiogenic
981 nf kappa b
982 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
983 antigen breast carcinoma
984 green tea
985 detection estrogen
986 fluorouracil doxorubicin cyclophosphamide
987 serum estrogen androgen
988 analysis estrogen progesterone
989 hormone binding
990 role progesterone receptor
991 combination adjuvant chemotherapy
992 menopause estrogen
993 sulfotransferase
994 green tea polyphenol
995 tamoxifen single
996 tamoxifen growth
997 insulin growth factor
998 hydroxyproline creatinine
999 nolvadex adjuvant trial
1000 neu protein
1001 apolipoprotein e
1002 derived nitric oxide
1003 progestin
1004 lysyl oxidase
1005 estrogen receptor assay
1006 dose oral medroxyprogesterone
1007 localization estrogen progesterone
1008 stage estrogen receptor
1009 micronutrient
1010 phase trial cyclophosphamide
1011 dmba
1012 estrogen regulated protein
1013 cyclophosphamide doxorubicin fluorouracil
1014 proliferator activated receptor
1015 stress echocardiography
1016 taxol
1017 antiandrogen
1018 gonadotropin receptor
1019 isoflavone
1020 estrogen profile
1021 bcl
1022 study estrogen
1023 egf receptor
1024 androgen breast cancer
1025 determination estrogen receptor
1026 cholesterol breast cancer
1027 response aromatase
1028 tamoxifen efficacy
1029 urinary estrogen
1030 map kinase
1031 hormone receptor
1032 selectin
1033 factor invasive breast
1034 profile estrogen
1035 matrix metalloproteinase-1
1036 perforin
1037 hydrocortisone women metastatic
1038 combined aminoglutethimide hydrocortisone
1039 peroxisome proliferator activated
1040 gnrh analog
1041 dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate dhea
1042 dydrogesterone
1043 response thyrotropin releasing
1044 growth factor tgf
1045 expression insulin growth
1046 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy
1047 cell adhesion molecule-1
1048 alpha estrogen receptor
1049 status hormone receptor
1050 oophorectomy tamoxifen
1051 activator plasminogen activator
1052 adjuvant tamoxifen operable
1053 estrogen human
1054 study tamoxifen
1055 prolactin response thyrotropin
1056 parathyroid hormone
1057 receptor alpha
1058 tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase
1059 estradiol estrone
1060 lhrh agonist treatment
1061 kinase pathway
1062 relation steroid receptor
1063 injectable contraceptive
1064 autoimmune thyroid
1065 growth factor alpha
1066 estradiol progesterone human
1067 acid phosphatase isoform
1068 cytosol estrogen
1069 chemokine
1070 extended radical
1071 sulfatase
1072 estrogen prolactin
1073 tumor aromatase
1074 atm
1075 interleukin-1beta
1076 releasing hormone estrogen
1077 receptor alpha esr1
1078 therapy hormone responsive
1079 3-t mri
1080 vitamin d3 analog
1081 treatment hormone
1082 cytochrome p450 1a1
1083 tamoxifen beta estradiol
1084 relation estrogen
1085 signaling estrogen
1086 estrogen receptor mcf-7
1087 activated protein kinase
1088 inhibition aromatase activity
1089 estramustine phosphate
1090 significance progesterone receptor
1091 carbohydrate antigen
1092 norplant
1093 matrix metalloproteinase-1 production
1094 action estrogen
1095 retinoblastoma protein
1096 hormone insulin
1097 adriamycin cyclophosphamide or
1098 staurosporine induced
1099 tamoxifen pre
1100 oral contraceptive
1101 alpha estrogen
1102 haemostatic
1103 dna ploidy breast
1104 folate
1105 9-cis retinoic acid
1106 ctx
1107 estrogen post
1108 bisphosphonate osteonecrosis jaw
1109 extended adjuvant endocrine
1110 baseline characteristic
1111 fluoride
1112 estrogen induced
1113 primary care provider
1114 neoadjuvant letrozole
1115 factor receptor 2-positive
1116 nab paclitaxel
1117 inhibitor associated bone
