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Darryl McLeod, Economics Department ,Fordham University

已有 3478 次阅读 2010-3-26 04:12 |个人分类:Econ.经济学家|系统分类:博客资讯

Darryl McLeod, Economics Department ,Fordham University

UEconomics DepartmentU Umailing addressU UCVU

Contact: 718 817-4063/4045 or 914 661-6998 (cell)

 Umcleod@fordham.eduU  fax: 718 817-3518


Office hours:  E-527 Dealy Hall

Monday 5:30-6:30pm Wed 9:30-10:30pm or

by email appointment


New Session I Summer Course:

Migration and Microfinance

Economics 5808 or Sociology 5808 


Spring 2010 Courses

Econ 3850 UEnvironmental EconomicsU

Mon/Thurs  2:30-3:45pm UCourse CalendarU


Econ 3240 Part I: UWorld poverty U

Mon/Thurs 4-5:15 pm Syllabus UCourse CalendarU

Part II UPoverty in the United States U 


Econ 6470 UGrowth and DevelopmentU

Wed 7:30-9:20pm Course Calendar


Fall 2009 courses

UECGA 5450: Crises, Adjustment and PovertyU

UBackup web pageU  UCourse calendarU  Ubackup calendarU



Summer tutorial:

UEconometrics and Research Methods help fileU

UTutorial Course Statistics using Stata and EviewsU


Selected working papers/publications:


UNDP Poverty group and BCPR (2008)

UPost-Conflict Employment Creation for Stabilization and Poverty ReductionU


UHow fast did Developing Country Poverty fall during the 1990s?U : Capabilities-based  tests of rival estimates” Economics Letters, 90, March 2006, 297-303.


UApparel Export jobs for Women: Ladder up or Poverty TrapU?”

with Bill Gruben & Maria Davalos (2006) Paper prepared for the 2006 LACEA-LAMES

meetings  ITAM, Mexico City, November 2-4th


UApparel Exports and Education: How Developing Nations Encourage Women’s SchoolingUwith William C. Gruben, Economic Letter, Vol. 1, No. 3 March 2006, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas



U“Turning Diversity to Advantage: Promoting Fair Trade and EntrepreneurshipU Uin Indigenous Communities” Uin Gillis, Nancy and Sean Southey (2005) A Community Dialogue for Meeting the Millennium Development Goals, Fordham University Press, New York,


UApparel jobs in Latin America: ladder up or poverty trap?U

with Bill Gruben, Maria Davalos and Rosendo Ramirez, paper presented at the Paper presented at the eighth meeting of the LACEA/IDB/WB Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) México, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla July 8th and 9th 2005.


UConsumption Growth, Poverty and Welfare in the 1990s:U

Testing survey vs. national accounts based poverty rates” UDataSet (zipped excel file)U


URemittances, Inequality and poverty Reduction: some tests for Latin AmericaU


UCurrency Competition and Inflation Convergence in Latin AmericaU


UChoosing Among Rival Poverty Estimates: Some Tests for Latin America U


UThe Openness-Inflation Puzzle RevisitedU Applied Economics Letters,

2004,11, 465-468.  Udataset (spreadsheet format) U  Udataset (zipped file)U


UCapital Account Liberalization and InflationU

Economic Letters, 2002, 77,221-25.


UCapital Account Liberalization and Disinflation (updated version)U

Center for Latin American Economics Working Paper #0104

Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, 2001.


UCapital Account Liberalization and Disinflation in the 1990sU,

LACEA Rio 2000 Meetings, October 22, 2000


UCapital Flows, Savings, and Growth in the 1990sU

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

Volume 38, Issue 3, part 1,275-532  (Autumn 1998) .

UCapital Flight (entry in the Fortune and Concise Encyclopedia of Economics)U


UMinimum Wages and Poverty in Developing CountriesU  UData Appendix- Table A-3U

Chapter 3 of Labor Markets in Latin America: Combining Social Protection with

Market Flexibility (1997) Sebastian Edwards and Nora Claudia Lustig, eds.,

Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C.

(read it on line at UBrookings Institution Press Books on LineU )


UIs Foreign-Currency Indexed Debt a Commitment TechnologyU?

(1999) Some Evidence from Brazil and Mexico

UThe Costs and Benefits of Fixed Dollar Exchange Rates in Latin AmericaU

UEconomic Review, 1st Quarter, 1993,U Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.


UExchange Rate Uncertainty and Economic Growth in Latin America,U with John Welch

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Research Paper No. 9338, September 1993.


UTerms of Trade Fluctuations and Economic GrowthU

Journal of Development Economic, 37, 1992, pp. 89-110.


Mailing Address:

Darryl McLeod, Economics Department

Fordham University

441 East Fordham Road

Bronx, New York  10458-9993


Fall 2005 Courses:


UECGA 7020: Macroeconomic Theory II U  Ubackup web page 7020U


UPhd Macro Comprehensive: Frequently Asked QuestionsU


USylvia Manifold Destiny New Yorker


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