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已有 1461 次阅读 2024-4-3 23:09 |个人分类:圕人堂|系统分类:科普集锦


1.美国图书馆协会 (American Library Association)



总部: 伊利诺伊州芝加哥

创始人: 梅尔维尔·杜威、 查尔斯·阿米·卡特、 贾斯廷·温瑟, 等等

创立于: 1876 年 10 月 6 日

会员: 59,675

执行理事: Keith Michael Fiels

服务地区: 美国



2000年ALA修订1995年发表于期刊《American Libraries》中“图书馆对国家的12大助益”(12 Ways Libraries Are Good for the Country),揭示与期勉图书馆长久来努力的方向(谢宝煖,民92):

图书馆使市民资讯满溢 (Libraries inform citizens)- 民主社会对知识、真理、正义、图书、和文化的重视。

图书馆打破藩篱 (Libraries break down boundaries)- 供低教育程度或非英语为母语的民众提供课程,并协助弱势族群。

图书馆平衡不公平竞争 (Libraries level the playing field)- 每个人都有机会透过图书馆提高自我竞争力。

图书馆重视个人(Libraries value the individual)- 为所有不同职业者服务。

图书馆丰富创意 (Libraries nourish creativity)- 刺激民众的好奇心,激发创新。

图书馆开启儿童的心灵 (Libraries open kids' minds)- 为学龄前以至高中生提供不同阶段所需的资讯与服务。

图书馆回收利润高 (Libraries return high dividends)- 协助追求个人目标,创造利润。

图书馆营造社区 (Libraries build communities)- 让社区拥有自己的图书馆与特殊馆藏。

图书馆让家庭更和谐 (Libraries make families friendlier)- 为家庭最好的朋友,提供所需的相关服务。

图书馆冒犯每个人 (Libraries offend everyone)- 意指愿意针对各种议题全面关照的雅量和意愿。

图书馆提供庇护(Libraries offer sanctuary)- 不受任何拘束的心灵放松之处。

图书馆保存过去(Libraries preserve the past)- 连结过去与未来,避免错误认知。


ALA设有分会、部门、圆桌会议(Round Tables])、委员会、联合委员会等。其中部门有11个,分别处理不同类型的图书馆业务:

美国学校图书馆员协会(AASL,American Association of School Librarians)

图书馆馆藏与技术服务协会(ALCTS,Association for Library Collections & Technical Services)

儿童图书馆服务协会(ALSC,Association for Library Service to Children)

美国图书馆理事协会(ALTA,Association for Library Trustees and Advocates)

美国大专及研究图书馆学会(ACRL,Association of College and Research Libraries)

专门及合作图书馆组织协会(ASCLA,Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies)

图书馆行政管理协会(LAMA,Library Administration and Management Association)

图书馆与资讯技术协会(LITA,Library and Information Technology Association)

公共图书馆协会(PLA,Public Library Association)

参考及使用者服务协会(RUSA,Reference and User Services Association)

青少年图书馆服务协会(YALSA,Young Adult Library Services Association)



2006年12月时ALA推陈出新,宣布与Google Book Search合作,将ALA出版品推广至全世界,使用者除了可以得知书名、出版日期、作者、页数及ISBN等基本书目资料外,并可对书籍进行多次搜寻、预览页面(有所限制)、连结至ALA线上书店与WorldCat查询就近的图书馆是否有此书(仅限某些区域)。运用Google的检索技术发挥ALA的使命,让更多人获取所需资讯。(信息来源:维基百科.https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E5%9C%96%E6%9B%B8%E9%A4%A8%E5%8D%94%E6%9C%83

2.美国研究型图书馆协会(英语:Association of Research Libraries)


Advancing an equitable, enduring, research information environment

Meeting scholars’ needs now and in the future

研究图书馆协会是一个非营利组织,由加拿大和美国综合性研​​究机构的 127 个研究图书馆组成。 创立于: 1932 年 12 月 29 日。ARL 成员图书馆占据了学术和研究图书馆市场的很大一部分,每年在信息资源上花费 40 亿美元,并积极参与学术交流新模式的开发。 ARL 于 1990 年共同创立了一个附属组织——网络信息联盟。

Association of Research Libraries.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Research_Libraries

The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is a nonprofit organization of 127 research libraries at comprehensive, research institutions in Canada and the United States. ARL member libraries make up a large portion of the academic and research library marketplace, spending $4 billion every year on information resources and actively engaging in the development of new models of scholarly communications.

ARL co-founded an affiliate organization, the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), in 1990. CNI is a joint program of ARL and EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology.[5] ARL is also a member of the Library Copyright Alliance, a consortium of major library associations that have joined forces to address copyright issues affecting libraries and their patrons.

3.大学与研究型图书馆协会 (Association of College and Research Libraries)




Association of College and Research Libraries.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_College_and_Research_Libraries

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association, is a professional association of academic librarians and other interested individuals. It is dedicated to enhancing the ability of academic library and information professionals to serve the information needs of the higher education community and to improving learning, teaching, and research. The association serves librarians in all types of academic libraries at the community college, college, and university level and also serves librarians that work in comprehensive and specialized research libraries.

The Association of College and Research Libraries is the largest division of the American Library Association. It has a membership of approximately 9,000 and provides a broad range of professional services and programs for a diverse membership.

The Association publishes an open access journal, College & Research Libraries and the review magazine Choice.


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4 刘进平 郑永军 宁利中 马鸣

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