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AG-14篇 JAES-17篇 JGE-2篇

已有 864 次阅读 2024-6-12 21:26 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Applied Geochemistry-14

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences-17

Journal of Geochemical Exploration-2

Compositional balance analysis for Cu-Zn(±Co) geochemical anomaly mapping in Trøndelag county, Norway


Applied Geochemistry


Mercury in Groundwater – Source, Transport and Remediation


Applied Geochemistry


Structural features and Holocene activity of the Motuo fault zone, eastern Himalaya syntaxis


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Challenges in geochemical modelling of metal(loid) solubility and binding mechanisms along a soil profile at a multi-contaminated site


Applied Geochemistry


Leaching of magnesium potassium phosphate cement pastes under alkaline conditions


Applied Geochemistry


Changes in mechanical properties and surface microstructure of shale organic matter after coupling supercritical carbon dioxide with water


Applied Geochemistry


A dynamic rifting model of the Caroline Ridge, West Pacific


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Multi-stage leucogranite emplacement in the Yalashangbo dome in northern Himalaya: Trigger and consequence of faulting along the southern detachment system


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Editorial Board


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Reactive transport modelling of iron bentonite interaction in the FEBEX in situ experiment


Applied Geochemistry


Geoenvironmental characteristics of ferroniobium slag from the saint Lawrence columbium mine, Oka, Québec, Canada


Applied Geochemistry


Dual-Carbon Isotope Analysis of Benzene Polycarboxylic Acids for Tracking Black Carbon across Different Environments


Applied Geochemistry


Early Carboniferous within-plate magmatic rocks related to Proto- and Paleo-Tethys evolution in western Yunnan, SW China: Geochronological and geochemical constraints


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Molecular organic geochemistry and origin of oil in the Potwar Basin, Pakistan


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Sedimentary evolution of the East China Sea with implications for the relationship between the East Asian winter and summer monsoon over the past 6.3 ka

东海沉积演化及其对过去6.3 ka东亚冬、夏风关系的启示

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Organochlorine pesticides in water and sediment at a typical karst wetland in Southwest China


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Unraveling roles of dissolved organic matter in the co-occurrence of arsenic and ammonium in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifers


Applied Geochemistry


High stability of carbonate weathering relevant carbon sink under biological pump effect in inland waters: Insights from Shawan Karst Experimental Site, Southwest China


Applied Geochemistry


Asian monsoonal temperature and environmental changes since the penultimate deglaciation as revealed by alkenones and alkanes in sediments from the northern South China Sea


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Oligocene magmatism in the eastern sakarya zone, ne turkey: Geodynamic implications


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Soil-forming accumulation of heavy metals in geological high background areas: Constraints of structure, lithology, and overlying soil geochemistry


Journal of Geochemical Exploration


Enhanced weathering for CO<sub>2</sub> removal using carbonate-rich crushed returned concrete; a pilot study from SE Ireland

富碳酸盐碎石回用混凝土对CO<sub>2</sub>去除的增强风化作用; 一项来自爱尔兰东南部的试点研究

Applied Geochemistry


Additive effects of basalt enhanced weathering and biochar co-application on carbon sequestration, soil nutrient status and plant performance in a mesocosm experiment


Applied Geochemistry


A multi-proxy lacustrine sedimentary record of sub-decadal to decadal scale variability of monsoon during the late Holocene in southern India


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Towards an effective exploration information system – new concepts and ideas aimed at improving mineral exploration targeting


Applied Geochemistry


Spatial variations in effective elastic thickness and loading ratio in the Indo-Burma subduction zone based on the joint inversion of Bouguer coherence and admittance


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Deciphering sources of lode gold deposits in the South Tianshan, NW China: Insights from Pb isotope systematics


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Petrogenetic and tectonic implications of mid–Neoproterozoic I–type granites in the Feidong Complex on the northeastern margin of the Yangtze Block, South China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Assessing magmatic contributions to rift-related geothermal systems in collisional orogens: Insights from the Sangri-Cona rift, southern


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Relationship between Pb-Zn and Au mineralization in the Laoyachao deposit, South China: Constraints from geology and S-Pb-He-Ar isotopes


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Occurrence and mobility of shale oil in the Jiyang Depression, eastern China


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Evidence of detrital spinel geochemistry for depositional response to the Paleo-Tethyan closure recorded in the Songpan-Ganzi Terrane, eastern


Journal of Asian Earth Sciences


Unraveling the mutual effect of different molecular weights natural organic matter fractions and heavy metals on ferrihydrite nanoparticles aggregation


Applied Geochemistry




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