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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十八课

已有 4286 次阅读 2009-8-27 05:13 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记

Unit 18 Idioms with Repetition

1. If Debbie plans to come with us, we’d better get to her house an hour early. She always dillydallies when she’s getting ready. ( to dillydally)

2. Harold never goes anywhere new, always wears a tie, eats the same food every day, and is in bed by nine o’clock. He’s a real fuddy-duddy.

3. Jane thinks that she’s a real hotshot driver, but she keeps getting tickets.

4. We got tired of our humdrum routine and decided to take a week’s vacation on a tropical island.

5. She works for the government, but nobody knows exactly what she does. Her job is very hush-hush.

6. Have you tried to read and understand all that mumbo jumbo in the insurance policy?

7. My neighbors Mamie and Jules are expecting a baby. So we’ll soon be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet around the home.

8. My aunt has always taken good care of her car. After eight years and only twenty-five thousand miles, it’s in tip-top condition.

9. I can never find anything in this room. Everything is so topsy-turvy.

10. My boss is very wishy-washy. He has trouble deciding who should to what, and he doesn’t give clear orders.

11. Marvin is big-time wheeler-dealer in real estate. He keeps buying and selling stores and hotels all over the country. (a wheeler-dealer)


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