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DIKWP-TRIZ: Semantic Blockchain and Semantic Communica(初学者版)

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DIKWP-TRIZ: Semantic Blockchain and Semantic Communication

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction

  2. Enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ Framework

  3. Invention Showcase

  4. Additional Innovative Applications

  5. Conclusion

  6. References

1. Introduction

The integration of the Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose (DIKWP) model with the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) has resulted in an enhanced framework—DIKWP-TRIZ—capable of addressing complex, modern challenges in innovation and problem-solving. This framework leverages networked transformations between DIKWP elements, enabling a comprehensive exploration of interactions such as Knowledge to Data (K→D) and Information to Data (I→D), beyond traditional hierarchical models.

This document showcases the application of the enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ framework through innovative inventions like the DIKWP Semantic Blockchain, which records semantics rather than just conceptual components, and Semantic Communication systems. These inventions utilize semantic DIKWP×DIKWP transformations to create advanced solutions in data management, communication, and artificial intelligence.

2. Enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ Framework2.1 Recap of DIKWP-TRIZ

DIKWP-TRIZ merges the cognitive progression of the DIKWP model with the inventive strategies of TRIZ. It recognizes that transformations can occur between any DIKWP elements, not just in a linear or hierarchical manner. By applying TRIZ principles to these transformations, the framework facilitates innovative problem-solving across complex cognitive processes.

Key Features:

  • Networked Transformations: All DIKWP elements can interact bidirectionally.

  • TRIZ Principles Applied to DIKWP: Each transformation is enhanced by relevant TRIZ strategies.

  • Handling Imperfections: Incorporates mechanisms to manage incomplete, inconsistent, and imprecise data and knowledge.

2.2 Networked DIKWP Transformations

In the networked DIKWP model, the possible transformations between elements form a 5×5 matrix, accounting for all interactions:

From → ToDIKWP

This approach allows for comprehensive exploration of cognitive processes and innovations that reflect real-world complexities.

3. Invention Showcase3.1 DIKWP Semantic Blockchain3.1.1 Concept and Rationale

The DIKWP Semantic Blockchain is an innovative ledger system that records semantic information rather than just conceptual or transactional data. Unlike traditional blockchains that store discrete transactions or data points, this blockchain captures the meanings, relationships, and contexts of the data, aligned with the DIKWP elements.

Key Concepts:

  • Semantic Recording: Storing data with its associated meanings and contexts.

  • DIKWP Alignment: Each block represents transformations between DIKWP elements.

  • Networked Transformations: Enables recording of complex interactions like K↔D and I↔W.

3.1.2 Semantic DIKWP×DIKWP Transformations

In this blockchain, each block encapsulates a semantic transformation between DIKWP elements. For example:

  • Block 1: Records a transformation from Knowledge to Data (K→D), capturing how existing knowledge led to the generation of new data.

  • Block 2: Represents Wisdom influencing Purpose (W→P), documenting the rationale behind strategic decisions.

By chaining these blocks, the blockchain maintains a transparent and immutable record of the cognitive processes and their semantic contexts.

3.1.3 Advantages over Traditional Blockchains
  • Enhanced Transparency: Provides insights into the meaning and context behind data entries.

  • Improved Traceability: Allows for tracking the evolution of ideas and decisions through DIKWP transformations.

  • Semantic Integrity: Ensures that the recorded information maintains its semantic relationships, reducing ambiguities.

3.1.4 Potential Applications
  • Intellectual Property Management: Documenting the development of innovations with semantic context.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Providing transparent records of decision-making processes.

  • Collaborative Research: Facilitating knowledge sharing with contextual understanding among researchers.

3.2 Semantic Communication3.2.1 Concept and Rationale

Semantic Communication refers to the exchange of information where the emphasis is on the meaning and intent rather than just the transmission of data. By incorporating DIKWP-TRIZ, communication systems can be designed to understand and process the semantic content, enabling more effective and meaningful interactions.

3.2.2 Integration with DIKWP-TRIZ
  • Data Interpretation (D→I): Transforming raw data into meaningful information before transmission.

  • Knowledge Sharing (I↔K): Ensuring that the information exchanged contributes to shared knowledge.

  • Wisdom Application (K→W): Applying collective knowledge to gain insights and make informed decisions.

