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"数学家的数学" 和 "教科书的数学"

已有 192 次阅读 2024-10-23 13:23 |个人分类:教学研究|系统分类:教学心得


One should not confuse "the mathematics of mathematicians" with "the mathematics in textbooks." It's like you wouldn't equate Leonardo da Vinci's paintings with the paint scraped off from various paintings.

---- traslated by native AI

You cannot mix up "a mathematician's mathematics" with "textbook mathematics" any more than you can confuse da Vinci's paintings with the paint scraped from various paintings.

---- translated by chatGPT-3.5

One may not confuse "a mathematician's mathematics" with "the mathematics in textbooks." It's just like you wouldn't  equate Leonardo da Vinci's paintings with the pigments scraped off from various paintings.

---- modified from native AI

不能把 "数学家的数学" 和 "教科书的数学" 混肴起来。好比你不会把达芬奇的画作和从各种画作上刮下来的颜料混为一谈。

---- original Chinese text*

comments from chatGPT-3.5 ——

The analogy presented emphasizes the crucial distinction between the original contributions and innovative insights of individual mathematicians, often referred to as "a mathematician's mathematics," and the standardized mathematical concepts found in textbooks. Comparing this relationship to da Vinci's distinct artworks versus the raw pigments gleaned from various paintings underscores the need for recognizing the unique and profound nature of mathematicians' work alongside the basic principles taught in standard educational materials. Just as da Vinci's artistry far surpasses the mere pigments that make up his paintings, the essence of a mathematician's unique approach and discoveries should be esteemed above the traditional mathematical content found in textbooks, reinforcing the importance of honoring individual creativity and advancements within the field of mathematics.


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