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已有 597 次阅读 2024-9-25 11:46 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:博客资讯




利益冲突指的是一个人因为种种关系,无法站在客观立场上处理事情的情况。明显的利益冲突来自于潜在的金钱回馈或个人利益,像是如职业利益和人脉网络。不过,表面上看似正常的事情也可能引发研究项目诚信问题的争议。举例来说,有一个人,他没有任何控制实验设计或影响实验材料供给的权力,但他刚好是该研究项目实验材料供应商的好朋友,并且他没有阐述他与供应商的个人关系,那么这样的研究结果也可能被怀疑。即使这个人也没有任何影响研究实验的权限,但他却因为没有主动告知潜在的利益冲突,这就可能会引起其他人的不满。大家可能会想 「为什么他不表明他跟这些人有私人关系呢? 如果没怎么样的话,也不需要隐瞒啊」。

如果有上方的例子发生,其实也不太会引发任何道德问题,因为例子中的主角并没有任何实权影响研究实验。其实即使存在利益冲突,也不代表一定有任何不诚信的事情发生。 然而,不舒服的感觉能强烈地影响人们的观感。因此,研究员应仔细阅读有关潜在利益冲突的披露适用的规则。



根据出版伦理委员会(Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE) 的推荐,期刊都拥有相当明确的政策规范利益冲突 并且当利益冲突存在时,作者必须向期刊编辑表明,期刊编辑则表明相关的利益冲突让读者知道。因此,许多的期刊都会要求作者在投稿时,一并提供利益冲突的声明conflict of interest statement。当你不太确定这是不是一个必须揭露的利益冲突时,最好让期刊知道,让期刊决定这些是否必须涵盖进去。



  • 如果没有冲突存在,那么你的cover letter中只需包括明确的声明并遵守所有投稿期刊的指示。

Cover letter可使用的声明: “To the best of our knowledge, the named authors have no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.”

Article footnotes可使用的声明: “All authors have [completed the XXX disclosure form] and declare that: (i) no support, financial or otherwise, has been received from any organization that may have an interest in the submitted work ; and (ii) there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.”

注意: 相关的科学研究与伦理审查委员会(IRB)可能会要求作者必须要论文中写进特定的声明字句,请确保都有遵守这些要求。

  • 针对所有的临床研究,论文中应该需包含您是否已经公开任何潜在冲突来研究参与者的声明

可使用的声明: Informed consent has been obtained from all patients included in this study.

  • 如果存在利益冲突,国际医学杂志编辑委员会(the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)推荐涵盖以下的信息:

[1] Sources of support for the work, including sponsor names along with explanations of the role of those sources if any in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing of the report; the decision to submit the report for publication; or a statement declaring that the supporting source had no such involvement; and

[2] Whether the authors had access to the study data, with an explanation of the nature and extent of access, including whether access is on-going.

[3] To support the above statements, editors may request that authors of a study sponsored by a funder with a proprietary or financial interest in the outcome sign a statement, such as “I had full access to all of the data in this study and I take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.”

Suggested language: Author A receives research support/consulting fees from [sponsor name]; a detailed listing of Author A’s financial disclosures is available at [website]; Author B has equity in [organization] and serves on the board of directors [organization]; a detailed listing of Author B’s financial disclosures is available at [website]. No other author has reported a potential conflict of interest relevant to this article.



  • 资金来源 – 说明赞助商、赞助额度和赞助商在研究过程的角色。

  • 财务关系 – 包含顾问关系、 股权所有权雇佣合同、其他津贴,例如旅费或演讲津贴,保险基金投资。阐述发生潜在冲突的组织与其财务参与的程度。

  • 受支援金额 – 许多期刊和机构审查委员会要求披露所有确切的项目支援金额。这里的项目支援并不一定是直接投入于论文当中讨论到的研究计划。当赞助商可能从研究成果中获得巨大利益时,所有财务支援都必须揭露。此外,由利益冲突或伦理委员会审查和批准的财务报表声明可以帮助提高财务透明度,并消除财务利益对研究项目的不良影响。

  • 非财务关系 – 包含个人关系,例如家人与合作伙伴等等,政治关系和学术合作关系。阐明这些关系和可能引发的潜在利益冲突。


上一篇:期刊投稿信(cover letter)要怎么写?
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