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已有 7860 次阅读 2010-12-27 11:19 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:论文交流| 基因, 知识发现, 磁共振成像, 精神分裂症


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature
  A-query: schizophrenia
C-query: magnetic resonance imaging
The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 3377 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 24610 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1321 terms on the current B-list (367 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.


job id # 24610 started Sun Dec 26 22:28:43 2010
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/html/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
24610 Search ARROWSMITH A
A_query_raw: schizophreniaSun Dec 26 22:34:48 2010

A query = schizophrenia started Sun Dec 26 22:34:49 2010
A query resulted in 50000 titles
24610 Search ARROWSMITH C
C_query_raw: magnetic resonance imaging Sun Dec 26 22:35:02 2010

C: magnetic resonance imaging 269254

A: pubmed_query_A 91070

AC: ( schizophrenia ) AND ( magnetic resonance imaging ) 3377

C query = magnetic resonance imaging started Sun Dec 26 22:35:03 2010
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 3377 titles
29075 B-terms ready on Sun Dec 26 22:41:12 2010

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
1321 B-terms left after filter executed Sun Dec 26 22:59:54 2010

B-list on Sun Dec 26 23:02:09 2010
1 adiponectin
2 serotonin transporter gene
3 5-ht1a
4 mthfr
5 fdg
6 ibzm
7 transporter gene
8 cannabinoid receptor
9 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
10 akt
11 5-htt
12 mthfr gene
13 drb1
14 dopamine transporter gene
15 slc6a3
16 joubert syndrome
17 drd4
18 erp
19 sca17
20 drd2
21 grik4
22 mecp2
23 bdnf
24 hla drb1
25 cb1
26 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene
27 ptsd
28 epsilon4 allele
29 vntr
30 sca8
31 vntr polymorphism
32 cox-2
33 cit
34 p300
35 promoter polymorphism
36 fmr1
37 meg
38 polymorphism promoter
39 mtor
40 apoe
41 tryptophan hydroxylase gene
42 slc6a4
43 velocardiofacial syndrome
44 polymorphism promoter region
45 metabolic syndrome
46 5-ht2a
47 genome wide
48 body mass index
49 s100b
50 gene slc6a4
51 5-htt gene
52 d2 receptor gene
53 apolipoprotein e
54 spike wave
55 g72
56 pi3k
57 3t
58 neurotrophin
59 presenilin
60 candidate gene
61 ltp
62 transporter promoter
63 drd3
64 neuregulin
65 cag
66 dopamine receptor
67 snap-25
68 meningioma
69 comt
70 gabaa
71 promoter region
72 htr3a
73 trinucleotide
74 serotonin transporter promoter
75 tcf4
76 anticardiolipin antibody
77 toll receptor
78 spinocerebellar ataxia
79 drd2 gene
80 adhd
81 d3 receptor
82 cnr1
83 noun
84 e genotype
85 grin2b
86 gene environment
87 glutamate receptor
88 adiposity
89 gene promoter
90 leptin
91 prion protein gene
92 otx2
93 synaptophysin
94 oprm1
95 snp
96 risk allele
97 dopamine d2 receptor
98 estrogen receptor alpha
99 apoe epsilon4 allele
100 dopamine receptor binding
101 priapism
102 promoter methylation
103 cardiomyopathy associated
104 promoter region 5-httlpr
105 drb1 allele
106 prnp
107 dqb1
108 nmdar
109 brca2
110 hla drb1 allele
111 wfs1
112 gsk3beta
113 comt gene
114 hypocretin
115 gene patient
116 rem
117 microrna
118 tsc2 gene
119 hydrocephalus
120 wnt
121 hydroxylase gene
122 allelic association
123 hla dqb1
124 homeobox gene
125 ryanodine receptor
126 presenilin gene
127 body mass
128 daoa gene
129 mlc1
130 sca1
131 serotonergic gene
132 gene variant
133 ventricular size
134 allelic variation
135 polydactyly
136 transporter protein gene
