南京农业大学胡白石团队在新疆库尔勒香梨园内发现梨腐烂病发生严重的梨园内常伴随梨火疫病的出现。然而这两种病原物在侵染梨树期间的关系尚不清楚。近期,该团队解答了梨火疫病菌(Erwinia amylovora)与梨腐烂病菌(Cytospora pyri)之间是否存在互作以及探究其潜在的协同致病机制,以题为“Cytospora pyri promotes Erwinia amylovora virulence by providing metabolites and hyphae”在Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》(英文),JIA) 2024年9期以封面文章正式发表。
胡白石团队首先对采集到的梨树样品进行病原物检测,计算两种病原物的田间共存率;随后对E. amylovora和C. pyri进行了室内离体接种,观测病害的发生情况;最后通过对生长、物理互作、毒力因子产生及毒力因子编码基因表达的监测,解析E. amylovora与C. pyri互作的分子机制。结果表明,E. amylovora与C. pyri可在同一病斑中共存,且在离体梨树组织上同时接种两种病原菌可加重病害的发生。同时发现,C. pyri虽不影响E. amylovora的生长,却可以促进E. amylovora的扩散及毒力因子梨火疫毒素的产生。本研究结果表明,E. amylovora与C. pyri在侵染梨树期间存在协同致病作用,C. pyri可通过菌丝和代谢产物促进E. amylovora的扩散并提高致病力,从而加重病害的发生。
Fig. 2 Virulence assays on pear plants. A and B, virulence assays on pear leaves inoculated with either Erwinia amylovora (Liawt05), Cytospora pyri or a combination of both. C and D, virulence assays of E. amylovora (Liawt05) and C. pyri or a combination of both on pear shoots. E and F, virulence assays of E. amylovora (Liawt05) and C. pyri or a combination of both on annual branches of pears. Lesion length was measured on pear tissues at 7 days post-inoculation (dpi). All the experiments were repeated three times with three replicates per sample and data presented are the mean±SD (ANOVA; * , P<0.05; **, P<0.01).
Fig. 3 Microscopic observation. For microscope observations, Erwinia amylovora was tagged with red fluorescent protein (RFP). Pear shoots and annual branches were inoculated with either E. amylovora (Liawt05), Cytospora pyri or a combination of both. Microscopy pictures of diseased pear tissues was observed with stereo fluorescence microscope.
Fig. 4 Effect of metabolites on bacterial and fungal growth. A, disk diffusion between Erwinia amylovora (Liawt05) and Cytospora pyri. NC indicates the negative control of sterile water. B, growth curves of E. amylovora (Liawt05) in PDB media. C, growth curves of C. pyri in PDB media. All the experiments were repeated three times with three replicates per sample and data presented are the mean±SD.
本文是对梨树病原物E. amylovora与C. pyri互作研究的首次报道,开展梨树病原细菌与病原真菌的协同致病研究,对明确病原物的侵染机制,保证新疆梨产业平稳健康发展具有重要意义。
Cite the article:Tong Shen, Mengdi Ye, Yeping Xu, Bohan Ding, Hongtao Li, Li Zhang, Jun Wang, Yanli Tian, Baishi Hu, Youfu Zhao. 2024. Cytospora pyri promotes Erwinia amylovora virulence by providing metabolites and hyphae. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(9): 3045-3054.
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