1118 effectiveness analysis adjuvant
1119 cyclophosphamide followed paclitaxel
1120 murine bone
1121 receptor concentration
1122 topoisomerase
1123 effect androgen
1124 aromatase activity human
1125 protein expression
1126 regulated kinase
1127 multiple drug chemotherapy
1128 cyclophosphamide adjuvant chemotherapy
1129 effect oral contraceptive
1130 tamoxifen mastectomy
1131 estrogen tamoxifen treatment
1132 hormone endometrial
1133 adriamycin combination chemotherapy
1134 t-47d breast cancer
1135 combination cyclophosphamide
1136 gonadotropin alpha
1137 dobutamine
1138 gonadotropin alpha fetoprotein
1139 tamoxifen tam
1140 neoadjuvant aromatase inhibitor
1141 dehydrogenase breast cancer
1142 estrogen receptor associated
1143 hepatocyte growth factor
1144 isoenzyme alkaline phosphatase
1145 metalloproteinase
1146 neu protein overexpression
1147 versus epirubicin
1148 effect estradiol
1149 i insulin
1150 lipoprotein
1151 overexpression aromatase
1152 value dna
1153 esterified estrogen
1154 calcitonin
1155 histone acetyltransferase
1156 egf
1157 steroidal antiestrogen
1158 d anderson cancer
1159 menopause hormone
1160 neu oncogene product
1161 women estrogen
1162 thiotepa
1163 progesterone breast cancer
1164 hla g
1165 hydroxyproline creatinine ratio
1166 timp-1 timp-2
1167 25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 receptor
1168 response estrogen
1169 cyclooxygenase
1170 carotenoid alpha tocopherol
1171 warfarin induced
1172 technetium-99m
1173 tryptophan metabolism
1174 chorionic gonadotropin alpha
1175 regulate estrogen receptor
1176 contraceptive pill
1177 change estrogen progesterone
1178 endogenous estrogen receptor
1179 ibandronate prevention
1180 cyclin d1 expression
1181 pai-2
1182 steroid hormone
1183 alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme
1184 indicator primary breast
1185 aryl hydrocarbon receptor
1186 disease hormone
1187 provera
1188 synuclein
1189 polyphenol
1190 relationship estrogen
1191 intronic
1192 localization estrogen
1193 receptor assay
1194 breast cancer link
1195 tamoxifen management
1196 patient estrogen
1197 tenascin
1198 factor receptor
1199 nitric oxide synthase
1200 estrogen receptor effect
1201 estrogen treatment
1202 cortisol dehydroepiandrosterone
1203 tamoxifen patient
1204 expression estrogen regulated
1205 relationship steroid receptor
1206 adjuvant hypofractionated
1207 tamoxifen failed
1208 hemostatic
1209 receptor analysis paraffin
1210 il-1
1211 comparing tamoxifen
1212 chemoattractant protein-1
1213 oh 2-vitamin
1214 octreotide
1215 estrogen metabolite
1216 combined hormone
1217 insulin growth
1218 telomerase reverse transcriptase
1219 t47-d
1220 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
1221 clodronate therapy
1222 t q23
1223 serum igf
1224 treatment tamoxifen or
1225 role estrogen
1226 agonist treatment breast
1227 status estrogen
1228 mapk signaling
1229 factor receptor her-2
1230 nitrosomethylurea induced rat
1231 oncogene product
1232 protein overexpression
1233 igf i receptor
1234 effect beta estradiol
1235 pr isoform
1236 link hormone
1237 hormone related cancer
1238 profile estrogen receptor
1239 growth mcf-7 cell
1240 bfgf
1241 neu receptor
1242 receptor estrogen receptor
1243 adjuvant breast project
1244 circulating insulin growth
1245 rural urban
1246 oncogene product p21
1247 diethylstilbestrol revisited
1248 fat suppressed magnetic
1249 cisplatin
1250 17beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
1251 estrogenicity
1252 ki-67 cyclin
1253 receptor related protein
1254 progestin hormone
1255 estrogen proliferation
1256 cancer adjuvant treatment
1257 activated protein
1258 systemic growth hormone
