水岸长桥的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/whatsothus 力所能及,至微至远,无可替代,至善至美。让学习成为一生成长的快乐习惯!爱我的不要停,恨我的请继续...



已有 585 次阅读 2024-3-29 09:16 |系统分类:观点评述

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The other shore flower, as a plant with unique growth habits, carries profound meanings in both religious and cultural fields. Its image and characteristics have been endowed with numerous symbolic interpretations, making it an important element in different religious and cultural traditions. In religious significance, the other shore flower is often closely associated with themes such as the cycle of life and death, farewells, and nostalgia. In Buddhism, the other shore flower is regarded as a bridge connecting the present world with the next, symbolizing the impermanence of life and the unending cycle of rebirth. In traditional Chinese culture, the other shore flower is considered an important symbol for ghosts crossing the Naihe Bridge and being reborn, symbolizing the end of one life and the beginning of a new one.

The fourfold differentiation constructs a coherent and profound theoretical or philosophical system including five concepts with inherent connections. "Dominant confirmation of boundaries" implies that within a specific theory, system, or domain, there exists a dominant viewpoint or force that establishes boundaries and defines scopes. The determination of these boundaries may be based on core concepts, principles, or methodologies, providing a clear guiding direction for subsequent research, exploration, or practice. "Bidirectional criticality" indicates the existence of critical states or conditions in two directions or aspects. A critical state typically refers to a tipping point or marginal region where a system or phenomenon transitions from one state to another. In a state of bidirectional criticality, changes in the two directions or aspects interact and constrain each other, jointly determining the development direction and potential outcomes of a matter. "Crossing boundaries to the other side" signifies surpassing limits and entering another domain or state. Here, "the other side" refers to a domain or state that differs from the current one. Crossing boundaries may involve breaking through traditional constraints or frameworks, transcending existing cognitive or practical scopes, and entering a new realm or level. "Regeneration and transformation beyond boundaries" implies that within the new domain or state, things or phenomena undergo a new birth or transformation. Their original structures and forms are disrupted, leading to reorganization or recombination. This reorganization can bring about new characteristics, functions, or meanings, revealing a fresh aspect and value of things or phenomena in the new domain or state. "Restructuring and reflecting on past boundaries" refers to reviewing and reflecting on the original boundaries or domains after reorganization. This review may involve reevaluating or scrutinizing past states or looking ahead to future development directions or plans. The process of restructuring and reflecting on past boundaries may involve revising, improving, or updating existing theories and viewpoints to adapt to new cognitive and practical needs. These five concepts constitute a coherent theoretical or philosophical system, with close internal connections among them. Starting from dominant confirmation of boundaries, through the identification and analysis of bidirectional criticality, one can achieve breakthroughs and transformations in crossing boundaries to the other side. Subsequently, regeneration and transformation beyond boundaries bring about reorganization and new birth, ultimately leading to the perfection and development of theories in the process of restructuring and reflecting on past boundaries. This process embodies a spirit of continuous exploration, breakthrough, and innovation, holding significant importance for promoting the progress of disciplines or fields.



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