寻正治学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fs007 欢迎腾讯微博联系:寻正(xunzhengxz)



已有 5198 次阅读 2010-10-19 08:50 |个人分类:博务杂务|系统分类:观点评述| 误解, 文明, 方舟子, 暴力, 悬赏

Sorry for Misunderstandings by Readers

After careful consideration, I issue this open apology for an article posted on my blog for causing misunderstanding in my readership. I have a firm position against violence of any kind. All of my comments are posted with such a philosophy and to expound such a philosophy.

The article posted Sept 24, 2010 under Funny Comments and Jokes in my blog was meant to ridicule the effort of people trying to paint me as a violent man who had been plotting another attack on Fang. I had been outspoken about the sinful acts of Fang's attack and my first post after learning of the attack was to condemn the plotters and accomplices. Such an attitude has not changed and will remain unchanged. Every citizen of China or United States has a responsibility to maintain civil order and promote peaceful means of dialogue. Violence is detrimental to society as well as the ones who initiate it.

In my original post, I had tried very hard to demonstrate my despise for violence with ridiculous conditions and odd definitions. My asking for ID cards was meant to show the number to the police so that the culprits could be easily caught, thus saving us time guessing who the plotters are. Of course, requiring of evidences was for the same purposes.

Even though I thought at the time that I was careful to highlight my purpose of ridiculing violence and the attempt to paint me as a violent man, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the post under various angle had been attempted. Some people hold an impression that I sponsor or incite violence against Fang. Hereby I formally and openly declare such an impression as false. Whether I like Fang or not, I always denounce any type of violence committed against him. Just like my original intent I tried to reveal in my post, if I have information of such attacks, such information will be in the hands of the police at my earliest convenience.

I feel sorry for all the misunderstanding and misinterpretation. I had eliminated the joke from my post. But I feel compelled to reiterate my position on violence and owe my readers an apology for posting writings that could be misinterpreted. I write fast and I do have a tendency to post comments that I later regret. I thank all my readers who had been tolerant toward my mistakes and inappropriate comments. To err is human and in errors we learn.

God bless us all sinners. I wish everyone a bright tomorrow.







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