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已有 9257 次阅读 2010-3-9 15:32 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记| 文献, 能动张量, 化学势, 固体热力学, 构形力

“构形力”(configurational force)是经典“变形力”(deformational force)概念的拓展,另外一种常见的叫法是“材料力”(material force),有时也叫“化学力”(chemical force)、“增殖力”(accretive force)或“组分力”(compositional force)等,术语上的多变从侧面反应了“构形力学”(configurational mechanics)新兴交叉学科的特点。J. D. Eshelby在1951年的经典论文“The force on an elastic singularity”(Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol.244, pp.87-112)中提出“缺陷上的力”的构想,开创了构形力学研究的先河,更早地,构形力学的思想可以追溯到1891年Burton在Philosophical Magazine(Vol.33, pp.191-204)上的一篇论文,其中提到了“局部重构”(local structural rearrangement)的概念。晶体中位错线上的Peach-Koehler力、断裂力学中的J-积分等同构形力都有着密切的联系。构形力学中的基本物理量是Eshelby能动量张量,或简称为Eshelby张量、Eshelby应力张量。以下所列是同构形力、能动量张量、化学势、固体热力学等方面相关的一小部分文献,随着视野的深入,将不断增添新的条目......
  • Monographs:
  1. Maugin, G. A., Material Inhomogeneities in Elasticity, Chapman & Hall, 1993
  2. Kienzler, R., Herrmann, G., Mechanics in Material Space: with Applications to Defect and Fracture Mechanics, Springer, 2000
  3. Gurtin, M. E., Configurational Forces as Basic Concepts of Continuum Physics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 2000
  4. Grinfeld, M., Thermodynamic Methods in the Theory of Heterogeneous Systems, Longman Scientific & Technical, 1991
  5. Epstein, M., Elzanowski, M., Material Inhomogeneities and Their Evolution: A Geometric Approach, Springer-Verlag, 2007
  6. Wilmanski, K., Continuum Thermodynamics Part I: Foundations, World Scientific, 2008
  7. Epstein, M., The Geometrical Language of Continuum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 2010
  8. Maugin, G. A., Configurational Forces: Thermomechanics, Physics, Mathematics, and Numerics, CRC Press, 2011
  • Conference Proceedings:
  1. Steinmann, P., Maugin, G. A., eds., Mechanics of Material Forces, Springer, 2005
  2. Dascalu, C., Maugin, G. A., Stolz, C., eds., Defect and Material Mechanics, Springer, 2008
  • Reviews:
  1. Maugin, G. A., Material forces: Concepts and applications, Appl. Mech. Rev., Vol.48, pp.213-245, 1995
  2. Gross, D., Kolling, S., Mueller, R., Schmidt, I., Configurational forces and their application in solid mechanics, Eur. J. Mech. A-Solids, Vol.22, pp.669-692, 2003
  3. Steinmann, P., Scherer, M., Denzer, R., Secret and joy of configurational mechanics: From foundations in continuum mechanics to applications in computational mechanics, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Vol.89, pp.614-630, 2009
  • Research Articles:
  1. Eshelby, J. D., The force on an elastic singularity, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol.244, pp.87-112, 1951
  2. Eshelby, J. D., Energy relations and the energy-momentum tensor in continuum mechanics, In: Kannien, M. F., eds., Inelastic Behavior of Solids, pp.77-144, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970
  3. Eshelby, J. D., The elastic energy-momentum tensor, J. Elasticity, Vol.5, pp.321-335, 1975
  4. Chadwick, P., Applications of an energy-momentum tensor in non-linear elastostatics, J. Elasticity, Vol.5, pp.249-258, 1975
  5. Larche, F. C., Cahn, J. W., The interactions of composition and stress in crystalline solids, Acta Metall., Vol.33, pp.331-357, 1985
  6. Heidug, W., Lehner, F. K., Thermodynamics of coherent phase transformations in nonhydrostatically stressed solids, Pure Appl. Geophys., Vol.123, pp.91-98, 1985
  7. Epstein, M., Maugin, G. A., The energy-momentum tensor and material uniformity in finite elasticity, Acta Mech., Vol.83, pp.127-133, 1990
  8. Bartholomeusz, B. J., The chemical potential at the surface of a non-hydrostatically stressed, defect-free solid, Phil. Mag. A, Vol.71, pp.489-495, 1995
  9. Samohyl, I., Pabst, W., The Eshelby relation in mixtures, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., Vol.32, pp.227-233, 1997
  10. Norris, A. N., The energy of a growing elastic surface, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol.35, pp.5237-5252, 1998
  11. Samohyl, I., Thermodynamics of reacting mixtures of any symmetry with heat conduction, diffusion and viscosity, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., Vol.147, pp.1-45, 1999
  12. Cleja-Tigoiu, S., Maugin, G. A., Eshelby's stress tensors in finite elastoplasticity, Acta Mech., Vol.139, pp.231-249, 2000
  13. Podio-Guidugli, P., Configurational balances via variational arguments, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Vol.3, pp.223-232, 2001
  14. Wu, C. H., The role of Eshelby stress in composition-generated and stress-assisted diffusion, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.49, pp.1771-1794, 2001
  15. Wu, C. H., Chemical potential and energy momentum tensor in single phase mixtures, Mech. Res. Commun., Vol.29, pp.493-499, 2002
  16. Maugin, G. A., Remarks on the Eshelbian thermomechanics of materials, Mech. Res. Commun., Vol.29, pp.537-542, 2002
  17. Kalpakides, V. K., Dascalu, C., On the configurational force balance in thermomechanics, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol.458, pp.3023-3039, 2002
  18. Steinmann, P., On spatial and material settings of hyperelastodynamics, Acta Mech., Vol.156, pp.193-218, 2002
  19. Steinmann, P., On spatial and material settings of hyperelastostatic crystal defects, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.50, pp.1743-1766, 2002
  20. Steinmann, P., On spatial and material settings of thermo-hyperelastodynamics, J. Elasticity, Vol.66, pp.109-157, 2002
  21. Buratti, G., Huo, Y. Z., Muller, I., Eshelby tensor as a tensor of free enthalpy, J. Elasticity, Vol.72, pp.31-42, 2003
  22. Guzev, M. A., Chemical potential tensor for a two-phase continuous medium model, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., Vol.46, pp.315-323, 2005
  23. Epstein, M., Configurational balance and entropy sinks, Int. J. Fract., Vol.147, pp.35-43, 2007
  24. Gupta, A., Markenscoff, X., Configurational forces as dissipative mechanisms: a revisit, C. R. Mecanique, Vol.336, pp.126-131, 2008
  25. Runesson, K., Larsson, F., Steinmann, P., On energetic changes due to configurational motion of standard continua, Int. J. Solids Struct., Vol.46, pp.1464-1475, 2009
  26. Ganghoffer, J. F., Mechanical modeling of growth considering domain variation Part II: volumetric and surface growth involving Eshelby tensors, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol.58, pp.1434-1459, 2010
  27. Grabovsky, Y., Truskinovsky, L., Roughening instability of broken extremals, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., Vol.200, pp.183-202, 2010


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