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知识是有害的(Knowledge is harmful)

已有 7750 次阅读 2008-8-11 15:37 |个人分类:创新思维|系统分类:观点评述| 创新, 知识























We are taught to believe that knowledge is one of the most important things in the world, or knowledge is power in short. As a result, large amount of knowledge, from history to geology, from mathematics to chemistry, has been instilled into our mind. We take pride in the prize we have won in the international Olympic contests and the high score in the exams; however, everyone knows that we have attained little significant scientific achievement in China. No one can doubt the fact that Chinese students mastered the most knowledge, but it comes as a surprise that they can not contribute greatly to the scientific research. In my view, it is the result of our neglect of creativity. It is true that knowledge is beneficial, but if too much emphasis has been put on it, we may ignore the disadvantages of it. Knowledge serves as a two-edged sword, but the harmful side is generally ignored. So it is necessary for me to point out the demerits of knowledge and warn people against the negative effect derive from it.


To begin with, Knowledge may reduce our curiosity. A little child may manifest great curiosity in everything he sees. He may ask why the sky is blue, why the sun rises in the east, why water evaporates after being heated, why compass can direct to southward. In contrast, as an adult, how many of us will come up with these questions? The reason why we do not ask ourselves these questions is that we know the answer or we have the relevant knowledge. We know that because short wavelength blue ray scattered while penetrating the atmosphere so sky appeared to be blue. We know that because rotation of earth is from west to east, so the sun rises in the east. We are taught that while water is heated, the single molecule has a greater speed hence can escape from the water and this process is termed evaporation. We also know that the reason why compass can direct to southward is that the north magnetic pole of the earth places in Antarctic. Because we have the knowledge, we will not come up with new questions.


But our knowledge only skims the surface of the problem. A single example will serve to illustrate my point: It is true that because the north magnetic pole of the earth places in Antarctic so compass direct to southward, but why? Why the north magnetic pole located in Antarctic rather than arctic or other location such as the equator? How does the magnetic pole forms? In other planet or stars, such as the moon or mars, is their magnetic pole also located in their Antarctic region? Or do they have a magnetic field? I am sure 99.9 percent of the people will not come up with these questions. Because they think they have known the answer and they are content with the answer, so their curiosity in this problem declines.



Worse yet, people who is ready to learn new knowledge may develop bad habits, namely is always prepared to accept but ignore thinking and questioning. To gain new knowledge means you have to put your mind to memorizing it, but if you are absorbed in memorizing, you may neglect thinking and questioning because your attention is limited so you can not value two matters at the same time. Besides the fact that some existing knowledge is problematic, people who possesses lots of knowledge but can not create new knowledge and come up with questions is no more than a bookshelf. As Plutarch, the ancient Greek biologist and educator put it, the brain of student is not a container that nee to be filled with, but a torch requires to be ignited.



Any good thing will become bad if going to its extreme. Since we have attached so much importance to knowledge, there is every chance that we may be blind to the side effect of it, so it is high time that we realize the disadvantages of knowledge, because we will not avoid the side effect until we realize the demerits of it.


I must point out that my view is not the demerits of knowledge outweigh its merits. Generally speaking, the advantages we gain from knowledge are greater than the disadvantages. However, as a coin has two sides, knowledge also has some disadvantages but it is widely ignored. So I just want to point the negative effect of knowledge and hope we will avoid it through our realization of it. If you know something, you should keep in your mind that you only skims the surface of it, and

never stop coming up with new questions. When you are studying something, never forget thinking and coming up with new ideas while you are absorbed in memorizing.










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