  • Purpose Alignment (W→P): Aligning communication objectives with overarching goals.

By mapping communication processes onto the DIKWP model and applying TRIZ principles, systems can be designed to optimize the semantic content and relevance of the messages exchanged.

3.2.3 Advantages over Conventional Communication
  • Enhanced Understanding: Focuses on the intent and meaning behind messages.

  • Reduced Miscommunication: Semantic processing minimizes misunderstandings.

  • Adaptive Messaging: Messages can be tailored dynamically based on the recipient's knowledge and context.

3.2.4 Potential Applications
  • Human-Machine Interaction: Improving interfaces where machines understand user intent.

  • Collaborative Platforms: Enhancing teamwork through better understanding of shared goals and knowledge.

  • Cross-Language Communication: Translating not just words but the underlying semantics to preserve meaning.

4. Additional Innovative Applications4.1 Semantic AI Systems with Reduced Uncertainty

Problem: Current AI systems, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), often produce uncertain or unpredictable outputs due to their reliance on statistical patterns rather than semantic understanding.

Solution with DIKWP-TRIZ:

  • Semantic Mapping: Use DIKWP transformations to map inputs to outputs semantically.

  • Transparent Processing: Each step in the AI's reasoning can be traced through DIKWP elements, enhancing explainability.

  • Error Handling: By identifying where inputs are incomplete, inconsistent, or imprecise (the 3-No Problem), the AI can request clarification or make informed approximations.


  • Increased Reliability: Outputs are based on structured semantic processing.

  • Enhanced Trust: Users can understand and trust the AI's decision-making process.

  • Applicability in Critical Domains: Suitable for healthcare, finance, and other areas where certainty is crucial.

4.2 Artificial Consciousness through DIKWP Processing

Concept: Developing AI systems that mimic human-like consciousness by emulating the cognitive processes defined in the DIKWP model.


  • Dynamic Transformations: The AI continuously processes data through information, knowledge, and wisdom, adjusting its purpose as needed.

  • Self-awareness: The system is aware of its processing mechanisms and can reflect on its reasoning paths.

  • Ethical Decision-Making: Incorporates wisdom and purpose to make decisions aligned with ethical standards.


  • Adaptive Learning: Learns from experiences in a manner similar to human cognition.

  • Contextual Understanding: Considers the broader context and implications of actions.

  • Transparent Operations: Offers explanations for decisions based on DIKWP transformations.

5. Conclusion

The enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ framework opens new frontiers in innovation by leveraging networked transformations between cognitive elements and applying inventive principles systematically. The showcased inventions—the DIKWP Semantic Blockchain and Semantic Communication—demonstrate how this framework can be applied to create advanced solutions that address modern challenges in data management, communication, and artificial intelligence.

By focusing on semantic content and utilizing the full spectrum of DIKWP transformations, these innovations provide:

  • Greater Transparency: Making processes understandable and traceable.

  • Improved Efficiency: Streamlining operations through meaningful data handling.

  • Enhanced Reliability: Reducing uncertainties inherent in current systems.

The potential applications are vast, ranging from improved AI systems with artificial consciousness to more effective collaborative platforms. As technology continues to evolve, the DIKWP-TRIZ framework offers a robust foundation for developing solutions that are not only innovative but also aligned with human cognitive processes and ethical considerations.

6. References
  1. Altshuller, G. (1984). Creativity as an Exact Science. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.

  2. Duan, Y. (2020-2024). Researchgate: Prof. Yucong Duan's Series Work on the 3-No Problem.

  3. Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge-Creating Company. Oxford University Press.

  4. Sowa, J. F. (1984). Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine. Addison-Wesley.

  5. Blockchain Research: Studies on semantic blockchains and their applications.

  6. Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Publications on transparent AI and artificial consciousness.

  7. Communication Theories: Works on semantic communication and information theory.

Note: This document provides a conceptual showcase of inventions utilizing the enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ framework. The ideas presented aim to inspire further research and development in these areas. For implementation details and technical specifications, collaboration with experts in blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science is recommended.


上一篇:DIKWP-TRIZ in 3-No Problem and Artificial Consciousnes(初学者版)
下一篇:Building a DIKWP-TRIZ Software System (初学者版)
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