而《湖上美人》长诗的作者瓦尔特·司各特(Sir WalterScott,Bart 1771~1832)是英国诗人和小说家,生在苏格兰首府爱丁堡一个没落的贵族家庭。两岁时因患小儿麻痹症而跛脚,终生残废,但他以惊人的毅力战胜残疾,学会骑马、狩猎。1789年人爱丁堡大学攻读法律,毕业后当了8年律师,1799年被任命为塞尔扣克郡副郡长,7年后被委任为爱丁堡高等民事法庭庭长,直至谢世。
19世纪初,他开始从事文学创作,最初以搜集整理苏格兰边区歌谣为主要内容。他的创作生涯大致可分为两个时期:从1805年出版的叙事长诗《最末一个行吟诗人之歌》到1814年出版第一部历史小说《威弗利》,是他创作生涯的前期,主要写有长篇叙事诗8部,其中以描写弗洛登战役为背景的《玛密恩》(1808)和叙述中世纪苏格兰国王及骑士冒险业绩的《湖上美人》(1810)最为著名。从 1814年到逝世,是他创作生涯的后期,相继写下长篇历史小说27部,开创了欧洲历史小说之先河。较著名的有《清教徒》(1816)、《罗伯·罗伊》(1817)、《罗沁中区的心脏》(1318)、《艾凡赫》(1819)等。此外,还写有《小说家列传》、《拿破仑传》等传记。在欧洲文学史上,司各特以多产而闻名遐迩,其写作速度之快,甚至连巴尔扎克也为之惊叹。其主要贡献在于历史小说。1825年,由于他开办的出版社合股人破产,为偿还债务,他拼命写作,致使健康受损。1832年于阿伯茨福德去世。
'No, Allan, no ' Pretext so kind
My wakeful terrors could not blind.
When in such tender tone, yet grave,
Douglas a parting blessing gave,
The tear that glistened in his eye
Drowned not his purpose fixed and high.
My soul, though feminine and weak,
Can image his; e'en as the lake,
Itself disturbed by slightest stroke.
Reflects the invulnerable rock.
He hears report of battle rife,
He deems himself the cause of strife.
I saw him redden when the theme
Turned, Allan, on thine idle dream
Of Malcolm Graeme in fetters bound,
Which I, thou saidst, about him wound.
Think'st thou he bowed thine omen aught?
O no' 't was apprehensive thought
For the kind youth,-- for Roderick too--
Let me be just--that friend so true;
In danger both, and in our cause!
Minstrel, the Douglas dare not pause.
Why else that solemn warning given,
'If not on earth, we meet in heaven!'
Why else, to Cambus-kenneth's fane,
If eve return him not again,
Am I to hie and make me known?
Alas! he goes to Scotland's throne,
Buys his friends' safety with his own;
He goes to do--what I had done,
Had Douglas' daughter been his son!'
'Nay, lovely Ellen!--dearest, nay!
If aught should his return delay,
He only named yon holy fane
As fitting place to meet again.
Be sure he's safe; and for the Graeme,--
Heaven's blessing on his gallant name!--
My visioned sight may yet prove true,
Nor bode of ill to him or you.
When did my gifted dream beguile?
Think of the stranger at the isle,
And think upon the harpings slow
That presaged this approaching woe!
Sooth was my prophecy of fear;
Believe it when it augurs cheer.
Would we had left this dismal spot!
Ill luck still haunts a fairy spot!
Of such a wondrous tale I know--
Dear lady, change that look of woe,
My harp was wont thy grief to cheer.'
'Well, be it as thou wilt;
I hear, But cannot stop the bursting tear.'
The Minstrel tried his simple art,
Rut distant far was Ellen's heart.
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