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来自心怿的诗 (23)

已有 2887 次阅读 2010-1-31 19:12 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集













    飞船平稳地降落在停机坪上。 播音员道:“乘客们请注意,由三号机场大厦出口出去,光感力输送带将在十分钟内把你们送到目的地。另外大厦外有可通往广场的纪念大道,提供特别运输服务,特别欢迎首次到新中方城市市中心来的旅客”。









Along with a smell of “Galaxy fragrance” flowers, an image suddenly emerges in my mind. It is a very young, trapped in meditation state and a smile scholar.


Ah, much beyond my expectation, he is Teacher Crane Chirp, who is an ancestor for the dark energy, ten years ago by Photon spacecraft he mysteriously disappeared as a scholar within great Mongolia triangular area.


Although this decade, about his image and text in the public gradually forgotten, but his voice and smiling face is still familiar with the generation of scholars. How can I do not know him? Is his whole humanity has entered a new era of cosmic dark energy. However, he is much younger than the image that I can remember, it is really strange, has he received negative entropy which rejuvenates his old?


Mixed with energy from Overfly girl my telepathy even sense information from Teacher Crane Chirp, it seems that he is still living, also is related to the telepathy friends of Overfly girl.


Smooth spacecraft lands on the apron. Announcer say: “Passengers Please notes that by 3rd building exiting off the airport, the light conveyor belt will be a sense of power within ten minutes to your destination. In addition there is a commemorating avenue leading to the plaza outside the building, to provide special transport services, in particular welcome the first travelers who come to the center of NCS”.



I smile and leave the spacecraft, chic way to exit on the 3rd airport terminal.




NCS addition to the famous man-made “great East Lake” scenery, there is also exceptional off world and magnificent scenery of the superconducting suspension mountain, “Magic Mountain”. In fact, the entire city is a man-made landscapes and forest landscape park. Numerous skyscrapers are as forest tree trunks, the dense branches are innumerable walking Avenues; between the many skyscrapers, there are regions having amazing virgin forest. Even ancient trees plan as towering in the forest, Cicada sound show the forest to be quieter; wild cane is as dragon flying and snake dance, bird sound illustrate more secluded valley.


More text goes here.


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