Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


AGU wants YOU!

已有 4507 次阅读 2010-5-12 12:07 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:论文交流| AGU, instructions, manuscripts

        Ok, AGU wants your manuscript, or your page charge
        Here, AGU stands for American Geophysical Union. It recently came up with instructions for authors in five languages:
     I highlight some common "mistakes" I see as an English editor.
"以下检查列表列出了AGU 文稿最常见的更改。对照该检查列表进行检查,将帮您加快文稿的处理速度。
• 在扉页列出所有撰稿者的姓名,并提供所有撰稿者的完整地址
• 使用美国英语,不要使用英国英语
• 将脚注信息放入正文中(脚注仅作附属和辅助材料之用)
将日期更改为国际日期格式:25 January 2008(在表格中可简写月份)
• 将项目符号列表更改为数字编号列表
• 在数字和计量单位之间添加空格;不要使用圆点
• 按顺序对正文中的公式依次编号;不要按节编号,附录中的公式除外,附录中的公式必须与正文主体中的公式分开编号
按照AGU 文风确定参考资料引用格式:使用“姓名-日期”格式,参考资料不用编号,在方括号中附上引用内容:…[Smith et al., 2009]…或Smith et al. [2009] show…
• 以上述形式提供每项参考资料的完整信息
• 在正文中引用所有参考资料,并为每个独有的正文引用提供参考
提供可编辑的表格,不能采用图片格式(请注意表格可以Excel 格式提交)
• 包含地图的图形中应至少包含两个注明纬度和经度的点
• LaTeX:请勿使用newcommands,特别是其中带有#的命令(对于参考资料引用,可使用ref、label 和cite 命令)"
      You can learn more by going to:
  For those of you who are more comfortable with instructions in English.
 " Most Frequently Made Changes
The following checklist covers the changes made most frequently to AGU manuscripts. Following this checklist will help speed the processing of your manuscript.
• List all authors on title page and provide complete addresses for all authors
Use American spellings rather than British spellings
• Incorporate footnoted information into text (footnotes are used only for affiliations and auxiliary material)
Define abbreviations/acronyms at first use
Change dates to international date format: 25 January 2003 (in tables, months may be abbreviated)
Change bulleted lists to numbered lists
Add space between numeral and unit of measure; do not use a dot
• Number text equations consecutively throughout; do not number by section, except appendix equations, which must be numbered separately from main text equations
Provide equations that are editable, not formatted as pictures
Format reference citations to AGU style: use name-date format, not numbered references, and enclose
citations in brackets: …[Smith et al., 2009]… or Smith et al. [2009] show…
• Provide complete information for each reference, as outlined above
• Cite all references in the text and provide a reference for each unique text citation
Provide tables that are editable, not formatted as pictures (note that tables may be submitted in Excel)
Include at least two points of latitude and longitude on figures containing maps
• LaTeX: Do not use newcommands, particularly ones with # (using ref and label and cite commands for reference citations is acceptable)"

上一篇:"Giving Advice: Enough Is Enough After Three Solar Cycles"
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