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已有 4544 次阅读 2010-10-8 14:50 |个人分类:科学名人|系统分类:论文交流| 引用, 试管婴儿, 罗伯特-爱德华兹


PC Steptoe, RG Edwards - Lancet, 1978 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
1. Lancet. 1978 Aug 12;2(8085):366. Birth after the reimplantation of a human embryo.
Steptoe PC, Edwards RG. PMID: 79723 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Publication
Types: Case Reports; In Vitro; Letter. MeSH Terms: ...
Cited by 840 - Related articles - All 3 versions


RG Edwards - Lancet, 1965 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
1. Lancet. 1965 Nov 6;2(7419):926-9. Maturation in vitro of human ovarian oöcytes.
Edwards RG. PMID: 4165802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms: Adolescent;
Adult; Culture Techniques; Female; Humans; Menstruation; ...
Cited by 657 - Related articles - All 5 versions


DJ Newman, H Thakkar, RG Edwards, M Wilkie, T … - Kidney …, 1995 - nature.com
Serum cystatin C measured by automated immunoassay: A more sensitive marker of changes
in GFR than serum creatinine. Serum cystatin C has been suggested as a new marker of
GFR. For the introduction of this marker into clinical use a rapid and automated method is ...
Cited by 398 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions


RG Edwards, BD Bavister, PC Steptoe - 1969 - nature.com
Bavister, BD, J. Reprod. Fertil. (in the press). ... Williams, WL, Weinman, DE, and Hamner,
CE, Fifth Intern. Cong. Anim. Reprod. AI, Trento, 7, 288 (1964). ... Austin, CR, The Mammalian
Egg (Blackwell, Oxford, 1961).
Cited by 267 - Related articles - All 4 versions


RG Edwards, AD Sokal - Physical review D, 1988 - APS
We give a simple explanation of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for Potts models in terms of a
joint model of Potts spin variables interacting with bond occupation variables. We then show
how to generalize this representation, as well as the corresponding Monte Carlo ...
Cited by 297 - Related articles - All 5 versions


… Mills, SL Tan, S Campbell, RG Edwards - Human reproduction ( …, 1992 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In order to achieve a clinical pregnancy rate higher than that achieved following initial adoption
of in-vitro fertilization embryo transfers, more than one embryo is transferred. This has led to a
substantial increase in unwanted multiple pregnancy rates with IVF as compared with ...
Cited by 331 - Related articles - All 3 versions


RG Edwards, PC Steptoe, JM … - BJOG: An International …, 1980 - interscience.wiley.com
MANY women are hopelessly infertile due either to intractible tuba1 disease or the absence
of their Fallopian tubes following surgery. We have been developing a new approach to the
alle- viation of these and other conditions. Our intention has been to recover preovulatory ...
Cited by 321 - Related articles - All 3 versions


SA Henderson, RG Edwards - Nature, 1968 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Chiasma Frequency and Maternal Age in Mammals. Authors: Henderson, SA; Edwards,
RG. Affiliation: Department of Genetics and Physiological Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
Publication: Nature, Volume 218, Issue 5136, pp. 22-28 (1968). Publication Date: 04/1968 ...
Cited by 292 - Related articles - All 4 versions


RG Edwards, SB Fishel, J Cohen, CB Fehilly, … - Journal of Assisted …, 1984 - Springer
The program for in vitro fertilization at Bourn Hall began in October 1980. Various types of infertility
have been treated during this time using the natural menstrual cycle or stimulation of follicular
growth with antiestrogens and gonadotrophins. Follicular growth and maturation are ...
Cited by 231 - Related articles - All 3 versions


SL Tan, J Betts, B Mason, RG Edwards, S Campbell, P … - The Lancet, 1992 - Elsevier
Cumulative conception and livebirth rates related to age and cause of infertility provide the most
useful estimate of success after in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), but limited data are available. It is also
uncertain whether the probability of pregnancy, livebirth, and pregnancy failure changes ...
Cited by 205 - Related articles - All 6 versions

RG Edwards - Reproduction, 1974 - Soc Reprod Fertility
Follicular fluid is composed partly of secretions from the follicle, and partly of exudates from
plasma. Its composition reflects changes in the secretory processes of the granulosa layer and
theca interna, and alterations in the components of plasma due to physiological or ...
Cited by 180 - Related articles - All 2 versions


PC Steptoe, RG Edwards - The Lancet, 1976 - Elsevier
A human embryo in transition between a morula and blastocyst after culture in vitro was reintroduced
into the mother's uterus via the cervix. The resulting pregnancy was closely monitored and was
found to be located in the oviduct. The ectopic embryo was removed at 13 weeks of ...
Cited by 174 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[PDF] from physoc.orgRG Edwards, OCJ Lippold - The Journal of Physiology, 1956 - Physiological Soc
It has been shown by Lippold (1952) and Bigland, Hutter & Lippold (1953) that the force of an
isometric contraction of a mammalian muscle is propor- tional to the voltage-time integral of the
electrical activity recorded from it. For practical use to be made of these observations, it is ...
Cited by 186 - Related articles - All 5 versions


