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已有 4041 次阅读 2010-12-7 10:57 |个人分类:科技管理|系统分类:博客资讯

21 世纪,科学技术作为第一生产力,正深刻地改变着社会面貌和经济发展格局。我国作为一个发展中大国,科技事业取得了巨大的成就,同时也面临着新的历史挑战。面对新的形势,如何抓住机遇、迎接挑战,推动我国科技发展?清华大学中国科技政策研究中心第三十八期学术沙龙特邀请业界专家美国俄勒冈大学政治学教授Richard  P. Suttmeier做专题演讲,与大家共同探讨中国科技发展之路,期待您的参与!

主  题:The Chinese Way of Science: An Outsider's View
主讲人:Mr.Richard P. Suttmeier
             (Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, at the University of Oregon)
主持人:   梁正  副教授
点评嘉宾:冀复生  研究员
              孔德涌 研究员
               中国软科学研究会 ,常务副理事长

[时        间]:2010年12月9日(星期四)下午3:00-5:00
                      3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Dec 9 (Thursday),2010
[地        点]:清华大学公共管理学院609会议室
                      Room 609,School of Public Policy and Management(SPPM),Tsinghua University
主题内容:中国科技实力的长足发展已经日益引起国际关注,这种日益增强的国际关注缘     何而来?是对中国科技发展成功的认同?抑或是因为中国科技发展的成功经验为其他国家树立了典范?还是中国的科技发展特别充分地应对了21世纪科技研究与创新所面临的挑战?主讲人将从以上几个方面逐一展开,为我们寻找答案。
China's growing capabilities in science and technology have attracted increasing international attention. What accounts for this interest? Are the impressions of China's successes justified? Is China's experience a model for others? Is China's approach to scientific and technological development especially well suited for the research and innovation challenges of the 21st century?
主讲人简介:Richard P. Suttmeier is a Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, at the University of Oregon. He has written widely on science and technology development issues in China. His current research includes the role of science and technology in China-US relations, the role of technical standards in China's technology policy, and Chinese approaches to the management of technological risks.
Richard is currently a senior visiting scholar at the Insitute of Policy and Management of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His most recent publications include: “From Cold War Science Diplomacy to Partnering in a Networked World: 30 Years of Sino-US Relations in Science and Technology”,“‘The Sixth Modernization?’ China, Safety, and the Management of Risks”,“State, Self-Organization, and Identity in the Building of Sin-US Cooperation in Science and Technology”, “Standards, Stakeholders, and Innovation: China’s Evolving Role in the Global Knowledge Economy”(with Scott Kennedy and Jun Su). Copies of recent papers are available at http://china-us.uoregon.edu/.


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