

PROGRAM: Antarctic Research

已有 4831 次阅读 2009-4-15 06:19 |个人分类:海外来鸿|系统分类:科研笔记

AGENCY: National Science Foundation (NSF)/ Office of Polar Programs (OPP)

PROGRAM: Antarctic Research

OBJECTIVES: This program provides funding to expand fundamental knowledge of Antarctica, to foster research on global and regional problems of current scientific importance, and to utilize the region as a platform from which to support research. Investigators applying to this program may receive funding to perform research in Antarctica or to perform related research and data analysis in the United States. The U.S. Antarctic Program supports only research that can be done exclusively in Antarctica or that can be done best from Antarctica. The Foundation supports Antarctic research in these areas:

- Aeronomy and Astrophysics
- Organisms and Ecosystems
- Earth Sciences
- Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
- Glaciology
- Integrated System Science

- Special Opportunity for Science aboard the Swedish Ice Breaker Oden: The expeditions provide the possibility to collect data in sectors of Antarctic marine regions that are rarely visited and data-sparse. While much of the available Oden science time in the 2009-2011 timeframe has been committed through previous competitions, it may be possible to accommodate projects before or after the breakout mission for which the Oden presents compelling advantages. Investigators who think that their science projects might fall into this category should consult the report from the workshop "Forum for Developing US-Swedish Research Cooperation on Oden in Antarctica" ( and contact the relevant program director prior to requesting Oden ship time.

The Antarctic Research program has been in continuous operation since the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year and continuation into the foreseeable future is anticipated. U.S. activities in Antarctica support the Nation's adherence to the Antarctic Treaty, which reserves the region for peaceful purposes and encourages international cooperation in scientific research. At present, 46 nations adhere to the treaty, and 29 of them are involved in Antarctic field activities. Facilities for research in Antarctica include three year-round research stations with scientific equipment and laboratories, helicopters, ski-equipped airplanes, surface vehicles, a wide array of additional research facilities and temporary camps, two research icebreakers, and a logistics icebreaker. These facilities are operated under the guidance of NSF's Polar Research Support Section by a prime Antarctic support contractor, its subcontractors, and other contractors, by military units of the Department of Defense.

DEADLINE: June 8, 2009

FUNDING INFORMATION: NSF expects to fund approximately 50 standard and continuing research awards each year for two to four years. In exceptional cases, awards for longer than four years may be considered if the justification and promise are compelling. Approximately $20 million may be available for new awards to scientists at research institutions. If the award is a continuing award, additional amounts will be forthcoming in future fiscal years. In addition, and separate from the award to the institution, field and laboratory support will be available in Antarctica for those projects for which field work has been proposed and approved.

Julia M. Palais, Glaciology Program Manager
Office of Polar Programs
Room 755
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230
Telephone: 703-292-8033,

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