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Understanding Animal Consciousness with DIKWP Model

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  Understanding Animal Consciousness with DIKWP Model


Yucong Duan

Benefactor: Shiming Gong

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Standardization Committee

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness

World Artificial Consciousness Association








Background introduction

1 Experimental observation of crows

2 Application of DIKWP model

2.1 Data to information transformation (D -> I)

2.2 The transformation from information to knowledge (I -> K)

2.3 The application of knowledge to wisdom (K -> W)

3 Octopus's pain avoidance behavior

4 Application of DIKWP model

4.1 Transformation from data to knowledge (D -> K)

4.2 The transformation and application of knowledge to wisdom (K -> W)

4.3 Purpose-oriented function realization (W -> P)

5 DIKWP model

5.1 Data

5.2 Information

5.3 Knowledge

5.4 Wisdom

6 Detailed explanation of the mathematical process

6.1 Data collection stage (D-observation)

6.2 Combination of task purpose and data (P-task)

6.3 Transformation from data to information (D+P::=I)

6.4 Behavior execution stage (D-activity)

6.5 Measurement of brain activity (D-activity and I-report)

6.6 Consciousness Indicator

7 Application example and mathematical treatment of DIKWP model

7.1 Mirror Test of Corvus corone

7.1.1 Background

7.1.2 Mathematical marking and processing

7.2 octopus room selection experiment (Octopus bocki)

7.2.1 Background

7.2.2 Mathematical marking and processing

7.3 Overall application of DIKWP model

Conclusion and prospect


Background introduction

In recent years, the research on animal consciousness has expanded from traditional mammals to a wider range of biological groups including invertebrates. With the continuous accumulation of experimental data, the scientific community began to take seriously some animal consciousness phenomena that were neglected in the past. For example, the advanced cognitive function and pain avoidance behavior shown by animals such as crows and octopus in experiments challenge our traditional definition of consciousness. These findings urge us to re-evaluate the conscious experience of animals, and on this basis, explore its significance in biology and cognitive science.


1 Experimental observation of crows

In the study of Corvus corone, scientists train these birds to respond to squares with specific colors on the screen, so as to observe their behavioral responses and brain activities. Crow shows high accuracy in task execution in the experiment, and its brain activity is closely related to task-related information processing, not just passive visual observation. This behavioral response not only shows that crows have advanced information processing ability, but also implies that they can process this information cognitively, thus affecting their behavioral decisions.

Background case material from the Nature paper: "In an experiment with Corvus corone, these birds were trained to make specific head movements when they saw colored squares on the screen, and they performed this task very accurately. When birds perform tasks, scientists measure the activities of brain regions related to advanced cognition (Professor Yucong Duan's note: this activity category corresponds to the data category of DIKWP and is marked as D-activity). The brain activity of birds is related to the information they report (Professor Yucong Duan's note: this information category corresponds to the information category of DIKWP, marked as I-report), but not to what they actually see (Professor Yucong Duan's note: this content category corresponds to the data category D-observation of DIKWP). This sentence can be expressed as the processing result of the DIKWP transformation processing function DIKWP () corresponding to scientists' measurement activities: D-activity:: = DIKWP (I-report) AND D-activity:: =! DIKWP(D-observation)). This shows that they are aware of what they perceive (Professor Yucong Duan's Note: This conscious process corresponds to the data-to-information transformation process in DIKWP's 5*5 transformation model, which is driven by the active cognition of the measured crows through self-awareness purpose. Combining the data D-observation observed through the eyes with its cognitive purpose P-task affects the semantic understanding of the data in its cognition, and realizes one of the transformation modes of DIKWP, "data +purpose::= information", marked as D+P::=I, that is, D-observation+P-task:: = I-report. Finally, I-report rather than D-observation influenced the crow's action result D-activity. ), which is another potential sign of consciousness (Professor Yucong Duan's Note: This sign corresponds to one of the 5*5 cross-category transformations of DIKWP, and it can be extended to use the 5*5 cross-category transformations of DIKWP for complete consciousness marking. This process is the core of Professor Yucong Duan's consciousness marking DIKWP method. ).


2 Application of DIKWP model

2.1 Data to information transformation (D -> I)

The crow's brain activity (D-activity) can be regarded as a direct physiological response to visual stimuli (colored squares) in the experiment, and this data is transformed into specific information (I-report) after cognitive processing. This process shows the transformation from sensory data to information processing, that is, "data +purpose::= information" (D+P::=I) in DIKWP, in which P-task (task-driven) urges crows to transform visual data into specific cognitive information.

2.2 The transformation from information to knowledge (I -> K)

Crow's performance in the experiment is not only a simple reflection or instinct, but also a decision-making ability based on past experience (such as the reaction mode learned in training) and the current situation. This shows that they can integrate information into knowledge (K) and apply this knowledge to optimize behavior in similar situations.

