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GCA-14篇 EPSL-14篇 CG-21篇

已有 995 次阅读 2024-5-23 21:39 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta-14

Earth and Planetary Science Letters-14

Chemical Geology-21

Volatile budgets and gold mobilization in metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Early arrival of the Réunion plume at the base of the Himalaya?


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Size–shape–stable isotope (C and O) relationships of cryogenic cave carbonates formed in permafrost settings


Chemical Geology


Editorial Board


Chemical Geology


Biogeochemical cycling of manganese and iron in a macrotidal and hyperturbid estuary subject to flow-driven sedimentation


Chemical Geology


Deciphering the U<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Pb dates of sedimentary phosphates: A complex example from the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene series in northwestern Morocco


Chemical Geology


Measurement of total amine site concentrations on bacterial cell surfaces using selective site-blocking and potentiometric titrations


Chemical Geology


An intensified lacustrine methane cycle during the Toarcian OAE (Jenkyns Event) in the Ordos Basin, northern China

鄂尔多斯盆地toarian OAE (Jenkyns事件)期间湖泊甲烷循环加剧

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


A high-resolution seismic velocity model for East Asia using full-waveform tomography: Constraints on India-Asia collisional tectonics


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Partial melt in mesoscale upper mantle upwellings beneath ocean basins


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Microbially-mediated reductive dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals during freeze-thaw cycles


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Uranium(VI) hydrolysis up to 250°C and its geological implications


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Long-term isolation of Hadean mantle domains revealed from coupled <sup>147-146</sup>Sm-<sup>143-142</sup>Nd systematics in the eastern North China Craton


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


The early onset of magmatic rift faulting in the Edward-George Rift, Uganda


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Editorial Board


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Influence of structural Fe content in clay minerals on selenite redox reactions: Kinetics and structural transformations


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


A case study of depolymerization in silicates: Melting of quartz and zircon crystallization at high pressure


Chemical Geology


Distributions of bacterial branched tetraether lipids associated with bacterial communities in hummock and hollow soils from Southern peatland


Chemical Geology


What is the source of magnesium in hydrothermal dolomites? New insights from coupling δ<sup>26</sup>Mg - <sub>47</sub> isotopes

热液白云岩中镁的来源是什么? 耦合δ<sup>26</sup>Mg -<sub>47</sub>同位素的新见解

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Predicting source rock silica from igneous zircon characteristics


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Nitrogen sequestration in the core at megabar pressure and implications for terrestrial accretion


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Constraints on the source of Siberian Trap magmas from Mo isotope evidence


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Transformation of organic to inorganic nitrogen in NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-illite-bearing and Ga-Al-REE-rich bituminous coals: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes and functionalities

含伊利石和富ga - al - ree烟煤中有机氮向无机氮的转化:来自氮同位素和官能团的证据

Chemical Geology


Geochemical and depositional environment of an Upper Cretaceous greensand giant (Münsterland Cretaceous Basin, Germany)

德国m<s:1> nsterland白垩统盆地上白垩统绿陆巨岩地球化学及沉积环境

Chemical Geology


A distinctive rare earth element signature for pyrite oxidation and glacial weathering


Chemical Geology


An analysis of Δ<sup>36</sup>S/Δ<sup>33</sup>S dependence on definitions of sulfur mass-independent fractionation


Chemical Geology


Continental subduction-triggered carbonate metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle: Implications for the deep carbon cycle


Chemical Geology


Nitrogen isotopes as a robust tracer of fluid activities and mineral reactions in regional metamorphism


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Global oceanic basalt sources and processes viewed through combined Fe and Mg stable isotopes


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Assessing lunar paleointensity variability during the 3.9 - 3.5 Ga high field epoch

3.9 - 3.5 Ga高场期月球古强度变化的评估

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Redox equilibria of iron in low- to high-silica melts: A simple model and its applications to C-H-O-S degassing


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Non-Henrian behavior of hydrogen in plagioclase – Basaltic melt partitioning


Chemical Geology


Effects of small-scale topography on organic sulfur mineralization of subtropical soils


Chemical Geology


Dating metamorphic processes and identifying <sup>87</sup>Sr/<sup>86</sup>Sr inheritance using volume-coupled Rb/Sr geochronology and geochemistry of in situ white mica: A demonstration with HP/LT rocks from Syros, Greece


Chemical Geology


HED zircons as a window into the solar system’s first crust: Decoupling primordial differentiation, metamorphism and impact events through textural and chemical studies


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Serpentinite geochemistry documents the earliest dehydration and decarbonation of the subducting slab beneath the Mariana forearc


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Tl, Mo and U isotopes in U-ore deposits record Earth's fundamental redox processes


Chemical Geology


Precessional forcing of biogeochemical and nutrient cycling in the tropical western Pacific during the late Pleistocene


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


The oxygen fugacity of intermediate shergottite NWA 11043: implications for Martian mantle evolution

中间辉长岩NWA 11043的氧逸度:对火星地幔演化的启示

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Quantitative <em>in situ</em> Raman spectroscopy investigation on HSO<sub>4</sub><sup></sup> dissociation at high pressures (up to 420 MPa) and its geological implication

高压(高达420 MPa)下HSO<sub>4</sub><sup></sup>解离的定量<em>原位</em>拉曼光谱研究及其地质意义

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Hydroclimate of the Messinian Salinity Crisis constrained from paleo-water triple oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium isotopes


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Recycled lower oceanic crust signal in early Jurassic A<sub>1</sub>-type granites, South China: Implications for flat-slab subduction and mantle heterogeneity in the continental back-arc region


Chemical Geology


Compound-specific, intra-molecular, and clumped <sup>13</sup>C fractionations in the thermal generation and decomposition of ethane and propane: A DFT and kinetic investigation


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


A non-classical crystallization mechanism of microbially-induced disordered dolomite


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Trace element (Be, Zn, Ga, Rb, Nb, Cs, Ta, W) partitioning between mica and Li-rich granitic melt: Experimental approach and implications for W mineralization

微量元素(Be, Zn, Ga, Rb, Nb, Cs, Ta, W)在云母和富锂花岗岩熔体中的分配:实验方法及其对W矿化的影响

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Mineralogical and environmental effects on the δ<sup>13</sup>C, δ<sup>18</sup>O, and clumped-isotope composition of modern bryozoans


Chemical Geology


In situ investigation of the atomic structure of carbonate-silicate liquids at high pressure-temperature and spectroscopic characterization of the recovered quenched glasses


Chemical Geology


Rare-earth element (REE) remobilization and fractionation in bauxite zones from sedimentary kaolin deposits, western Georgia (USA), Upper Coastal Plain


Chemical Geology


Low Mo mobility during the laterization of ultramafic bedrock: Evidence from the East Sulawesi Ophiolite, Indonesia


Chemical Geology




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