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已有 17858 次阅读 2010-4-25 01:56 |个人分类:读书学艺|系统分类:海外观察



前天晚上在机场转机的时候,正好碰到一个美国同事。他手上拿着一本书What's So Great About America(《美国为什么牛》)。他说这是他的一个保守派朋友推荐他读的,而他自己是中间偏左,并不完全同意其中的说法。

Amazon上What's So Great About America信息链接:http://www.amazon.com/Whats-So-Great-About-America/dp/0895261537

他对我手中那本书感到好奇,书名是The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century。我开玩笑说:这本书的名字也许可以叫做What's So Great About Ph.D.(《博士为什么牛》)。

Amazon上The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty-First Century信息链接:http://www.amazon.com/Formation-Scholars-Twenty-First-Jossey-Bass-Advancement/dp/0470197439

The Formation of Scholars这本书,是2008年出版的Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching的The Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate研究项目通过5年时间对美国几十个不同领域的博士教育机构(系)进行研究后的报告。


Product Description
This groundbreaking book explores the current state of doctoral education in the United States and offers a plan for increasing the effectiveness of doctoral education. Programs must grapple with questions of purpose. The authors examine practices and elements of doctoral programs and show how they can be made more powerful by relying on principles of progressive development, integration, and collaboration. They challenge the traditional apprenticeship model and offer an alternative in which students learn while apprenticing with several faculty members. The authors persuasively argue that creating intellectual community is essential for high-quality graduate education in every department. Knowledge-centered, multigenerational communities foster the development of new ideas and encourage intellectual risk taking.





对于博士训练的目的和要求,The Formation of Scholars这本书上的看法是这样的:

Doctoral education prepares scholars who both understand what is known and discover what is yet unknown. They conserve the most valued knowledge of the past even as they examine it critically. They invent new forms of understanding as they move their fields ahead. yet the most the understand, the heavier their moral obligation to use their knowledge and skill with integrity, responsibility, and generosity. They are thinkers and actors, intellectual adventurers and moral agents. The idea of formation, borrowed from religious educators, refers to the kind of education that leads to an integration of mind and moral virtue that we often call character or integrity.(Page IX, Forward.)

The PhD is the monarch of the academic community. It is the very highest accomplishment that can be sought by students. It signals that its recipient is now ready, eligible, indeed obligated, to make the most dramatic shift in roles: from student to teacher, from apprentice to master,from novice or intern to independent scholar and leader.(Page X, Forward.)

What accounts for the mystique of the PhD? It is the academy's own means of reproduction.In a Darvinian ense, the academy invests most heavily in its own means of reproduction and sustainability. The denouement of the doctorate, the dissertation, is not only a piece of original research intended to set its writer apart from all who preceded her. It is also a celebration of the scores of scholars on whose shoulder any piece of individual scholarship rests. Even as the candidate writes the dissertation-the contribution to knowledge, the evidence of scholarly innovation and invention-the text is pppered with footnotes and references, citations and bibliographies, acknowledgments and attributions. Each of these bear witness to every scholar's debt to her predecessors in scholarship. References and footnotes also acknowledge the work of comtemporaries who live in the same professional and disciplinary community as the candidate, or in a closely neighboring field of study. Scholarship is a social and communal activity. Thus candidates give recognition to the continuing presence of their extended intellectual community as the scaffold that supports and sustains their research work, whether present in the teachers and colleagues of one's own program, or ever helpful in the whispers, hints, proof texts, and challenges of scholars long dead but still audible through their work. It is also why, we argue in this volume, nothing is more critical to the quality of a doctoral program than the character of the intellectual community created by its teachers and students. (Page IX, Forward.)

The doctorate as an institution provides the stability and tradition that renders scholarship a human activity that transcends generations, cultures, and contexts. It is both a paragon of innovation and a defender of the faith. The doctorate is both transformation and impediments; it preserves what is enduring, but can also paralyze-hardening catagories and freezing traditions into empty rituals. The best doctoral programs attempts to discover the "sweet spot" between conservation and change by teaching skepticism and respect for earlier traditions and sources while encouraging strikingly new ideas and courageous leaps forward.(Page IX, Forward.)



在讨论到美国的博士教育中的问题的时候,机场上碰到的那个美国朋友说:世界上总有一些smart people,原则上总可以在当时看起来最重要的和最有希望的领域看到他们的身影。所以,操心那些糟糕的事情和不够好的人没有太多的意义。


Hu doesn't care. Who cares?


附:The Formation of Scholars一书目录


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