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已有 7818 次阅读 2010-8-24 03:01 |个人分类:科研诚信与学术不端|系统分类:科研笔记| 论文, 抄袭, 剽窃, 防止


王应宽 编译


Beijing, China







1 采用不同形式阐明什么构成剽窃。

2 教育学生如何诠释和如何引用来源文献。

3 给学生一系列可供选择的主题并经常改换主题。

4 不允许(学生)临时变更主题。

5 要求学生提交研究笔记(记录)的副本。

6 要求学生提交文献、提纲和草稿。

7 要求对文章精确排版,不允许些微的偏差。

8 对文章内容进行随机抽查测试。

9 要求(学生)针对文章进行口头报告。

10 告诫学生不要把文章存储在不同用户计算机设备上,诸如共享的计算机上。

11 给学生布置明确具体的主题而不是宽泛概括的主题。

12 采用最新的主题以减少在互联网上找到的机会。

13 用一系列带有检测点的步骤框定写作任务的结构。

14 需要至少两种草稿的版本。

15 在作业之初就检查所使用的文献。

16 要求所有文献资源都是最新的,至少是近2-3年的。

17 要求提供一份带注释的参考文献,用1-2个句子叙述每条文献的来源。

18 不要将评分的文章随处散放。






18 Ways to Prevent Plagiarism in Student Papers


1 Hand out explanation of what constitutes plagiarism in its various forms.

2 Teach students how to paraphrase and how to cite sources.

3 Give students a set of topics from which to choose and change topics frequently.

4 Do not allow last-minute topic changes.

5 Require students to submit copies of research notes.

6 Require students to submit bibliographies, outlines, and drafts.

7 Require precise formatting for papers and do not allow even slight deviations.

8 Give pop quiz on paper contents.

9 Require oral report in addition to paper.

10 Warn students against storing work on multiple user computer devices such as shared computers.

11 Assign narrowly focused topics, rather than broad, general ones.

12 Use very current topics to lessen chance of papers being available on the Internet.

13 Structure the writing assignment as a series of steps with checkpoints.

14 Require copies of at least two drafts.

15 Check the working bibliography early in the assignment.

16 Require all resources to be current, from the last 2-3 years.

17 Require an annotated bibliography with 1-2 sentences describing each source.

18 Do not leave graded papers lying around.



Sources: Ann Lathrop and Kathleen Foss, Student Cheating and Plagiarism in the Internet Era. Bernard Whitley, Jr. and Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Academic Dishonesty.



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