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已有 8944 次阅读 2010-10-20 11:43 |个人分类:研究体会|系统分类:科研笔记| 研究

盛弘强 2010-10-20
神经生物学超级学术大牛蒲慕明教授应邀于昨晚8点到10点在浙江大学医学部大报告厅举行了一场“与研究生谈学习和成长”为主题的讲座。蒲先生将其称为“Night Thoughts on Science and Scientific Life”。(深夜静思)。可惜的是我没有带录音笔全程记录这位仰慕已久生物学大家的演讲风采。现场听众的火爆程度不亚于明星演唱会,晚上7点开始就有同学到会场占据有利位置,实际上也吸引了全校许多其他专业的本科生以及青年教师。
l         不加选择的阅读文献比抽烟对身体还有害
l         引用数百篇引文的综述不是好综述,综述选择的引文应该有选择有价值
l         市场经济的知识产权意识阻碍了科研学术思想的共享
l         人生最好的导师来自书籍,认真阅读一本好书就如同一场深入的交流
l         在科学研究中,知道事实是怎么来的比知道事实本身更重要
l         知道如何展示事实与知道这个事实同样重要
l         知道什么是不知道的和知道什么是知道的同样重要
l         知道如何教育自己比找到教育自己的人更加重要
l         现在教科书50%的结论都是错误的
Night Thoughts on Science and Scientific Life
by Mu-ming Poo
Oct. 19, 2010, Zhejiang University
On Learning to be a Scientist
1. Knowing how the discoveries were made is more important than knowing the discoveries
     (Five “W”)   
   What was discovered?
   Who discovered it?
   When did it happen?
   Where did it happen?
   Why was the work done?
The Importance of knowing the history
    The history is missing in scientific papers
   “The Eighth Day of Creation” by  Horace F. Judson       (Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press, 1976)
2. Knowing how to find the facts is more important than knowing the facts
Information overload
Do not simply download and read all the papers!
“Excessive  non-selective reading is hazardous to your health!”
3. Knowing how to present the facts is more important than knowing the facts
  Presentation is a process of logical integration
  Science is a social phenomenon
Part of the fun in science lies in the communication
4. Knowing what’s unknown is more important than knowing what’s known
Incompleteness & questionable reliability of existing knowledge
A good vs. bad review paper
Science progresses by revising existing knowledge
5. Knowing how to educate yourself is more   important than finding someone to educate you
  Reading first-hand accounts by great scientists
      “The Double Helix” by James Watson
       (W.W. Norton & Company, 1968)      
       “What Mad Pursuit” by  Franics Crick 
                     (Basic Books, Inc. 1988)
       “Advice to a Young Scientist”  by  P. B. Medawar
                    (Harper & Row Pub. 1979)
      “A Passion for Science” by Lewis Wolpert
                     ( Univ. Penn. Press, 1988)
      “A Feeling for the Organism”
             (The life and work of Barbara McClintock)
             by Evelyn Keller (W.H. Freeman and Company, 1983)
       “Recollections of my Life”   by Roman Y Cajal
               (The MIT Press, 1989)
       “Time, Love, Memory” (Life of Seymor Benzer)
              by Jonathan Weiner  (Random House, 1999)
      “The Excitement and Fascination of Science-
-         Reflections by Eminent Scientists”
      Collections of autobiographic essays, multi-volumes
                            (Annual Reviews Inc.)
       For a list of recommended books and personal comments on books
       by eminent scientists, send E-mail to  mpoo@berkeley.edu
Biographic Stories on Internet
Science is the art of soluble
- Peter Medawar (1915-1987)
•         Not all interesting problems are soluble
•         The art is to find the problem that is soluble by the present available methods
•         Not all solutions are the same
•         Scientists can be as unique and individualistic as artists
•         The beauty in science lies in the way the problem is solved. 
