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已有 6101 次阅读 2009-4-5 15:54 |个人分类:Research tools 研究工具|系统分类:科研笔记| 在线翻译, YAHOO

GOOGLE和YAHOO在线翻译试验 (by 戴小华 Xiaohua Dai)

我们看资料写论文需要翻译,现在有了在线翻译系统,可以多多少少帮助我们理解和写作,但总得来说不能只依赖web translator。下面用8个例子做了一下翻译试验。其中前面6个为专业叙述,后面2个为诗歌。


英译汉部分:例子4 GOOGLE稍好。例子5两者都翻译得不好。例子6两者差不多。例子8的诗歌翻译得都不好,但YAHOO居然还出现英文单词。

例子1: 翻译: 中文 » 英语
GOOGLE翻译:Remote sensing is the use of remote sensors to detect from the air, the nature of the ground objects, which according to different objects have different spectral response of the principles, identify various types of surface features on the ground, with remote sensing of the meaning of things.
YAHOO翻译:The remote sensing is from airborne surveys the ground object nature using the remote sensor, it acts according to the different object to have the different response principle to the spectrum, distinguishes in the ground each kind of terrain feature, has the remote sensation thing meaning.

例子2:翻译: 中文 » 英语
原文:GPS全球卫星定位系统由三部分组成:空间部分—GPS星座(GPS星座是由24颗卫星组成的星座,其中21颗是工作卫星,3颗是备份卫星);地面控制部分—地面监控系统; 用户设备部分—GPS 信号接收机。   【来源:百度百科】  
GOOGLE翻译:GPS Global Positioning System consists of three parts: the space segment-GPS constellation (GPS constellation is composed of 24 satellite constellation, are the work of one of 21 satellites, three satellites are backed up); ground control segment - the ground monitoring system ; user equipment part-GPS signal receiver.
YAHOO翻译:The GPS whole world satellite positioning system is composed of three parts: The space segment - GPS constellation (the GPS constellation is constellation which is composed of 24 satellites, 21 are work satellites, 3 are backup satellite); Ground control part - ground monitoring system; Subscriber's equipment part - GPS signal receiver.

例子3:翻译: 中文 » 英语
原文:生态系统管理是在对生态系统组成、结构和功能过程加以充分理解的基础上,制定适应性的管理策略,以恢复或维持生态系统整体性和可持续性 【来源:百度百科】  
GOOGLE翻译:Ecosystem management is the ecosystem in the composition, structure and function of the process to be fully understood on the basis of the development of adaptive management strategies to restore or maintain ecosystem integrity and sustainability of
YAHOO翻译:The ecosystem management is to the ecosystem composition, the structure and the function process performs the full understanding in the foundation, the formulation compatible management games, restore or maintain the ecosystem integrity and sustainable

例子4:翻译: 英语 » 中文(简体)
原文:Most remote-sensing technology uses light, whether infrared or visible, that falls at the middle to high end of the electromagnetic spectrum. By contrast, at least one important means of remote detection uses microwaves, which are much lower in energy levels 【来源:】  
YAHOO翻译:多数遥感技术是否使用光,红外或可看见,落在中部对高端电磁波频谱。 相反,一遥远的侦查至少重要手段使用微波,是低在能级

例子5:翻译: 英语 » 中文(简体)
原文:A system of satellites, computers, and receivers that is able to determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by calculating the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver. 【来源:
例子6: 翻译: 英语 » 中文(简体)
原文:Many people and organizations have defined ecosystem management. The following examples represent a cross-section of definitions. There are two themes common to most of these definitions of ecosystem management: (1) management should maintain or improve ecosystems; and (2) ecosystems should provide a range of goods and services to current and future generations. 【来源:
GOOGLE翻译:许多个人和组织进行了定义,生态系统管理。下面的例子是一个跨部门的定义。有两个共同主题,其中多数生态系统管理的定义: ( 1 )管理部门应维持或改善的生态系统;及( 2 )生态系统应提供各种货物和服务的当前和未来的几代人。
YAHOO翻译:许多人民和组织定义了生态系管理。 以下例子代表定义的横断面。 有二个题材共同对大多生态系管理的这些定义: (1)管理应该维护或改进生态系; 并且(2)生态系应该提供货物和服务的范围给当前和下一代。

例子7:诗歌翻译: 中文 » 英语
原文:红豆生南国,春来发几枝? 愿君多采撷,此物最相思 【来源:唐诗《 相思》 王维】 
GOOGLE翻译:Health and southern red beans, spring几枝hair? Eagle would like to gather many, the most complex crassicarpa
YAHOO翻译:The red bean lives the southern part of China, how many spring sends? Is willing Mr. to pick, this thing most lovesickness

例子8:诗歌翻译: 英语 » 中文(简体)
原文:the more we live, more brief appear
our life's succeeding stages;
a day to childhood seems a year,
and years like passing ages.  【来源:the river of life 生命之川,by Thomas Campbell 妥默司·康沫尔 】
our生活的成功的阶段; 对童年的a天似乎一年,

(1)十大在线翻译系统准确性大评比 【测评时间2008年中】
(2)在线翻译谁更厉害——四大流行系统对比 【测评时间2007年下】
(3)突破语言障碍 在线翻译系统横向评测 【测评时间2006年中】



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