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减少与常见化学物质的接触可以延缓衰老 精选

已有 3860 次阅读 2024-4-15 19:17 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




Fig. 1 Researchers at Nagoya University have linked aldehydes, byproducts from alcohol, pollution, and smoke, to premature aging and DNA damage, proposing potential strategies to mitigate aging effects and highlighting the impact of environmental factors on health.


Fig. 2 Histones are crosslinked with DNA (histone-DPC) following formaldehyde exposure, leading to the malfunction of cellular processes such as transcription. Credit: Reiko Matsushita

据日本名古屋大学(Nagoya University)网站2024414日报道,该校的研究人员新的研究表明,减少与常见化学物质的接触可以延缓衰老(New Research Suggests That Cutting Exposure to Common Chemicals Could Slow Aging)。名古屋大学的一组研究人员发现,醛类(aldehydes)是与早衰有关的代谢副产物。他们的研究结果于2024410日已经在《自然·细胞生物学》(Nature Cell Biology)杂志网站发表——Yasuyoshi Oka, Yuka Nakazawa, Mayuko Shimada, Tomoo Ogi. Endogenous aldehyde-induced DNA–protein crosslinks are resolved by transcription-coupled repair. Nature Cell Biology, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-024-01401-2. Published: 10 April 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-024-01401-2


发现这一发现的研究小组成员包括名古屋大学的 泰由Yasuyoshi Oka)、中沢 由華Yuka Nakazawa)、嶋田 繭子Mayuko Shimada)和  朋男Tomoo Ogi)。

  朋男说:“ DNA损伤与衰老表型有关。然而,我们首次提出了醛源性DNA损伤(aldehyde-derived DNA damage)与早衰之间的关系。”

醛类与衰老之间的联系(Link Between Aldehydes and Aging)

研究人员假设,醛类物质与衰老之间可能存在联系,因为患有早衰症——如AMeD综合征(AMeD syndrome)——的人,会表现出分解醛类物质的酶(ALDH2)活性不足。


醛类物质是有害的,因为它们与DNA和蛋白质高度反应。在体内,它们形成DNA -蛋白质交联(DNA-protein crosslinks简称DPCs),阻断典型细胞增殖和维持过程中的重要酶,导致这些过程发生故障,导致患者衰老。



研究结果及未来发展方向(Research Findings and Future Directions

朋男教授(Professor Tomoo Ogi)对他们的发现充满希望,他说:“通过阐明DNA损伤快速愈合的机制,我们已经揭示了遗传早衰的部分原因。”


他继续说:“治疗药物的开发没有进展,因为我们还没有完全了解AMeD综合征和Cockayne综合征(Cockayne syndrome)的原因。这项研究表明,患者的病理状况与细胞内产生的醛类物质衍生的DPC有关。这些结果有望帮助寻找去除醛类的化合物,从而帮助候选治疗药物的制定。”


这项工作得到了日本医学研究与开发机构{Special Coordination Funds for Rare and Intractable Diseases from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED; JP21ek0109559, JP20ek0109488, JP23ek0109678 and JP21ek0109549}、日本学术振兴会KAKENHI科学研究资助基金{Grants in Aid for Scientific Research KAKENHI from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JP18H03372, JP21H02399, JP20H00629 and JP23H00516}、日本科学技术振兴机构的JST FOREST计划(JST FOREST Program JPMJFR221E at the Japan Science and Technology Agency)、上原纪念基金会的科学研究基金(Science Research Grant from The Uehara Memorial Foundation)、铃木纪念基金会的研究基金(research grant from Suzuken Memorial Foundation)以及武田科学基金会的医学研究基金(medical research grants from Takeda Science Foundation)的资助。


内源性醛诱导的DNA -蛋白交联通过转录偶联修复解决


DNA–protein crosslinks (DPCs) induced by aldehydes interfere with replication and transcription. Hereditary deficiencies in DPC repair and aldehyde clearance processes cause progeria, including Ruijs–Aalfs syndrome (RJALS) and AMeD syndrome (AMeDS) in humans. Although the elimination of DPC during replication has been well established, how cells overcome DPC lesions in transcription remains elusive. Here we show that endogenous aldehyde-induced DPC roadblocks are efficiently resolved by transcription-coupled repair (TCR). We develop a high-throughput sequencing technique to measure the genome-wide distribution of DPCs (DPC-seq). Using proteomics and DPC-seq, we demonstrate that the conventional TCR complex as well as VCP/p97 and the proteasome are required for the removal of formaldehyde-induced DPCs. TFIIS-dependent cleavage of RNAPII transcripts protects against transcription obstacles. Finally, a mouse model lacking both aldehyde clearance and TCR confirms endogenous DPC accumulation in actively transcribed regions. Collectively, our data provide evidence that transcription-coupled DPC repair (TC-DPCR) as well as aldehyde clearance are crucial for protecting against metabolic genotoxin, thus explaining the molecular pathogenesis of AMeDS and other disorders associated with defects in TCR, such as Cockayne syndrome.


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4 郑永军 杨正瓴 王从彦 黄永义

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