2.3 The application of knowledge to wisdom (K -> W)

Through the crow's reaction, we can see how they use the existing knowledge to formulate behavior strategies in specific situations. This knowledge-based application embodies the level of wisdom. This wisdom is not only a response to immediate situations, but also a reflection of long-term adaptation and survival strategies.


3 Octopus's pain avoidance behavior

In the experiment, octopus showed the behavior of avoiding the room that had given it painful stimulation, which not only showed that octopus could remember painful experiences, but also avoided similar pains in future choices, showing obvious signs of conscious experience.


4 Application of DIKWP model

4.1 Transformation from data to knowledge (D -> K)

Octopus has formed knowledge (k) about safety and danger through room data (d) collected by perception (vision and touch) and past painful experience (i). In the cognitive model of octopus, the transformation process from data to knowledge covers complex information processing from specific perceptual input to combining it with past experience.

4.2 The transformation and application of knowledge to wisdom (K -> W)

When the octopus is faced with the choice to enter one of the rooms, it uses the knowledge it has formed to make a decision to avoid pain. This decision-making process based on past experience and current situation assessment embodies the application of wisdom, that is, making the best choice under the guidance of existing knowledge to avoid potential threats.

4.3 Purpose-oriented function realization (W -> P)

Octopus's choice is not only an instinctive reaction, but a purpose-oriented behavior based on many experiments and studies. This behavior shows that octopus can adjust its actions according to environmental feedback, and shows the decision-making ability of purpose-oriented, which is an important symbol of higher consciousness.


5 DIKWP model

Professor Yucong Duan's DIKWP model is a comprehensive theoretical framework of consciousness, which divides the conscious experience into five main stages: Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom purpose. This model is not only suitable for understanding the consciousness of human beings and animals, but also for designing artificial consciousness systems. The following is an in-depth summary of the formal methods of DIKWP model processing:

5.1 Data

Definition: Data is the original input of perception, and the unprocessed basic sensory input.

Processing: collecting signals from the outside world through the senses. In artificial systems, this can be achieved by various types of sensors.

Formal method: D=f(sensor_inputs)

Application example: original image, sound or tactile data collected by camera, microphone or touch sensor.

5.2 Information

Definition: information is the result of preliminary processing and interpretation of data, which is meaningful at first but has not been linked to a wide range of knowledge systems.

Processing: classify data, identify patterns or make preliminary interpretation.

Formal method: I=transform(D)

Application example: Identify objects, sounds or emotions from raw data through machine learning algorithm.

5.3 Knowledge

Definition: knowledge is the further deepening of information, forming a more structured and systematic understanding, usually related to learning and memory.

Processing: storing and classifying information based on experience to form complex associations and patterns.

Formal method: K=aggregate(I)

Application examples: building and updating conceptual networks in databases, or strengthening specific weights through training in artificial neural networks.

5.4 Wisdom

Definition: wisdom is the ability to use knowledge to make decisions and solve problems, which involves evaluating the potential consequences of different action plans.

Treatment: Use knowledge to predict results and formulate strategies.

Formal method: W=optimize(K)

Application examples: use historical data and patterns to predict future trends, or choose the best action path by simulating different schemes.

5.5 Purpose

Definition: purpose is the application of wisdom to achieve the long-term goals and purposes of individuals or systems.

Deal with: Adjust behavior or strategy according to established goals.

Formal method: P=goal_oriented(W)

Application example: In a system with a specific goal (such as navigating to a specific location or optimizing resource allocation), the strategy is dynamically adjusted according to environmental feedback.

Through this hierarchical formalization, DIKWP model not only provides a structured method for understanding and designing systems with advanced cognitive functions, but also emphasizes the continuous development process from data to purpose, which is the key to realize advanced artificial consciousness. In addition, this model promotes the interdisciplinary approach, integrates cognitive science, information technology, artificial intelligence and ethics, and provides a comprehensive theoretical basis for future technical and moral issues.

In order to further mathematically mark and analyze the cognitive process of crows in the task of color box recognition, we will use Professor Yucong Duan's DIKWP model for in-depth analysis. This process involves the transformation of data (D), information (I), knowledge (K), wisdom(W) and purpose(P).


6 Detailed explanation of the mathematical process

6.1 Data collection stage (D-observation)

At this stage, the crow observes the colored squares on the screen through the visual perception system:

Dobs=sensory input from visual stimulus (colored blocks)

6.2 Combination of task purpose and data (P-task)

Crows are trained to recognize specific visual stimuli and respond to them. This training process involves combining observed data with task purpose:

Ptask=trained task to perform specific head movements

6.3 Transformation from data to information (D+P::=I)

After combining data and task purpose, the crow's brain began to process this information and form a behavioral response instruction:


The function f here represents how the brain transforms the observed data and task purpose into concrete information.

6.4 Behavior execution stage (D-activity)

Dactivity=execution of head movements based on Ireport

This means that crows perform head movements based on the information they get from data and purpose transformation.

