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论文致谢征集 | 康杰锋:我对城市生物多样性研究“有所了解”了

已有 1340 次阅读 2024-7-26 21:09 |系统分类:论文交流

  • 康杰锋,2022年博士毕业于京都大学


I am extremely grateful to my supervisor, Professor Shozo Shibata. I would not get a ticket to the field of urban biodiversity research without his support. His overall insight in this field gave me a big picture. When I came to the lab, I “knew nothing” just like John Snow; when I am going to leave the lab, I am proud that now I “know something” about urban biodiversity research.

My sincere appreciation is also extended to Dr. Satoshi Hirabayashi for his encouragement and efficient feedback on our joint study. It has been a pleasure working with him.

I must also thank Associate Professor Katsue Fukamachi, Assistant Professor Ryo Nukina, and Assistant Professor Wen Liu, for their valuable comments on this study. The different viewpoint also reminds me of the limitation of my research and sparked me.

I also wish to thank the lab members (including Ms. Kamaga) of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, and in Faculty/Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, for their support and help, not only in academics but also in lab life. I would like to say a special thank you to the members of the “mini-seminar” in the lab of the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies that I enjoyed the discussions on urban ecology research.

I am grateful to my family and my girlfriend for their support in my life. They are never tired of reminding me to take care of my health which is the foundation of my academic research. And thank them for putting up with me being working for my study for hours on end (with just a few outcomes though).

I would like to acknowledge the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for providing the scholarship for my Ph.D. study; and the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (18H02226, representative: Shozo Shibata) for the research funding.

Finally, I wish to say a special thank you to the great naturalist and writer, Edward O. Wilson. I have never had the honor to meet him, but I have been inspired to chase my dream by his book since I was a masters student.









我的博士论文题目是《Plant biodiversity and ecosystem services in an Asian developed city: land use and scale》。


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