1259 nitrosomethylurea induced
1260 epirubicin treatment
1261 estradiol estrogen receptor
1262 tgf beta receptor
1263 discontinuation tamoxifen
1264 paraffin embedded tissue
1265 anti estrogenic
1266 k current
1267 g protein coupled
1268 oncoprotein expression
1269 estrogen receptor isoform
1270 protein human breast
1271 her2 neu receptor
1272 estrogen receptor mediated
1273 protein kinase signaling
1274 high carbohydrate
1275 tamoxifen steroid
1276 linolenic
1277 study leuprorelin
1278 cathepsin
1279 cyclo oxygenase-2
1280 oxide synthase activity
1281 intravenous clodronate
1282 effect estrogen
1283 cost effectiveness letrozole
1284 free estradiol
1285 estrogen responsive gene
1286 doxorubicin advanced
1287 estradiol induced
1288 androgen
1289 serum estrogen
1290 matrix metalloproteinase-2 mmp-2
1291 american ginseng
1292 sex steroid hormone
1293 endogenous estrogen
1294 codon
1295 progestin regulation
1296 behavioral stress
1297 dehydrogenase breast
1298 egf binding
1299 induced estrogen
1300 estrogen selective
1301 receptor mrna
1302 receptor er alpha
1303 polymorphism dna
1304 bcl-2 protein
1305 growth factor egf
1306 estrogen concentration
1307 non contraceptive
1308 proline rich tyrosine
1309 cdna
1310 dna adduct formation
1311 effect hormone
1312 tgfbeta
1313 nsaid
1314 paraffin embedded
1315 retinoic acid receptor
1316 stimulating hormone
1317 estrogen receptor concentration
1318 estrogen mediated
1319 hydroxyproline
1320 expression induced estrogen
1321 survival estrogen
1322 tpa
1323 troponin
1324 tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase-1
1325 resistance insulin growth
1326 estrogen exposure
1327 hormone dependent cancer
1328 caveolin-1
1329 pro apoptotic
1330 cytokine secretion
1331 soluble tumor necrosis
1332 soy isoflavone genistein
1333 cancer monoclonal antibody
1334 rich tyrosine kinase
1335 tobacco smoke
1336 depo provera
1337 inflammatory cytokine response
1338 kinase inhibitor
1339 transcription factor
1340 protein risk
1341 mcf-7 cell line
1342 melatonin level
1343 heparanase
1344 p53 prb
1345 expression progesterone receptor
1346 factor tgf beta1
1347 fasting insulin
1348 angiotensin receptor
1349 therapy hormone
1350 hormone concentration
1351 expression cathepsin
1352 nitric oxide level
1353 5'-untranslated region
1354 variation estrogen
1355 i receptor
1356 association hormone
1357 melatonin
1358 anti estrogen treatment
1359 trh
1360 cancer xenograft model
1361 expression sex steroid
1362 estrogen biosynthesis human
1363 growth factor patient
1364 adipose tissue
1365 organochlorine compound
1366 plasma carotenoid
1367 oxidative damage
1368 growth hormone insulin
1369 dehydrogenase isoenzyme
1370 concentration estrogen progesterone
1371 estrogen growth
1372 dehydroepiandrosterone
1373 exogenous hormone
1374 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
1375 cyclophosphamide adjuvant
1376 linolenic acid
1377 molecular mechanism estrogen
1378 sequential estrogen
1379 effect lovastatin
1380 adriamycin
1381 development tamoxifen
1382 retinol binding protein
1383 papillary thyroid
1384 insulin receptor
1385 telomerase activity human
1386 nuclear factor
1387 mrna expression
1388 ca patient
1389 tyrosine kinase
1390 drug breast
1391 cytokine production
1392 receiving aromatase inhibitor
1393 according hormone receptor
1394 factor alpha estrogen
1395 chemoattractant
1396 fluorine-18
1397 derived growth factor
1398 adjuvant
1399 novel estrogen receptor
1400 cyclophosphamide
1401 hormone responsive
1402 cytokine expression
1403 protein mcf-7
1404 thyroid hormone receptor
1405 dna hypermethylation
1406 prognosis estrogen receptor
1407 plasma malondialdehyde
1408 troponin i