6.5 Measurement of brain activity (D-activity and I-report)

The brain activities measured by scientists show that these activities are more related to the information reported by crows than the data directly observed:

DactivityDIKWP(Ireport) and Dactivity=DIKWP(Dobs)

This means that the measured brain activity is more consistent with the information processing results, rather than simple visual data.

6.6 Consciousness Indicator

This difference between behavior and brain activity is regarded as a sign of consciousness, indicating that crows are not only passively receiving information, but actively processing and making a response based on purpose:


This detailed analysis shows how to use DIKWP model to elaborate the cognitive process of crows in a simple visual task. Crows can not only perceive visual stimuli, but also process information according to the purpose of training, and respond accordingly, showing a conscious process from data to action. This analysis method can not only be used to explain animal cognition and consciousness phenomena, but also provide a theoretical basis for studying similar consciousness and cognitive models in artificial intelligence.


7 Application example and mathematical treatment of DIKWP model

When developing the application example and mathematical treatment of DIKWP model proposed by Professor Yucong Duan, we can choose two specific cases for in-depth analysis: the mirror test of crow and the room selection experiment of octopus. Both cases involve the transformation from data to purpose, and show how to apply the different stages of DIKWP model to explain animal behavior and consciousness.

7.1 Mirror Test of Corvus corone

7.1.1 Background

In this experiment, crows are trained to make certain head movements when they see colored squares. Scientists measured the activities of brain regions related to advanced cognition, and observed that the brain activities of crows were related to the information they reported, rather than directly related to what they actually saw.

7.1.2 Mathematical marking and processing

Data phase (D-observation):


Here, Dobs represents the original image data received by crows through vision.

Information stage (I-report):


Here, Ptask means that crows understand the purpose part of task requirements, which affects how they process visual data (Dobs), thus generating the information of the report ((I_{report}\)).

Transformation of consciousness marks:

Dactivity=DIKWP(Ireport) and Dactivity=DIKWP(Dobservation)

Dactivity represents the behavior output of crows based on information processing. This process shows how data is transformed into action and is influenced by purpose.

7.2 octopus room selection experiment (Octopus bocki)

7.2.1 Background

In an experimental setting, octopus can choose to enter two different rooms: a room that has experienced pain stimulation before and a room that has been anesthetized. Octopus tends to avoid rooms that have caused pain and choose rooms that have been anesthetized before.

7.2.2 Mathematical marking and processing

Data phase (d-sensor):

Dsensory={pain stimulation room,anesthetized room}

Here, Dsensory represents the sensory data about two rooms received by octopus through touch and possible pain.

Knowledge stage (K-association):


Iexperience represents the information of octopus's experience of pain or anesthesia, and K is the knowledge based on past experience (pain or security), which is used to distinguish rooms.

Wisdom and purpose (W-decision and P-purpose):


P stands for the purpose of octopus, such as avoiding pain or seeking safety. W represents the decision-making process based on knowledge K and purposeP, which guides octopus to choose a safer room.

Behavior output (D-behavior):


Dbehavior indicates the final behavior of octopus, such as entering a room that is considered safe.

7.3 Overall application of DIKWP model

These two cases show how data can be transformed into information (I), further processed into knowledge (K), guided by wisdom(W) and purpose(P), and finally transformed into behavior (D). In the experiment of octopus, painful memory is transformed into decision to avoid danger, which shows the transformation process from data to purpose. In the crow experiment, visual stimuli are transformed into specific behavioral responses through task purpose, which highlights the role and influence of information in consciousness.

Through such mathematical treatment and detailed explanation, DIKWP model not only provides a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding complex cognitive processes, but also helps us to design and evaluate similar cognitive structures and functions in artificial intelligence systems. The application of this model, especially in cross-species awareness and cognitive research, provides a profound theoretical support and practical application framework for cognitive science and artificial intelligence.


Conclusion and prospect

This report analyzes the experimental data of crows and octopuses by applying Professor Yucong Duan's DIKWP model, and shows how animals show obvious conscious experience by transforming data into information, knowledge, and then to the realization process of wisdom and purpose-oriented functions. These findings not only challenge our traditional understanding of consciousness, but also provide a new perspective and methodology for the future study of artificial consciousness.

For future research, we suggest to strengthen the experimental research on more kinds of animal consciousness, especially those species that are traditionally considered unconscious. In addition, further discussion on the application of DIKWP model in explaining complex cognitive and consciousness phenomena will help us to understand the ideology of life and its evolution process more comprehensively.

Through this interdisciplinary approach, we can better understand the nature and diversity of consciousness, which is of great significance for promoting the development of cognitive science, neuroscience and even artificial intelligence. In addition, a deeper study of consciousness may have an important impact on animal welfare and human attitudes towards other life forms, and promote a more just and moral society.


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