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已有 5597 次阅读 2009-11-26 22:51 |个人分类:TRANSPORTATION|系统分类:科研笔记| 经济, 关系, 交通, 作用, 促进














  这一点,在发展中国家尤其明显。学者Ahmed 1976,‘在许多发展中国家,交通设施的匮乏是其社会经济发展的主要瓶颈。常常地,交通缺位,意味着其他社会资源无法流通,例如教育和医疗服务;交通供给不足,限制了农业现代技术在国家范围内的传播,以及农业与其他经济产业间的市场联系。上述种种原因,导致农业生产效率惨低,这对发展中国家的经济是致命的。



  There is a feeling among some economists that an excessive amount of scarce resources sometimes tend to be devoted to transport improvements.

  At a given point in economic development, a country requires a certain level of transport provision so that its growth potential is maximized. That means there is an optimum transport capacity for any development level. It has been argued, however, that there are economic forces that tend to lead to an excess of transport provision (especially high cost infrastructure) at the expense of more efficient and productive projects.

  Wilson (1966)在其编著的书中 pointed to the lumpiness of transport capital which together with its longevity and associated externalities makes it particularly difficult to estimate future costs and benefits. Consequently, decisions to devote resources to transport are not easily reversible or readily corrected.


  并且,发展经济学家,阿尔伯特•赫希曼 (Hirschman,1958)在其书中指出了The political acceptability of transport的原因是the sector attracts resources quite simply because it is difficult for mistakes (of an economic nature) to be proved even after major projects have been completed. Also development planners tend to be mainly concerned with allocating public investment funds and it is , therefore, natural that they should claim transport, communications, etc. as being of overriding and fundamental importance. Further, given the industrial composition of wealthier developed countries with an established heavy industrial base, tied aid for transport schemes has a firm attraction. Those adopting this rather skeptical approach to the role of transport, therefore, accept that an adequate basic transport system is an obvious sine qua non for modern economic development but question whether the opportunity costs involved in further improving transport are necessarily justified.







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