中国潜叶昆虫Chinese Leafminers分享 潜叶昆虫研究组主页:


[Book 书] Biology of the leaf miners 潜叶虫生物学

已有 4555 次阅读 2009-4-20 17:50 |个人分类:References 参考文献|系统分类:科研笔记| 昆虫, insect, plant, 寄主植物, host

HERING, E. M., 1951, Biology of the leaf miners. Dr. W. Junk Gravenhage, Berlin, 420p.

封面 Cover:

 图片来源 Figure Source:

Contents 目录

1 Introduction 介绍

2 Definition, shape and classification of mines 潜道的定义、形状和分类

3 Leaf mines and mines in other parts of the plant 叶片潜道和植物其它部位的潜道

4 Change in the type of mine. Permanent and temporary miners 潜道类型的变化。永久性的和暂时性的潜叶虫

5 Change from one mine to another 从一个潜道转换到另一个潜道

6 Mine producers 潜道制造者

7 Life history of the mining insect 潜叶昆虫的生活史

8 Duration of mining and connection between mine and seasons of the year 潜食历期以及潜道和季节之间的联系

9 Disposal of frass in mines 潜道中粪便的处理

10 Case-bearing miners 有“袋”的潜叶虫

11 Connection between mining habits and larval morphology 潜食习性和幼虫形态之间的联系

12 The miners' choice of food 潜叶虫的食物选择性

13 Miners on aquatic plants 水生植物上的潜叶虫

14 Colour and discolouration of mines 潜道的颜色和褪色

15 Growth changes in the mined leaf. Mine and gall 被潜食叶片的生长变化。潜道和虫瘿

16 The subsequent fate of the mine 潜道随后的命运

17 Instinct change in miners 潜叶虫的本能变化(?)

18 Effects of two mines in a leaf. Occurence in profusion 同一片叶子上两个潜道的影响。盛发(?)

19 Parasites and enemies; inquilines and symbionts 寄生者和天敌;寄居者和共生者

20 Damage caused by miners, and their practical value. Geographical distribution 潜叶虫的危害及实践意义。地理分布

21 The study of miners 潜叶虫的研究

Final remarks: Problems and aims of future research on mines 结束语:存在的问题以及未来潜道研究的目标

Refernces 参考文献

General Index 索引

下一篇:[Book 书] The Agromyzidae from India 印度潜蝇科昆虫
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