A Jost, D Price, RG Edwards - … of the Royal …, 1970 - rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org
Downloaded from rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org on September 7, 2010 120 A.JOST During
development sex differentiates by successive steps (table 1) which are controlled by the genetic
constitution of the individual (genetic sex). Testes or ovaries arise from common ...
Cited by 222 - Related articles - All 5 versions


RG Edwards, AH Gates - Journal of Endocrinology, 1959 - Soc Endocrinology
SUMMARY The stages of the maturation divisions, ovulation, fertilization and the first cleavage
in the eggs of two strains of adult mice have been timed following superovulation treatment.
Super- ovulation was induced by a priming injection of pregnant mares' serum followed ...
Cited by 190 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RE FOWLER, RG Edwards - Journal of Endocrinology, 1957 - Soc Endocrinology
SUMMARY 1. The injection of 1 iu pregnant mares' serum (PMS) followed after 40 hr by 2 iu
human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), or of 3 iu PMS followed by 3 iu HCG into mature female
mice selected at random with regard to their oestrous cycle induces oestrus and matingin ...
Cited by 203 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RG Edwards, RG Edwards - 1997 - getcited.org
... Conception in the human female. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Edwards, Robert
G. (b. 1925, d. ----. PUBLISHER: Academic Press (London and New York). SERIES TITLE: YEAR:
1980. PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0122324501 ). VOLUME/EDITION: ...
Cited by 188 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions


RG Edwards, PC Steptoe - The Lancet, 1983 - Elsevier
Between October, 1980, and April, 1983, embryos fertilised in vitro were replaced in the uteri
of 1200 women. The "clinical" pregnancy rate rose from 16·5% from October, 1980, until
September, 1982, to almost 30% in 1983. The proportion of pregnancies ending in ...
Cited by 146 - Related articles - All 5 versions


… B Rizk, P Brinsden, B Mason, RG Edwards - American Journal of …, 1992 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
... Obstetric outcome of in vitro fertilization pregnancies compared with normally conceived
pregnancies. Tan SL, Doyle P, Campbell S, Beral V, Rizk B, Brinsden P, Mason B, Edwards RG.
Hallam Medical Centre, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London, England. ...
Cited by 175 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[PDF] from oxfordjournals.orgRG Edwards, HK Beard - Molecular Human Reproduction, 1997 - Oxford Univ Press
... Page 2. RGEdwards and HKBeard Figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships and reproductive features
of animal species discussed in this review. ... Page 4. RGEdwards and HKBeard Figure 2. Cell
lineages, cleavage planes and early differentiation in Caenorhabdidtis elegans. ...
Cited by 177 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions
PC Steptoe, RG Edwards - The Lancet, 1970 - Elsevier
Follicular development and oocyte maturation have been controlled in cyclic women by the use
of purified human menopausal and human chorionic gonadotrophin (HMG and HCG). Various
regimens of hormone treatment were tested and the follicular response was assessed by ...
Cited by 142 - Related articles - All 5 versions


RL Gardner, RG Edwards - Nature, 1968 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Control of the Sex Ratio at Full Term in the Rabbit by transferring Sexed Blastocysts.
Authors: Gardner, RL; Edwards, RG. Affiliation: Physiological Laboratory, University of
Cambridge. Publication: Nature, Volume 218, Issue 5139, pp. 346-348 (1968). ...
Cited by 145 - Related articles - All 3 versions


J Cohen, RF Simons, RG Edwards, CB Fehilly, … - Journal of Assisted …, 1985 - Springer
Human blastocysts were frozen in Earte's solution con- taining pyruvate and human serum, using
glycerol as cryoprotectant, and stored in liquid nitrogen. Thawed blastocysts were replaced in
ll patients, which resulted in two pregnancies. One blastocyst giving a pregnancy was ...
Cited by 119 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.orgRG Edwards, UM Heller, R Narayanan - Physical Review D, 1999 - APS
We compute fermionic observables relevant to the study of chiral symmetry in quenched QCD
using the overlap Dirac operator for a wide range of fermion mass. We use analytical results
to disentangle the contribution from exact zero modes and simplify our numerical ...
Cited by 130 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.orgRG Edwards, UM Heller, TR Klassen - Nuclear Physics B, 1998 - Elsevier
Accurate determinations of the physical scale of a lattice action are required to check scaling
and take the continuum limit. We present a high statistics study of the static potential for the
SU(3) Wilson gauge action on coarse lattices (5.54 β 6.0). Using an improved analysis ...
Cited by 119 - Related articles - All 11 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.orgRG Edwards, UM Heller, R Narayanan - Nuclear Physics B, 1999 - Elsevier
We study three practical implementations of the overlap Dirac operator in four dimensions. Two
implementations are based on different representations of ε(H w ) as a sum over poles. One of
them is a polar decomposition and the other is an optimal fit to a ratio of polynomials. The ...
Cited by 116 - Related articles - All 8 versions


