SU3-IBM分享 努力揭开更多原子核的秘密



已有 335 次阅读 2024-7-23 10:37 |个人分类:我思故我在|系统分类:观点评述


  1. In 1932  Chadwick discovered a neutral particle of about the same mass  as the proton that he called the neutron. This discovery  allowed scientists to understand that the binding energy  accounted for less than 1% of the nuclear mass. Thus it is  natural to say that the nucleus is made of neutrons and protons.


  2. In 1935 Yukawa suggested a theory of the strong force to explain how the nucleus holds together. In the Yukawa  interaction a virtual particle, later called a meson, mediated  a force between nucleons.


  3. This basic picture has been studied for many years. Early  models treated heavy nuclei, which could contain hundreds of  nucleons, as classical liquid drops.


  4. Many studies  were devoted to understanding how the liquid-drop model,  with its collective features, could be consistent with the  shell model.


  5. After the single-particle shell model, the natural next step in  describing nuclei is including the effects of two-nucleon  correlations. The strong short-ranged nucleon-nucleon force  that is averaged to make the mean-field G matrix also causes a  significant nucleon-nucleon correlation function.


  6. Deep inelastic scattering (DIS) on nucleons led  to the discovery that the nucleons are made of quarks.  However, due to the small (≤ 1%) nuclear binding energy  and the idea of quark-gluon confinement, it was thought that  quarks had no explicit role in the nucleus and that therefore  nuclei could still be described in terms of nucleons and  mesons. The simple and compelling nucleon-meson picture of  the nucleus was shaken to its core by the 1982 discovery by  the European Muon Collaboration (EMC) of the nontrivial dependence of the per nucleon lepton  deep inelastic scattering cross section on the specific nuclear  target.

    原子核上的深度非弹性散射(DIS)导致了一个这样的发现,核子是由夸克构成的。(物理学中最重要的发现之一)但是,由于小的(≤ 1%)原子核的束缚能,以及夸克胶子禁闭的想法(色作用的作用看起来很少),曾经以为在原子核中夸克不会有什么能观测到的作用,因此原子核可以通过核子和介子来描述。(色作用和色禁闭都不会起作用)原子核中这种简单但是支配地位的核子介子图景在1982年被EMC的发现动摇了核心。他们发现,单个核子的轻子深度非弹性散射截面的非平凡的依赖性,与特定的原子核靶有关。

  7. The observation of this reduction, caused by the nucleus,  showed that the quarks have a small but definite role in the  nucleus.



  8. The non-nucleonic admixture in these correlations is at most about 10%, leading to a 2% non-nucleonic contribution. However, the EMC effect  is about 15%, so that one needs to find an enhancement  mechanism.


  9. Models need to include nucleon modification to account  for the EMC effect. These models can modify the  structure of any of the following:  (i) Predominantly mean-field nucleons, which are  modified by momentum-independent inter actions,  (ii) predominantly nucleons belonging to SRC  pairs, or  (iii) both mean-field and SRC nucleons.


  10. Interference effects between nucleonic and non-nucleonic components are responsible for the  EMC effect.


  11. Corrections to the shell model can be classified broadly in terms of the relevant distances needed to describe  the various phenomena. There are both long-ranged (similar to the size of the nucleus) and short-ranged (similar to the size  of the nucleon) phenomena.


  12. Only about 60%–70% of the expected valence nucleon strength was observed. The missing strength implies the existence of collective effects (long-range correlations) and short-range correlations in nuclei.


  13. Since the short-ranged nature of the strong nuclear  forces implies that nucleons must be influenced by nearby  nucleons. There is no fundamental one-body potential in the  nucleus, unlike the central one-body Coulomb potential that  binds electrons to form the structure of the atom.


  14. Indeed, since the NN forces are short ranged, the fact that the shell-model approximation has any relevance is somewhat surprising. In the early days of nuclear physics, the fundamental question of nuclear physics was: how does the very successful shell model of the nucleus emerge in spite of the strong short-ranged interactions between nucleons?


  15. Chiral effective field theory provides a low-energy  version of QCD, guided by chiral symmetry. The advantage gained is that different parts of  the potential are divided between more easily understood long-ranged contributions and presumably unknown short-ranged contributions.


  16. Occasionally (20%–25% in medium or heavy  nuclei) two nucleons get close enough to each other so that  temporarily their singular short-range interaction cannot be  well described by a mean-field approximation.


  17. Two distinct regions are visible:  below the Fermi momentum where no angular correlation is  observed, and above the Fermi momentum where a clear back to-back correlation is seen.


  18. In the conventional  momentum-space picture, the momentum distribution for all  nuclei and nuclear matter can be divided into two regimes,  above and below the Fermi momentum. The  region below the Fermi momentum accounts for about 80% of the nucleons in medium and heavy nuclei (i.e., A ≥ 12) and  can be described using mean-field approximations. The region  with momenta greater than the Fermi momentum accounts  for about 20%–25% of the  nucleons and is dominated by nucleons belonging to NN-SRC,  predominantly pn-SRC.



  19. It occurred to many  experimentalists that MeV-scale nuclear effects should be  negligible at GeV-scale momentum and energy transfers and  that therefore they could increase their experimental statistics  by using nuclear targets. Surprisingly, the CERN European  Muon Collaboration found that the per nucleon cross section ratio of iron to deuterium was not unity.


  20. The effect had a universal shape, increased with nuclear  mass number A.


  21. The structure of a nucleon bound in a nucleus significantly differs from that of a free nucleon. The medium modifies the nucleon.


  22. What is the origin of the medium modification? This question is more deeply to the very nature of  confinement.


  23. This momentum reduction leads, via the uncertainty principle, to the notion that quarks in nuclei are confined in a larger volume than that of a  free nucleon.


  24. Since only about 20% of nucleons belong to SRC pairs , 5 times more nucleons would be modified by mean field effects than by nucleon-nucleon interactions at close  range.


  25. The connection between the EMC effect and nucleon nucleon correlations is very profound. Although the binding  energy of a nucleon is less than 1% of its mass, the fact that the nucleon is made of quarks and gluons is manifest in two  distinct sets of phenomena, via experiments that have been  repeated several times. The direct influence of the quark presence in nuclei is now established.


  26. This presence is a subtle effect as it must be, given the generally small deviation of R from unity, and does not arise via  the usual low-energy, low-momentum transfer nuclear physics observables: binding energy, spectra, radii, electroweak transition rates, etc. Nonetheless, the quark presence cannot be  denied. We expect that a deeper understanding of the EMC and  SRC connection will ultimately lead to an improved under standing of the nature of  confinement of light quarks.


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7 郑永军 宁利中 王从彦 刘进平 杨正瓴 刘炜 高宏

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