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来自心怿的诗 (16)

已有 2791 次阅读 2010-1-23 18:48 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集























然而对于爱情,我的心灵感应控制还是无能为力,因为爱情是那样的复杂细腻, 而又同生命相依相联,是心灵的阳光,飘洒自如,盛满心海,又如精神的骏马,天马行空,独往独来。


Through the ancient spiritual practice, combined with neuronal and human acupuncture bio-radiation adaptation of technology, and use of medicine, in particular the ancient Eastern medicine caused unspeakable biochemical variation, I finally become a leading telepathy control expert, have free access to 10 state of the universal meditation.


I have found that when one enters the meditation gradually closer to the universe, the vacuum state, a negative message and energy in time-space will suddenly open the door. Here the call negative information and energy can affect the physical dynamical states in the original positive state of the world. In other words, in these meditative states, the barriers of time-space have been disappeared, I can far distance move objects, my brain can even change the thinking of objective one.



I divided the degree for the meditative states to close the vacuum of the universe as the different levels; at different levels the meditative states form a local resonance with the universe. Higher degree of resonance can mobilize and use the bigger negative information and energy. If the fifth universal meditative state can crush the stone and smash the iron, then the tenth universal meditation state can move the mountain and fill the river.



However, for love, my telepathy controlling is powerless, because the love is so complicated and delicate, and linked and dependent with the life, which is the sunshine of soul, float freely, filling with the heart sea, and as if the spirit of the horse, unrestrainedly run into the sky and move independently.

More text goes here.


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