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  《引力的动态理论》(The Dynamic Theory of Gravity),亦作《重力的动态理论》,是尼古拉·特斯拉于1936年完成的理论框架,被誉为是大统一场理论的先驱。早在1894年,特斯拉就在《纽约时报》上首次论述他的关于光、物质、以太和宇宙的理论。特斯拉在81岁时发表了一份声明《Prepared Statement by Nikola Tesla》来宣传《引力的动态理论》。与爱因斯坦的理论不同的是:特斯拉的理论是一个基于牛顿的万有引力延伸出来的理论。这个理论从没被正式出版过,而在特斯拉逝世后美国政府将他的研究报告列入绝密档案。虽然我们仍然能够找到少量曾引用过这篇论文的内容,但其整体内容还是未知。特斯拉这个理论的中心思想,认为以太是存在的,而且是引力的存导介质,而不是引力场;而透过电磁场的高速转动,可以带动以太旋转,从而改变引力的大小与方向。根据特斯拉在81岁时发表的声明《Prepared Statement by Nikola Tesla》 [1]  以及相关资料,国际特斯拉协会的研究人员得出了以下结论:1、在网上,《引力的动态理论》被称为“人类史上最伟大的旷世巨作”,实际上这个理论没有这样一个称号。2、《引力的动态理论》中没有任何关于火星登陆、人造星球、空间传送、时间旅行、引力门系统、引力墙、光子墙或粒子墙的内容。

Dynamic Theory of Gravity
The Dynamic Theory of Gravity of Dr. Nikola Tesla explains the relation between gravitation and electromagnetic force as a unified field theory (a model over matter, the aether, and energy). It is a unified field theory to unify all the fundamental forces (such as the force between all masses) and particle responses into a single theoretical framework.
Tesla's proposition that gravity is a field effect is being given more serious consideration by researchers. At the time of his announcement, his critique on Einstein's work was considered by the scientific establishment to exceed the bounds of reason. While this theory is disputed by some or simply ignored by others, it does not change the clear indication of the resurfacing of many supposedly "new" ether based theories by current scientists. Initially developed between 1892 and 1894 during the period in which he was conducting experiments with high frequency and high potential currents and electromagnetism, it was subsequently never officially published. Though these principles guided his future research and experiments, Tesla did not announce his theory until near the end of his life after he had been disillusioned by the war efforts. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity neither appears nor is mentioned anywhere in standard Tesla informative sites and reportedly, is still classified and unavailable under the FOIA.