1409 level immunoglobulin
1410 human estrogen receptor
1411 carbonic anhydrase ix
1412 chemokine receptor
1413 luteinizing hormone human
1414 clusterin
1415 temporal trend adjuvant
1416 induced proliferation mcf-7
1417 consideration bisphosphonate treatment
1418 extended adjuvant letrozole
1419 predictor response aromatase
1420 igf1 ca repeat
1421 paclitaxel adjuvant chemotherapy
1422 haplotype based analysis
1423 effect zoledronic acid
1424 nsaid breast cancer
1425 stress covary
1426 bisphosphonate reducing
1427 therapy bisphosphonate related
1428 immunohistochemistry chromogenic situ
1429 celecoxib women
1430 hyperplasia adjuvant
1431 phosphorus-31
1432 sex steroid excretion
1433 glucocorticoid receptor
1434 change estrogen
1435 metallothionein
1436 oligonucleotide microarray
1437 inhibitor treatment
1438 bupivacaine
1439 reactive protein nipple
1440 osteonecrosis jaw bisphosphonate
1441 aromatase inhibitor induced
1442 protein nipple aspirate
1443 deliver accelerated partial
1444 anastrozole therapy
1445 epirubicin cyclophosphamide followed
1446 role insulin growth
1447 cancer estrogen receptor
1448 glucocorticoid
1449 plasminogen activator plasminogen
1450 antioxidant
1451 tamoxifen aromatase inhibition
1452 chemotherapy cyclophosphamide mitoxantrone
1453 inhibitor tamoxifen adjuvant
1454 controlled trial letrozole
1455 m d
1456 effect adjuvant
1457 c reactive protein
1458 value ca
1459 alphavbeta3 integrin
1460 steroid sulphatase
1461 hormone dependent
1462 il-8
1463 cisplatin based
1464 hormone premenopausal women
1465 estriol
1466 equol
1467 protein-1
1468 gel breast
1469 ftorafur
1470 effect estrogen receptor
1471 apd
1472 17beta estradiol 17alpha
1473 phosphatase predict
1474 cigarette
1475 treatment estrogen
1476 hormonal cytotoxic
1477 novel progestin
1478 epic
1479 selected estrogen receptor
1480 stage estrogen
1481 mrna protein
1482 helicase
1483 estrogen metabolism
1484 peripheral benzodiazepine receptor
1485 estradiol human breast
1486 17beta estradiol
1487 ca diagnosis
1488 factor tamoxifen response
1489 adjuvant treatment aromatase
1490 mineral density adjuvant
1491 raloxifene circulating
1492 predictive factor tamoxifen
1493 aromatase inhibitor hormonal
1494 first line adjuvant
1495 receptor modulator selective
1496 natriuretic peptide
1497 urban rural
1498 methotrexate
1499 tc
1500 receptor tyrosine kinase
1501 factor insulin growth
1502 prolactin cortisol
1503 mnu
1504 following estrogen
1505 mineral
1506 amp activated protein
1507 kaempferol
1508 benzodiazepine
1509 somatostatin analog
1510 luteinising hormone
1511 antibody breast cancer
1512 concentration estrogen
1513 estrogen independent
1514 estrogen not
1515 steroid excretion
1516 dna content endometrial
1517 phospholipid erythrocyte membrane
1518 soy intervention
1519 adjuvant setting breast
1520 tamoxifen treating
1521 corepressor
1522 d binding protein
1523 excretion estrogen
1524 serum ferritin concentration
1525 estrogen or
1526 alpha difluoromethylornithine
1527 aryl hydrocarbon
1528 arsenic trioxide
1529 tamoxifen hot
1530 impact cyclin e
1531 based study campina
1532 androgenic
1533 cell proliferation steroid
1534 concurrent tamoxifen
1535 progesterone
1536 associated plasma protein
1537 estrogen a
1538 interleukin
1539 lactogenic
1540 inhibit estrogen
1541 interleukin-1
1542 il-6 il-11
1543 procollagen
1544 matrix metalloproteinase activity
1545 dom
1546 tgf beta i
1547 clonidine
1548 effect vitamin d
1549 not cyclin
1550 contraceptive
1551 hormone human
1552 expression tgf beta
1553 anthracene
1554 cell adhesion molecule
1555 crosslink
1556 trefoil
1557 plant based dietary
1558 versus cmf adjuvant
