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专著推介——Potential Theory in Applied Geophysics

已有 7783 次阅读 2009-3-19 11:46 |个人分类:定量遥感相关|系统分类:科研笔记


Potential Theory in Applied Geophysics
作者:Kalyan Kumar Roy
由 Springer出版的关于地球物理学方面势场理论的专著,08年出版

1,Elements of Vector Analysis(矢量分析的一些基本要素)
1.1 Scalar&Vector标量与矢量
1.2 Properties of Vector 矢量的特性
1.3 Gradient of a Scalar 标量的梯度 (?)
1.4 Divergence of a Vector 矢量的散度
1.5 Surface Integral 曲面积分
1.6 Gauss's Divergence Theorem 高斯散度定理
1.7 Line Integral 曲线积分
1.8 Curl of a Vector 矢量的旋度
1.9 Line Integral in a Plane(Stoke's Theorem) 平面上的曲线积分(斯托克定理)
1.10 Successive Application of the Operator Delta(微分算子的成功应用)
1.11 Important Relationship in Vector Algebra 矢量代数中的重要关系

2,Introductory of Remarks
2.1 Field of Force 力场
2.2 Classification of Fields 场的分类
2.3 Concept of Potential 场势的定义
2.4 Field Mapping 场的作图
2.5 Nature of a Solid Medium
2.6 Tensors 张量
2.7 Boundary Value Problems 边值问题
2.8 Dimension of a Problem and its Solvability
2.9 Equations
2.10 Domain of Geophysics in Potential Theory

3, Gravitational Portential Field
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Newton's Law of Gravitation 牛顿重力定理
3.3 Gravity Field at a Point due to Number of Point Sources 由点源数量决定的某点处的重力场
3.4 Gravitational Field for a Large Body 大物体的引力场
3.5 Gravitational Field due to a line Sources 由线源决定的引力场
3.6 Gravitational
Potential due to a Finite Line Sources 有限线源决定的引力势
3.7 Gravitational
Attraction due to a Buried Cylinder 大圆柱体决定的引力
Gravitational Field due to a Plane Sheet 平面层决定的引力场
Gravitational Field due to a Circular Plate 圆盘层决定的引力场
3.10 Gravity Field at a Point Outside on the Axis of a Vertical
Cylinder 大圆柱外垂直与其轴的点处的重力场
3.11 Gravitational Potential at a Ponit due to a Spherical Body 一点处球体决定的引力势
3.12 Gravitational Attraction on the Surface due to a Buried Sphere 大球体决定的表面引力
3.13 Gravitational Anomaly due to a Body of Trapezoidal Cross Section 截面为梯形的物体的引力异常
3.14 Gravity Field of the Earth 地球重力场
3.15 Units
3.16 Basic Equation

4,Electrostatics  静电学

5,Magnetostatics  静磁学

6,Direct Current Flow Field 直流流场

7,Solution of Laplace Equation  拉普拉斯方程的解

8,Direct Current Field Related Potential Problems 直流场相关的势问题

9,Complex Variables and Conformal Transformation in Potential Theory 势理论中的复杂变量和保角变换

10 Green's Theorem in Potential Theory 势理论中的格林定理

11 Electrical Images in Potential Theory 势理论中的电子图像

12 Electromagnetic Theory(Vector Potential) 静电学理论(矢量势)

13 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Problems Related to Geophysics 与地球物理相关的静电波传播问题

14 Green's Function 格林函数

15 Numberical Methods in Potential Theory 势理论的数值方法

16 Analytical Continuation of Potential Field

17 Inversion of Potential Field Data

List of Symbols


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