137 5-ht
138 a2a
139 catechol o-methyltransferase
140 troponin
141 gene not
142 receptor gene
143 masking
144 demyelination
145 vldlr
146 ecd
147 protein gene slc6a4
148 major affective disorder
149 bdnf gene
150 ppp2r2b
151 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
152 fuzzy
153 laterality
154 han
155 clock gene
156 caspase-3
157 tic
158 androgen receptor gene
159 gene associated
160 prion protein
161 angiotensin receptor
162 mmp-9
163 htr1a
164 glutamic acid decarboxylase
165 rgs4
166 epileptiform
167 dna methyltransferase
168 chemokine receptor
169 vegf
170 mdx
171 4p
172 tsc2
173 phno
174 nogo
175 brain volume
176 mapt
177 exon
178 plp1
179 5-ht4
180 transthyretin
181 parkin
182 gene alzheimer disease
183 a1 allele
184 allele serotonin transporter
185 netrin-1
186 vitamin d receptor
187 protocadherin
188 grin2a
189 aquaporin
190 sib
191 pet
192 akt1
193 tuberous sclerosis
194 gene chinese
195 wolfram syndrome
196 amino acid transporter
197 ca1
198 impaired glucose tolerance
199 twin
200 gad65
201 epilepsy
202 factor gene
203 bdnf a
204 receptor tyrosine kinase
205 chemokine
206 gfap
207 bone mineral density
208 reporter gene
209 magel2
210 transporter gene slc6a3
211 short allele serotonin
212 ocd
213 mrs
214 allele
215 snap25
216 mutation codon
217 microsatellite
218 tryptophan hydroxylase
219 glioma
220 multiple endocrine neoplasia
221 beta catenin
222 phox2b
223 synaptosomal associated protein
224 gene vntr polymorphism
225 histone deacetylase
226 transgene
227 swi
228 tau protein
229 fat-1
230 calreticulin
231 mog
232 nd5
233 ndufv1
234 tata box binding
235 transporter
236 repressor
237 rey
238 ssri
239 tbp
240 eif2b
241 gaba
242 cadherin
243 tactile
244 prp
245 susceptibility gene
246 cd8
247 gt g
248 kruppel factor
249 mek
250 app gene
251 ica
252 tremor
253 huntington disease
254 drpla
255 1h
256 gene brain
257 oxytocin receptor gene
258 4t
259 chitinase 3-like
260 spatial learning
261 statin
262 flip
263 1p
264 map2
265 gaba a
266 protein kinase b
267 proteolipid protein gene
268 d1
269 psa
270 ect
271 mri
272 cue
273 p50
274 allelic
275 ca3
276 bax
277 opioid receptor gene
278 cd14
279 cbf
280 olfactory
281 bomb
282 alien
283 d3
284 dat
285 inflammatory bowel disease
286 cntf
287 alzheimer disease
288 igf i
289 anxiety
290 mitochondrial gene
291 gene association
292 superoxide dismutase gene
293 alcohol withdrawal
294 gene promoter region
295 notch
296 tnfalpha
297 ppar
298 timp-1
299 kinase gene
300 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
301 opioid receptor
302 tyrosine kinase
303 connexin
304 coil
305 allelic association study
306 p glycoprotein
307 glt-1
308 chromogranin a
309 igf
310 nadph oxidase
311 transgene expression
312 theta
313 dopamine receptor d2
314 transporter gene major
315 hla a
316 d2
317 3d
318 mpfc
319 sca3
320 codon
321 dbs
322 cd34
323 ct
324 interleukin
325 sirt1
326 tgfbr2
327 pcnt gene
328 gene brain structure
329 tcf4 gene
330 genome wide copy
331 strabismus
332 p3
333 gene aggressive behavior
334 nirs
335 gastrin releasing peptide
336 dcm
337 lacz
338 il-6
339 dystonia
340 neuropeptide y
341 comt val108 met
342 hla b
343 lobe
344 t1
345 disc
346 stem cell proliferation
347 oxide synthase gene
348 neuropeptide y gene
349 ccr5
350 chain gene
351 spike
352 gene encoding
353 estrogen receptor
354 trait
355 per3
356 cathepsin k
357 adrenomedullin
358 myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
359 william beuren syndrome
360 dot
361 shh
362 1a
363 csi
364 cd40
365 mcp-1
366 parkinson disease
367 ck


Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature

AB literature




BC literature


schizophrenia akt magnetic resonance imaging
1: Suppression of the P50 Evoked Response and Neuregulin 1-Induced AKT Phosphorylation in First-Episode Schizophrenia. 2010
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2: The PI3K/Akt pathway may play a key role in social isolation-caused schizophrenia comment re: Increased dopamine D2(High) receptors in rats reared in social isolation. 2010
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3: Neuregulin 1-induced AKT phosphorylation in monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia. 2010
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4: [Psychotropic drugs and the involvement of the Akt/GSK3 signalling pathway in mental illnesses.] 2010
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5: The role of neural stem cells for in vitro models of schizophrenia: Neuroprotection via Akt/ERK signal regulation. 2010
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6: Insulin reveals akt signaling as a novel regulator of norepinephrine transporter trafficking and norepinephrine homeostasis. 2010
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7: Serotonin, but not N-methyltryptamines, activates the serotonin 2A receptor via a ss-arrestin2/Src/Akt signaling complex in vivo. 2010
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8: Akt/GSK3 signaling in the action of psychotropic drugs. 2009
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9: Neuregulin 1, brain region specificity and PI3K/Akt in schizophrenia: comment on "Neuregulin 1 ICE-single nucleotide polymorphism in first episode schizophrenia correlates with cerebral activation in fronto-temporal area". 2009
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10: Neuregulin 1-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT in psychotic disorders and its relationship with neurocognitive functions. 2009
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11: DISC1 regulates new neuron development in the adult brain via modulation of AKT-mTOR signaling through KIAA1212. 2009
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12: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor prevents phencyclidine-induced apoptosis in developing brain by parallel activation of both the ERK and PI-3K/Akt pathways. 2009
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13: Roles of the Akt/GSK-3 and Wnt Signaling Pathways in Schizophrenia and Antipsychotic Drug Action. 2009
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14: The role of Akt-GSK-3beta signaling and synaptic strength in phencyclidine-induced neurodegeneration. 2008
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15: Lithium protection of phencyclidine-induced neurotoxicity in developing brain: the role of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathways. 2008
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16: [PI3K-AKT network roles in infectious diseases] 2008
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17: Regulation of Akt signaling by D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in vivo. 2007
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18: Neuregulin-1 regulates cell adhesion via an ErbB2/phosphoinositide-3 kinase/Akt-dependent pathway: potential implications for schizophrenia and cancer. 2007
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19: Failure to support a genetic contribution of AKT1 polymorphisms and altered AKT signaling in schizophrenia. 2006
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20: Stepholidine protects against H2O2 neurotoxicity in rat cortical neurons by activation of Akt. 2005
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21: An Akt/beta-arrestin 2/PP2A signaling complex mediates dopaminergic neurotransmission and behavior. 2005
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22: Getting our AKT together in schizophrenia? 2004
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23: Lithium antagonizes dopamine-dependent behaviors mediated by an AKT/glycogen synthase kinase 3 signaling cascade. 2004
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24: Neurotoxic potential of haloperidol in comparison with risperidone: implication of Akt-mediated signal changes by haloperidol. 2004
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1: AKT-modified autologous intracoronary mesenchymal stem cells prevent remodeling and repair in swine infarcted myocardium. 2010
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2: How moderate changes in Akt T-loop phosphorylation impact on tumorigenesis and insulin resistance. 2010
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3: Anti-apoptotic PI3K/Akt signaling by sodium/glucose transporter 1 reduces epithelial barrier damage and bacterial translocation in intestinal ischemia. 2010
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4: Correlation of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging findings with Ki-67, phospho-Akt, and androgen receptor expression in prostate cancer. 2009
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