Dynamic theory of gravity
Tesla published a prepared statement on his 81st birthday (July 10, 1937) critiquing Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. The following is a portion of that statement:
"... Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena."
"My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment." — Nikola Tesla
While this statement asserted that Tesla had "worked out a dynamic theory of gravity" that he soon hoped to give to the world, he reportedly died before he publicized the details. There is still a halo of mystery around his death - even the exact date is not certain. It is speculated that his death may have been caused by too much "pressure" by agents in order to extract and obtain the secret documents regarding this theory.
Unfortunately few details were publicly revealed by Tesla about his theory. Available details argument against space being curved by gravitational effects, which leads some to believe Tesla failed to understand Einstein's theory is not about curved space at all, but curved space-time. However, there is disagreement about Tesla's exact understanding of Einstein's theories; Tesla was actively conducting tangible experiments during the time of Einstein's theoretical research. He underlined that time was a mere man-made reference used for convenience and as such the idea of a "curved space-time" was delusional, hence there was no basis for the Relativistic "space-time" binomium concept.
Tesla's aether concept
It is important to correctly comprehend Tesla's unique aether concept as several popular researchers in the field have not done. Tesla's aether is analogous to the classical aether "gas" theory.
"Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." 
Tesla's aether is a rarefied gas having extreme elasticity. It allows ponderable matter to pass almost freely through it, waves in it are electromagnetic waves and electrostatic, gravitational and magnetic forces are all directly related to the aether. It is important to note that there are major errors in the works of several major Tesla researchers, they have incorrectly deduced from Tesla's pre-1900 lectures on alternate currents of high potential that Tesla said his aether could be "polarized" and made "rigid" through a particular high frequency alternator and single terminal coil (ex. 1892 lecture in London) and 2 metal plates which he "suspended" in the air making the space between them rigid "privately" on one another (ed. the Tesla Effect). Tesla believed his aether to be an insulating medium and after studying the lectures in detail it becomes apparent that he is in fact talking about polarizing and solidifying the air, not the aether. Also his aether is said to be carriers immersed in an insulating medium as supposedly quoted from one of his high frequency lectures. This is incorrect as reading it properly it states that the air is the carriers and the insulating medium is the aether. In 1894, Tesla invented a special bulb (which was the ultimate result of his research in vacuum tubes; the unipolar "targetless" bulb) which augmented this technology to create "tubes of force" which could be used for motive power (what Tesla later cited as "veritable ropes of air"). Note that the tubes of force is only a theory and without proof should not be taken seriously.
特斯拉的以太是一种稀薄气体,极富弹性。它允许可称量的物质完全自由地穿过它,在里面的波动形成了电磁波和静电,重力和磁力,都与以太相关。重要的是要留意,在特斯拉研究者的几个主要作品里面,有了几个主要错误,他们不正确地推断特斯拉在1900年前的关于高电势交流电的演讲,特斯拉说他的以太可以被“极化”,通过一种特别高频的交流电和单一终端的线圈形成了“网格”( ex. 1892,在伦敦的演讲),他让两块金属板“悬浮”在空气中,让它们之间的空间“秘密地”固定在一起(特斯拉效应)。详细研究过他的演讲后,认为特斯拉的以太是一种绝缘介质,显然他事实上说的是空气中的极化(偏振)和固化,而不是以太。他也说,他的以太是沉浸在一种绝缘介质的传送体,正如从他的一篇高频电流的演讲一样。但这是不正确的,因为正解地解读后,发现它说的是空气是传送体,绝缘介质是以太。1894年,特斯拉发明了一种特别的灯泡(他研究的最终结果是发明真空管;单极的“阴极”灯泡),把这种技术推广为是创造“力的管子”,可以用来作为原动力(特斯拉后来说是“空气中的真正绳索”)。注意,力的管子只是一个理论,没有严格地证实。
Theory structure
Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details". This aether-based theory, which initially was developed between 1893-94, explained gravity and directly linked it to electromagnetic phenomena, explaining also that the sun and all stars emit "primary solar rays" which in turn produce secondary radiations. Tesla's theory states that the phenomena produced by electromagnetic forces is the most important phenomenon in the universe. According to portions from his theory, mechanical motions are universally a result of electromagnetic force acting upon and through media. Unfortunately, no mathematical details of the theory have officially surfaced.
Tesla demonstrated that all bodies have electrical content and as such, are all moving charges as our earth hurls through space at incredible speed (hence 'dynamic'). He demonstrated, through the use of his particular evacuated tubes and high voltage coils powered by specifically designed high frequency alternators, how earth emanates "microwaves" and how it behaves as a charged sphere. Based on these discoveries and their confirmation at Colorado Springs, he developed and tested his first electromagnetic machine that could fly "devoid of sustaining wings, propellers or gas bags".
Non-hertzian waves
In the Responses to Questions on December 20, 2000 of various authors and researchers concerning Dr. Tesla, it is reported that Tesla's concept of "electromagnetic momentum" appears to have been gleamed from Maxwell's original work (ed. the equation usually referred to as the Maxwell's equation in use today were written by Oliver Heaviside and could rightly then be called the "Maxwell-Heaviside equations"). Tesla was familiar with the quaternion notation in Maxwell's work and often referred to Maxwell's books. Tesla also conveyed the notion of J. Zenneck's longitudal ground wave as the non-Hertzian wave he was talking about. These are now known today in microwave field theory as "surface waves". Tesla calls attention to a "field of force" being indispensable for explaining the movements of astronomical objects (a concept that fields model the phenomenon more precisely). Heaviside himself offered "a gravitational and electromagnetic analogy" (The Electrician, 1893). Others have continued this line of work. Oleg D. Jefimenko wrote the book "Causality, electromagnetic induction, and gravitation : a different approach to the theory of electromagnetic and gravitational fields" (Star City [West Virginia] : Electret Scientific Co., c1992. ISBN 0917406095 ).
12月份,在对研究特斯拉的20, 2000名不同作者和研究者的回应中,据说特斯拉的“电磁动量”概念已经在麦克斯韦的原著中出现过一下(例如,今天通常提到的麦克斯韦方程组是由奥利弗•海维赛特写的,那时正确地称为“麦克斯韦—海维赛特方程式”)。特斯拉很熟悉麦克斯韦作品的四个一组的符号,经常提到了麦克斯韦的书。特斯拉也说了J. Zenneck的地表纵波概念是他说的非赫兹波。这些在今天的微波领域理论称为“地面波”。特斯拉注意到“力场”在解释天体运动中是不可缺少的(一个场的概念建立了更恰当的模型来解释现象)。海维赛德本人提出了“引力和电磁的类比”( The Electrician, 1893)。其它的也继续了这方面的工作。Oleg D. Jefimenko写了“因果关系,电磁效应和引力;电磁和引力场的不同理论方法”(Star City [West Virginia] : Electret Scientific Co., c1992. ISBN 0917406095 ).


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