1559 evolution adjuvant
1560 blood insulin
1561 beta endorphin
1562 estrone normal
1563 procoagulant
1564 factor egf receptor
1565 human progesterone receptor
1566 anti estrogen tamoxifen
1567 enzyme breast
1568 receiving hormone
1569 reduction hormone
1570 jun
1571 receptor tumor
1572 new tumor marker
1573 mutagenicity
1574 total antioxidant capacity
1575 estrogen prevent
1576 estradiol-17beta
1577 cancer associated promoter
1578 inhibitor matrix metalloproteinase
1579 glutathione s transferase
1580 beta estradiol
1581 isoenzyme activity
1582 hyaluronan
1583 cyclophosphamide high
1584 expression cathepsin d
1585 growth factor insulin
1586 calcium homeostasis human
1587 somatostatin receptor
1588 bone sialoprotein
1589 catechol estrogen
1590 sodium butyrate
1591 neurokinin-1
1592 regulated estrogen
1593 dietary carbohydrate
1594 prolactin
1595 analysis cytokeratin
1596 d3 estrogen
1597 north central cancer
1598 central cancer treatment
1599 gonadotropin beta
1600 growth hormone igf
1601 expression plasminogen activator
1602 estrogen response
1603 steroid sex hormone
1604 study estrogen receptor
1605 drug chemotherapy
1606 17-beta estradiol
1607 receptor c
1608 assay estrogen
1609 estradiol pellet
1610 receptor international breast
1611 methotrexate fluorouracil tamoxifen
1612 hydroxyestrone ratio premenopausal
1613 tamoxifen breast carcinoma
1614 indication adjuvant treatment
1615 synuclein gamma sncg
1616 exemestane breast cancer
1617 radioiodine
1618 estrogen
1619 influence sex hormone
1620 calcium excretion
1621 estradiol stimulate
1622 receptor signaling
1623 soluble vascular
1624 compared doxorubicin
1625 progesterone estrogen
1626 tissue inhibitor matrix
1627 kinase c
1628 receptor messenger
1629 fibroblast growth factor
1630 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
1631 gm csf
1632 hormone agonist antagonist
1633 expression calcitonin
1634 exogenous estrogen
1635 protein-7
1636 functional estrogen receptor
1637 glucose transporter
1638 vitamin d binding
1639 benzo a pyrene
1640 inhibition estrogen
1641 steroid sex
1642 growth hormone gh
1643 antagonist ru486
1644 vincristine
1645 gh
1646 scavenger receptor
1647 receptor node metastasis
1648 er
1649 testosterone
1650 combined oral contraceptive
1651 effect soy
1652 endothelin
1653 breast hormone
1654 neurokinin
1655 mb
1656 hpr
1657 cream
1658 cytokine response
1659 bone morphogenetic protein
1660 antiapoptotic
1661 dna adduct
1662 lectin binding
1663 il-12
1664 responsive element
1665 prb
1666 oxide synthase gene
1667 p21-activated kinase
1668 circulating insulin
1669 chorionic gonadotropin receptor
1670 ginseng
1671 associated antigen
1672 women gt
1673 cytochrome p450
1674 vimentin
1675 thyroid stimulating hormone
1676 interleukin-8
1677 receptor dna
1678 murine bone marrow
1679 association cyclin d1
1680 interleukin-7
1681 estrogen sensitive
1682 acid premenopausal
1683 overexpression c
1684 tnf alpha
1685 action tamoxifen
1686 aminolevulinic acid
1687 lipid antioxidant
1688 procollagen i
1689 central cancer
1690 urine estrogen
1691 obesity thyroid
1692 progestin dependent
1693 hormone sensitive
1694 formalin fixed paraffin
1695 role progesterone
1696 serum soluble
1697 estradiol relation
1698 function estrogen receptor
1699 hormone growth factor
1700 contraceptive reproductive
1701 strontium
1702 localization estrogen receptor
1703 fluoride bone
1704 plasminogen activator antigen
1705 tamoxifen steroid hormone
1706 hormone estrogen
1707 tgf alpha
1708 targeted estrogen
1709 effect androgen estrogen
1710 estrogen hormone
1711 retinol
1712 medroxyprogesterone acetate early












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