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垂直农业如何改变食物生产 精选

已有 5093 次阅读 2024-9-27 19:53 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:科普集锦




Fig. 1 By integrating smart lighting and environmental controls, vertical farming aims to optimize plant health and reduce electricity usage, aligning food production with sustainable practices.


Fig. 2 Dynamic environmental control could transform vertical farming systems. Credit: Kaiser et al/Frontiers

据“前沿”Frontiers2024924日提供的消息,面对耕地减少、世界人口增加,僧多粥少的矛盾日显突出,为未来提供食物的出路在何方?垂直农业(Vertical Farming能破解这一难题吗?垂直农业是如何改变食物生产的Feeding the Future: How Vertical Farming Could Transform Food Production)?


可持续农业的创新方法(Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture

在我们日益拥挤的世界中,确保每个人都有足够的食物需要创新的方法。垂直农业是一种可行的选择,它的方法是在室内密集种植植物。其广泛采用的主要障碍在于解决植物生长所需的照明的高成本和能源需求。科学家们现在发现,调整光线以适应每种作物的独特需求,可以促进更强壮、更健康的生长,同时减少能源消耗。相关研究结果于2024924日已经在《科学前沿》(Frontiers in Science)杂志网站在线发表——Elias Kaiser, Paul Kusuma, Silvere Vialet-Chabrand, Kevin Folta, Ying Liu, Hendrik Poorter, Nik Woning, Samikshya Shrestha, Aitor Ciarreta, Jordan van Brenk, Margarethe Karpe, Yongran Ji, Stephan David, Cristina Zepeda, Xin-Guang Zhu, Katharina Huntenburg, Julian C. Verdonk, Ernst Woltering, Paul P. G. Gauthier, Sarah Courbier, Gail Taylor, Leo F. M. Marcelis. Vertical farming goes dynamic: optimizing resource use efficiency, product quality, and energy costs. Frontiers in Science, 2024, 2. DOI: 10.3389/fsci.2024.1411259. Publication date: 24 September 2024 .https://doi.org/10.3389/fsci.2024.1411259

这篇文章的第一作者埃利亚斯·凯泽(Elias Kaiser)博士说:“垂直农业系统的最大好处是,健康食品可以在离消费者更近的地方种植,否则这些地方是不可能的:大城市、沙漠,以及一年中大部分时间都寒冷黑暗的地方。但是,最大的挑战是与电力使用相关的成本。”

垂直农业的能源效率(Energy Efficiency in Vertical Farming


研究报告的资深作者、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学(Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands)的里奥·马塞利斯教授(Prof Leo Marcelis)说:“我们的动机是植物在昼夜节律和发育时间尺度上表现出的节律,这需要它们的生长环境定期调整,以完美地引导它们的生长。我们概述了一种策略,利用植物生理学知识、新的传感和建模技术以及专门为垂直农业系统培育的新品种。”

植物生长利用技术(Harnessing Technology for Plant Growth





为未来的农业做准备(Preparing for the Future of Farming





参与此项研究的有来自荷兰瓦赫宁根大学、美国佛罗里达大学盖恩斯维尔分校(University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States)、德国于利希研究中心(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany)、澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia)、西班牙巴斯克大学{University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain}、中国科学院上海植物生理与生态研究所(Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China)、澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia)、德国弗莱堡大学(University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany)、美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, United States)的研究人员。

本研究得到了荷兰研究理事会{Dutch Research Council(NWO), NWO Crossover grant 17626} AMS研究所(AMS Institute)、拜耳公司(Bayer)、博斯曼·范·扎尔公司Bosman van Zaal)、CerthonFresh Forward、荷兰格露丹(Grodan)、GrowyOwn Greens/Vitroplus普瑞维亚Priva)、SignifySolynta联合利华Unilever和万贝尔根·科帕建筑事务所Van Bergen Kolpa Architects)以及粮食和农业基金会(Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research简称FFAR)资助的TTW透视计划——“Sky High”TTW Perspectief programme “Sky High” 的支持。也得到了梅里安基金(Merian Fund for the NWO-CAS projects “Twinergy” and “Greenfarm”)、西班牙巴斯克研究经费(The research grant IT1461-22 provided by Basque Country, Spain)、德国研究基金会{Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy (CIBSS – EXC-2189 – Project ID 390939984)}的资助或者支持。



Vertical farming is considered to be a key enabler for transforming agrifood systems, especially in or nearby urbanized areas. Vertical farming systems (VFS) are advanced indoor cropping systems that allow for highly intensified and standardized plant production. The close control of environmental parameters makes crop production stable and repeatable, ensuring year-round uniform product quality and quantity irrespective of location. However, due to continuous changes in plant physiology and development, as well as frequent changes in electricity prices, the optimum conditions for crop production and its associated costs can change within days or even minutes. This makes it beneficial to dynamically adjust setpoints for light (intensity, spectrum, pattern, and daylength), CO2, temperature, humidity, air flow, and water and nutrient availability. In this review, we highlight the beneficial effects that dynamic growth conditions can have on key plant processes, including improvements in photosynthetic gas exchange, transpiration, organ growth, development, light interception, flowering, and product quality. Our novel findings based on modeling and experimentation demonstrate that a dynamic daily light intensity pattern that responds to frequent changes in electricity prices can save costs without reducing biomass. Further, we argue that a smart, dynamic VFS climate management requires feedback mechanisms: several mobile and immobile sensors could work in combination to continuously monitor the crop, generating data that feeds into crop growth models, which, in turn, generate climate setpoints. In addition, we posit that breeding for the VFS environment is at a very early stage and highlight traits for breeding for this specialized environment. We envision a continuous feedback loop between dynamic crop management, crop monitoring, and trait selection for genotypes that are specialized for these conditions.


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2 郑永军 冯兆东

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