赵世强课题组官方主页: http://chem.wzu.edu.cn/info/2573/38270.htm
温州大学碳能源研究团队主页: http://carbonenergygroup.wzu.edu.cn/index.htm
【研究生招生,化学、材料等相关专业, Postgraduate Admissions】本课题组2024年计划招收【化学、材料】等相关专业硕士生2名,主要从事于高性能碱金属离子电池电极材料的设计合成、性能提升、增效机制和储能机理研究。研究生考试、复试等的相关信息,请关注温州大学研究生招生信息网(https://yjsb.webvpn.wzu.edu.cn/zsw/)、温州大学化材学院研究生招生网(https://chem.webvpn.wzu.edu.cn/zsjy/yjszs.htm)、复试参考资料(https://chem.webvpn.wzu.edu.cn/info/1090/11381.htm)。有意向的考生,请将简历和考研分数发送到邮箱:zhaosq@wzu.edu.cn碳基纳米储能课题组,欢迎你的加入!!!
【个人简介, Resume】姓名: 赵世强 政治面貌:中共党员 学位:博士 毕业学校:山东大学-化学与化工学院 专业:物理化学 职称:副教授/硕导 职务:化学系副主任/教工党支部副书记、能源化学专业负责人 办公室:温州大学南校区3C-407A课题组:碳基纳米储能实验室 http://chem.wzu.edu.cn/info/2573/38270.htm;http://faculty.wzu.edu.cn/ZhaoSQ/zh_CN/index.htm科研团队:温州大学碳能源团队 http://carbonenergygroup.wzu.edu.cn/index.htmShiqiang Zhao,Associate Professor,Physical ChemistryCollege of Chemistry and Materials Engineering,Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035, ChinaE-mail: zhaosq@wzu.edu.cnGoogle scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citat ... zh-CN&oi=aoORCiD:https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2820-9829ResearcherID: N-1327-2015 ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shiqiang-Zhao Group Website:http://chem.wzu.edu.cn/info/2573/38270.htm;http://faculty.wzu.edu.cn/ZhaoSQ/zh_CN/index.htmResearch Group: Carbon Energy Group http://carbonenergygroup.wzu.edu.cn/index.htm
【研究领域, Research Field】
碱金属离子电池高性能电极材料的设计合成、电化学性能、增效机制和储能机理研究,包括基于转化反应储能机理的过渡金属的碳酸/草酸/苯甲酸等含氧酸盐、氟/磷/氧/硫化合物等,基于合金化反应储能机理的锡和硅基材料及其合金等,及其与石墨烯、碳纳米管、无定形碳、功能高分子等的高匀度复合材料。至今已在Advanced Materials,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Energy & Environmental Science,Advanced Energy Materials,ACS Energy Letters,Joule,Carbon Energy,Nano Energy等期刊上发表43篇SCI论文,含影响因子20以上论文11篇,影响因子10以上论文27篇,SCI一区论文32篇,Nature Index期刊论文7篇, 6篇论文入选期刊封面,4篇ESI高被引论文,累计被引3100余次(H因子24,i10 指數35,引用过百次10篇,截至2024年3月)。申请发明专利14项,授权4项。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、浙江省自然科学基金项目1项、浙江省高等教育学会教材建设项目1项。
【学术职务,Academic Participation】
(1) 副主编,期刊《Frontiers in Energy Research》Associate Editor
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Energy Research (IF:3. 858) (Electronic ISSN:2296-598X).
(2) 青年编委,期刊《Carbon Neutralization》Youth Editorial Board Member
Youth Editorial Board Member of the Carbon Neutralization (ISSN: 2769-3325). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/27693325
(3) 青年编委,期刊《Nano Research Energy》Youth Editorial Board Member
Youth Editorial Board Member of the Nano Research Energy (ISSN: 2791-0091, e-ISSN: 2790-8119). https://www.sciopen.com/journal/2791-0091?issn=2791-0091
(4) 中国知网(CNKI)评审专家库成员(硕博学位论文评审、学术论文评优及科研成果评议),Member of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) review expert database https://www.cnki.net/
(15) Shiqiang Zhao#, Yanjie He#, Zewei Wang, Xiaoxu Bo, Shumeng Hao, Yifei Yuan, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*. Advancing performance and unfolding mechanism of lithium and sodium storage in SnO2 via precision synthesis of monodisperse PEG-ligated nanoparticles.<入选期刊封面>
Advanced Energy Materials (IF = 29.698, SCI一区), 2022, 12, 2201015.
Advanced Energy Materials <期刊内前封面-Inside Front Cover>, 2022, 12, 2270110.
(14) Shiqiang Zhao, Christopher D. Sewell, Ruiping Liu, Songru Jia, Zewei Wang, Yanjie He, Kunjie Yuan, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Xueqin Liu*, Zhiqun Lin*.SnO2 as advanced anode of alkali-ion batteries: inhibiting Sn coarsening by crafting robust physical barriers, void boundaries and heterophase interfaces for superior electrochemical reaction reversibility.<入选期刊封面> (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
Advanced Energy Materials (IF = 29.698, SCI一区), 2020, 10, 1902657. 【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
Advanced Energy Materials <期刊背封面-Backcover>, 2020, 10, 2070027.
