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来自心怿的诗 (43)

已有 3073 次阅读 2010-8-25 22:14 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集




























蓦然间一束强光电闪般从上至下, 破空击来。




“Perhaps the existence of cosmic chaos opportunity, I finally met an exception for you. Short meet, but is worth countless human. Ah, Qiao Jie, hope my original soul energy and love element could bring wishes to you!”



Monstrous waves off my heart. Far east of Shennongjia exactly what kind of world, can escape bred girl like the Overfly who is so beautiful and intelligent human beings?



I am excited to turn a manual steering wheel. Rapid rotary draw bending planes, and fly to the east boundary of NCS. The following urban areas as sea sweep rapidly going backwards, then aircraft as a bright arc splits the sky.



Around as deadly quiet as outer space, there is no response.



NCS border quickly zoom and close.



Having reached at this moment, I have not feared at all. Heaven has not owed me fraction yet. I can experience the Overfly girl's boundless love and feel what the life will forever have this love, what can fear me to lose?



The time is as stop, my heart jump is accelerated, and I will be over the boundary of NCS.



Suddenly a bunch of strong light as a lightning-like, from top to down, breaks space to hit the aircraft.




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