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已有 5003 次阅读 2010-9-25 01:51 |个人分类:观点|系统分类:观点评述| 反射弧, 肖传国, 泌尿学, 坎贝尔


查阅《坎贝尔泌尿学》("Campbell-Walsh Urology")(第九版)对肖传国等有关反射通道的动物实验的记载后恍然大悟,原来这个“弧”是指pathway,即通道的意思。所谓‘反射弧’原文乃 Reflection Pathway。

这本权威泌尿学专著很客观,记载了肖传国与其同事在1999年所写文章,在动物(猫)实验上的一些结果。原文几处使用"could"这个字眼以示其谨慎。 未提及Xiao's (肖氏),及肖在人身上的实验。


Promotion or Initiation of Reflex Contractions


One fascinating set of experiments that relates to the concept of establishing or promoting a reflex pathway for micturition is that reported by Xiao and de Groat (1999) . These individuals created a skin to central nervous system to bladder reflex pathway in cats by intradural microanastomosis of the left L7 ventral root to the S1 ventral root, leaving the L7 dorsal root intact to conduct cutaneous afferent signals. A detrusor contraction was able to be initiated by scratching the skin or by percutaneous electrical stimulation in the L7 dermatome. This new reflex pathway could initiate voiding without striated sphincter dyssynergia. This reflex could be elicited after transecting the spinal cord at the L2-L3 or L7-S1 levels. The pathway is mediated by cholinergic transmission at both ganglionic and peripheral levels, as shown by cholinergic blockade experiments. Thus, in this experimental model, somatic motor axons can innervate parasympathetic bladder ganglion cells and thus transfer somatic reflex activity to the lower urinary tract.

我认为,不可因为肖最近的事而否认这篇文章的价值; 同时亦要还原"肖氏反射弧"的本来面目。


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