(13) Shiqiang Zhao, Zewei Wang,Yanjie He, Hongrui Jiang, Yeu Wei Harn, Xueqin Liu, Chenliang Su, Huile Jin, Ying Li*, Shun Wang*, Qiang Shen*, Zhiqun Lin*. A Robust Route to Co2(OH)2CO3Ultrathin Nanosheets with Superior Lithium Storage Capability Templated by Aspartic Acid-Functionalized Graphene Oxide. (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
Advanced Energy Materials (IF =29.698, SCI一区), 2019, 9, 1901093. 【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
(12) Shiqiang Zhao, Zewei Wang, Yanjie He, Beibei Jiang, Yeuwei Harn, Xueqin Liu, Faqi Yu, Fan Feng, Qiang Shen*, Zhiqun Lin*. Interconnected Ni(HCO3)2Hollow Spheres Enabled by Self-Sacrificial Templating with Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties. (引用过百次,over 100 citations)
ACS Energy Letters (IF =23.991,SCI一区), 2017, 2, 111. (ESI高被引,2017-2018年)
(11) Jiamin Fei, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xiaoxu Bo, Furong Xie, Guanghui Li, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Qingcheng Zhang, Huile Jin, Zhiqun Lin*. Nano Single Crystals Constructed Submicron MnCO3 Hollow Spindles Enabled by Solid Precursor Transition Combined Ostwald Ripening in-situ on Graphene toward Exceptional Interfacial and Capacitive Lithium Storage.
Carbon Energy (IF=21.556, SCI一区), 2023, 5, e333. (ESI高被引,2023年)【Featured on Wiley MaterialViews】
(10) Pengfei Guo, Yang Yang*, Bing Zhu, Qiannan Yang, Yan Jia, Weitao Wang, Zhaotie Liu*, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xun Cui*. Heterostructural NiFeW Disulfide and Hydroxide Dual-Trimetallic Cor-Shell Nanosheets for Synergistically Effective Water Oxidation.
Carbon Energy (IF=21.556, SCI一区), 2024, e532.
(9) Xiaoxu Bo#, Qian Zhang#, Guanghui Li#, Jiatong Zhang, Ruijie Wu, Sheng Wang, Imaruemidan Kehinde Tiwalade, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*, Shiqiang Zhao*. Directionally assembled FeCO3 nanoparticles wrapped with rGO enabled by the synergy of tartaric and ascorbic acids for lithium/sodium storage.
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=15.1, SCI一区), 2024, 487, 150559.
(8) Furong Xie, Shiqiang Zhao*, Xiaoxu Bo*, Guanghui Li, Jiamin Fei, Ebrahim-Alkhalil M. A. Ahmed, Qingcheng Zhang, Huile Jin, Shun Wang*, Zhiqun Lin*. A Robust Solvothermal-Driven Solid-to-Solid Transition Route from Micron SnC2O4 to Tartaric Acid-Capped Nano SnO2 Anchored on Graphene for Superior Lithium and Sodium Storage. <入选期刊封面>
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2023, 11, 53-67.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A <期刊背封面-Back Cover>, 2023,11, 464-464
(7) Shiqiang Zhao, Fan Feng, Faqi Yu, Qiang Shen*. Flower-to-petal structural conversion and enhanced interfacial storage capability of hydrothermally crystallized MnCO3 via the in situ mixing of graphene oxide.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2015,3,24095.
(6) Shiqiang Zhao, Yuxi Wang, Rui Liu, Yue Yu, Shanshan Wei, Faqi Yu, Qiang Shen*. Full-molar-ratio synthesis and enhanced lithium storage properties of CoxFe1−xCO3 composites with an integrated lattice structure and an atomic-scale synergistic effect.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=14.511, SCI一区), 2015, 3, 17181.
(5) Ying Chu, Peng Wang, Yihong Ding*, Jie Lin, Xinxin Zhu, Shiqiang Zhao*, Huile Jin, Tianbiao Zeng*. High-Capacity Sb/Fe2S3Sodium-Ion Battery Anodes Fabricated by a One-Step Redox Reaction, Followed by Ball Milling with Graphite.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF=10.383, SCI一区), 2023, 15, 24354-24365.
(4) Bing He, Feifan Zhao, Ping Yi, Jing Huang, Yang Wang, Shiqiang Zhao*, Zhen Li, Yanli Zhao*, Xueqin Liu*.Spinel-Oxide-Integrated BiVO4 Photoanodes with Photothermal Effect for Efficient Solar Water Oxidation.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF = 10.383, SCI一区), 2021, 13, 48901-48912.
(3) Shiqiang Zhao, Shanshan Wei, Rui Liu, Yuxi Wang, Yue Yu, Qiang Shen*. Cobalt carbonate dumbbells for high-capacity lithium storage: A slight doping of ascorbic acid and an enhancement in electrochemical performances.
Journal of Power Sources (IF= 9.794, SCI一区), 2015, 284, 154.
(2) Shiqiang Zhao, Yue Yu, Shanshan Wei, Yuxi Wang, Chenhao Zhao, Rui Liu, Qiang Shen*. Hydrothermal synthesis and potential applicability of rhombohedral siderite as a high-capacity anode material for lithium ion batteries.
Journal of Power Sources (IF= 9.794, SCI一区), 2014, 253, 251.
(1) Xinxin Zhu, Peng Wang, Yihong Ding*, Ying Chu, Jie Lin, Shiqiang Zhao*, Huile Jin, Tianbiao Zeng*. Polycrystalline Fe- and Sn-based Sulfides for High-Capacity Sodium-Ion Battery Anode.
Chemical Communications (IF=6.065, SCI二区,Nature Index期刊), 2023, 59, 6036-6039.
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