On Scientmanship
•         Proper historical perspectives
•         Respect other’s work
              not diminishing other’s contribution
              not overstating your own contribution
•         Priority and “intellectual property”
•         Critical attitude and the world view
•         Services to the community
On Exploratory Research  vs. Hypothesis-Driven Research  
 On Exploratory Research
In biology, a possible mechanism (which does not violate physical and chemical principles) that may be useful to the organism is likely to have been discovered by evolution. (Poo’s  Postulate)
Recent discoveries on cell reprogramming
       -  Inducible pluoripotent stem (iPs) cells
       -  Trans-differentiation of pancreas cells
 “Quick and dirty experiments” (Julius Axelrod)
Chance favors the prepared mind
 On Hypothesis-Driven Research  
A good hypothesis proposes a surprising missing link between two known phenomena
A good hypothesis makes specific statements on the causal relationships among a few key phenomena
Hypothesis is there to be refuted, not to be proved (One can never “prove” a hypothesis)
 It is important to be able to give up one’s hypothesis
Prospective Research  vs. Retrospective Research
On Retrospective Research
“50% of what are in the textbook are wrong, we just do not know which 50%”
Go back to existing theory or concept in the textbook, check the original literature, design new experimental tests.
Repeat the old experiments, but use new technology.
Retrospective research solidifies the foundation of scientific knowledge
     蒲慕明教授:1970年毕业于台湾清华大学物理系,1974年于美国Johns Hopkins大学生物物理系获博士学位,1974-1976先后在美国Woods Hole海洋生物研究所、美国Purdue大学生命科学系从事博士后研究,1976-1985在美国加州大学Irvine分校生物物理系任助理教授、副教 授、教授,1985-1988任美国耶鲁大学医学院分子神经生物学系教授,1988-1995任美国哥伦比亚大学生命科学系教授,1995-2000任美 国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Stephen Kuffler讲座教授,2001年起任美国加州大学伯克利分校Paul Licht杰出讲座教授,2009年当选为美国科学院院士。1999年11月创建中国科学院神经科学研究所并任所长至今。
蒲慕明先生是一位国际著名的神经生物学家和生物物理学家。他在细胞膜生物物理、神经轴突导向机制、神经营养因子与神经突触可塑性的关系、突触可塑性的机制、神经环路功能等领域取得一系列重要研究成果。获得奖项及荣誉称号包括:美国NIH Javitz Neuroscience Investigator Award (1998)、台湾中央研究院院士(2000)、美国AAAS Fellow(2001)、美国Ameritec Prize(2001)、吴瑞学会奖(2002)、法国Ecole Normale Geperieure荣誉博士学位(2003)、中华人民共和国国际科学技术合作奖(2005)等。先后任Journal of Cell Biology、Journal of Neuroscience、Neuron、Current Opinion in Neurobiology、Progress in Neurobiology等学术期刊的编委。迄今在Nature(16篇) Science(10篇),Cell(5篇)和Neuron(13篇)等国际顶级期刊发表大量有影响力的文章。
 美国加州大学伯克利分校Paul Licht生物科学杰出讲座教授
5月12日下午,中国科学院生物物理研究所图书馆内高朋满座、座无虚席,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所所长、高级研究员蒲慕明先生来 到生物物理研究所,参加学术沙龙活动,并进行了题为“科学研究的ABC”的演讲,与生物物理所的广大科研人员和同学们交流互动,分享科学研究的心路历程。
主持人简要介绍后,蒲慕明在观众热烈的掌声中走上讲台。他首先以一个独具创意的“five W”(即“what who when where why”)理论,提出了他心目中研究生的培养方向与成才标准。接下来,他系统地阐述了一个研究生在科研过程中,应该注重的知识获取途径,适于采用的信息获取方法,可以借鉴的假设思想归纳,以及必须具备的文化科学素养。
蒲慕明指出,在科学研究中,知道事实是怎么来的比知道事实本身更重要,知道如何展示事实与知道这个事实同样重要,知道什么是不知道的和知道什么是知道的同样重要,知道如何教育自己比找到教育自己的人更加重要。他还现身说法,说明了如何在旧理论的基础上有新的发展,甚至推翻这些旧理论。在具体实践上, 蒲慕明在屏幕上用“ABC”图形进行演示并加以逻辑推导,向我们生动地讲解了如何利用现有的知识和发现,来提出新的推论与假设,极大地拓宽了大家的思路。
在一个小时左右的演讲过程中,他提出了一个个新颖、精辟的理论,如“引用文献越少的综述越有价值”,“现在教科书50%的结论都是错误的”,“任何不违反化学物理定律的理论都是有可能的”……这些看似标新立异的观点背后,是蒲慕明从事生命科学研究30余年里,日渐形成的经验总结和思想精髓。蒲慕明这 些独具思想的解说受到听众的热烈欢迎,现场一次次爆发出热烈的掌声。


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