SB Fishel, RG Edwards, CJ Evans - Science, 1984 - adsabs.harvard.edu
Title: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Secreted by Preimplantation Embryos Cultured in
vitro. Authors: Fishel, SB; Edwards, RG; Evans, CJ. Publication: Science, Volume 223, Issue
4638, pp. 816-818. Publication Date: 02/1984. Origin: JSTOR. ...
Cited by 127 - Related articles - All 5 versions


[PDF] from oxfordjournals.orgRG Edwards, R Lobo, P Bouchard - Human Reproduction, 1996 - ESHRE
We write this as practitioners in assisted reproduction who are increasingly concerned about
current approaches to ovarian stimulation for our patients. Over the last 20 years, the methods
of ovarian stimulation have gradually made increasing demands on our patients. ...
Cited by 106 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions


RG Edwards, L Mettler, DE Walters - Journal of Assisted Reproduction …, 1986 - Springer
Multiple pregnancies are relatively common after fertilization in vitro. Since two or more embryos
are often replaced after in vitro fertilization, most twins are fraternal, but the incidence of identical
twins also seems to be higher than the commonly accepted incidence after in vivo ...
Cited by 103 - Related articles - All 3 versions


RG Edwards - 1964 - nature.com
... Immunological Control of Fertility in Female Mice. RG EDWARDS. Physiological Laboratory,
University of Cambridge. Tyler, A. , J. Reprod. ... | Article | ISI | ChemPort |; Edwards, RG , J. Reprod.
Fertil., 1, 268 (1960). Beck, JS , Edwards, RG , and Young, MR , ibid., 4, 103 (1962). ...
Cited by 89 - Related articles - All 3 versions
[PDF] from arxiv.orgRG Edwards, UM Heller, R Narayanan - Nuclear Physics B, 1998 - Elsevier
We study the spectral flow of the Wilson-Dirac operator H(m) with and without an additional
Sheikholeslami-Wohlert (SW) term on a variety of SU(3) lattice gauge field ensembles in the
range 0 m 2. We have used ensembles generated from the Wilson gauge action, an ...
Cited by 108 - Related articles - All 9 versions


… Howles, MC Macnamee, RG Edwards, R Goswamy, PC … - Lancet, 1986 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
1. Lancet. 1986 Aug 30;2(8505):521-2. Effect of high tonic levels of luteinising hormone on
outcome of in-vitro fertilisation. Howles CM, Macnamee MC, Edwards RG, Goswamy R, Steptoe
PC. PMID: 2875271 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Publication Types: Letter. ...
Cited by 107 - Related articles - All 2 versions


PC Steptoe, RG Edwards, JM … - BJOG: An International …, 1980 - interscience.wiley.com
Summary Details are given of four pregnancies established by fertilization in vitro and planting
cleaving embryos into the mother. The pregnancies were monitored by hormone assays in early
pregnancy and by ultrasound scans. Amniocentesis was used to assess the levels of ...
Cited by 101 - Related articles - All 2 versions


[PDF] from arxiv.orgRG Edwards, UM Heller, J Kiskis, R Narayanan - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS
Quark spectra in QCD are linked to fundamental properties of the theory including the identification
of pions as the Goldstone bosons of spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. The lattice overlap
Dirac operator provides a nonperturbative, ultraviolet-regularized description of quarks ...
Cited by 87 - Related articles - All 8 versions


RG Edwards, PC Steptoe, JM … - Obstetrical & Gynecological …, 1971 - journals.lww.com
vs. 214 ng./ml.). The concentrations of progesterone and 20a-OH in ovarian venous plasma from
ovectomized ani- mals eight days after treatment were similar to those from rabbits with ...
Cited by 102 - Related articles - All 4 versions


… , LJ Smith, J Boyd, GMP Lawrence, RG Edwards, … - Biochemistry, 1991 - ACS Publications
ABSTRACT: Human interleukin 4 (IL-4) has been studied by 2D and 3D NMR techniques using
uniformly lsN-labeled recombinant protein. Assignment of resonances for all but 3 of the 130
residues of the re- combinant protein has been achieved, enabling the secondary ...
Cited by 99 - Related articles - All 3 versions


[CITATION] SciDAC Collaboration

RG Edwards, B Joo - Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl, 2005
Cited by 99 - Related articles


… , J Boyd, GM Lawrence, RG Edwards, RA … - Journal of molecular …, 1992 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Heteronuclear 13C and 15N three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) techniques
have been used to determine the solution structure of human interleukin 4, a four-helix bundle
protein. A dynamical simulated annealing protocol was used to calculate an ensemble of ...
Cited by 93 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RG Edwards - 1962 - nature.com
Brambell, FWR , in Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction, edit. by Parkes, AS (Longmans,
Green, London). ... Zuckerman, S. , in Sex Differentiation and Development, edit. by Austin, CR
(Camb. Univ. Press, 1960). ... Brambell, FWR , Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 101, 391 (1927). ...
Cited by 64 - Related articles - All 2 versions


PC Steptoe, RG Edwards, JM Purdy - 1971 - nature.com
WE have already described the culture of cleaving human embryos to the sixteen celled stage
1 , and we now wish to give details of a few embryos that have developed much further, including
two that reached fully developed blastocysts. Methods were similar to those described ...
Cited by 70 - Related articles - All 3 versions







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