盖雅城堡,Les Andelys, 法国(摄影:David L. Arnold) 位于法国Les Andelys 镇附近的盖雅城堡废墟曾经是古战场所在,系狮心王(英格兰王、诺曼底公爵)Richard 一世所建,当时是对付法兰西王的战略堡垒。1204年,强大的法军占领了城堡,撕破了英格兰在诺曼底的防卫缺口。A symbol of long-ago battles, Chateau Gaillard lies in ruins near the town of Les Andelys, France. It was built by Richard the Lion-Hearted—King of England and Duke of Normandy—as a strategic redoubt against the king of France. In 1204 French soldiers storming the castle broke England’s grip on Normandy. (Photo shot on assignment for "The Civilizing Seine,” April 1982, National Geographic magazine)