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Youth Talks 第四十五期(中文)| 多功能柔性电子与生物电子

已有 1904 次阅读 2024-3-5 12:46 |个人分类:科研心得|系统分类:教学心得


北京时间3月5日晚八点,Youth Talks第四十五期隆重开播!本期,我们邀请到了华中科技大学厉侃、上海科技大学熊泽、中国科学院半导体研究所王丽丽等三位博士主讲,马克斯·普朗克智能系统研究所张明超、新加坡国立大学翟玮作为嘉宾,浙江大学徐凯臣担任主持人。

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Flexible electronic devices are expected to break through the constraints of high-deep space platforms on the quality, volume and shape of electronic devices, and give rise to new functions and application scenarios. The conformal integration of flexible electronic intelligent skin on the surface of the aircraft can monitor the flight attitude, aerodynamic environment, and structural health of the aircraft in real time, ensuring the flight safety of various high-deep space aircraft and improving the operation and maintenance efficiency. However, high-deep space environments require devices to withstand extreme temperature environments, such as high Mach number (Ma>5) flying near spacecraft, where the average surface temperature can reach more than 800°C, which is a "temperature exclusion zone" for traditional flexible electronic devices. In this report, I will introduce a ceramic-based flexible electronic device, which uses the high temperature resistance of ceramic materials to achieve large tensile performance (>70%) in extremely high temperature environment (>1000K) through comprehensive design of mechanics, structure, materials and electricity. The flexible device can realize temperature, strain, heat flow, and pressure measurement functions in high-temperature environments, providing new flexible electronic solutions for extreme environmental scenarios such as high-deep space vehicles.



Kan Li is a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Kan graduated from the Qian Xuesen Mechanics class at Tsinghua University in 2014, and later obtained a doctoral degree from Northwestern University in the United States in 2019. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge in the UK from 2019 to 2021. His research group is committed to researching the integration of flexible electronic sensing technology for next-generation aircraft, and has published more than 30 papers in some prestigious journals, including Nature, PNAS, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and more, with over 3500 citations. Li Kan has been awarded the National Overseas High Level Talent Award, Huawei Donghu Young Scholar Award, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Huazhong Scholar Award, and the Chinese Government Outstanding Overseas Student Award, etc. 

厉侃,华中科技大学教授。厉侃2014年毕业与清华大学钱学森力学班,随后于2019年在美国西北大学获博士学位,2019年至2021年在英国剑桥大学进行博士后研究。他的课题组致力于研究新一代飞行器集成柔性电子感知技术,在一些高影响力期刊上发表论文30余篇,包括Nature, PNAS, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials等刊物,被引3500余次。厉侃历获国家海外高层次人才,华为东湖青年学者,华中科技大学华中学者,中国政府海外优秀留学生奖等。






Flexible bioelectronic sensors can utilize wireless technology to achieve real-time information interaction with digital terminals. By empowering clinical healthcare processes, wireless flexible bioelectronic technology can enable continuous monitoring and analysis of health status, thereby effectively improving the levels of disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management. Post-surgery wound management represents a major healthcare challenge in which early identification of postsurgical complications is hindered by the lack of a monitoring technology that can interface with wounds and transmit data outside to caregivers for timely interventions. This talk will feature three recent works: 1. a wireless and flexible biosensor based on DNA hydrogel, which can conformally interface with wounds and enable smartphone-based infection monitoring; 2. a wirelessly operated bioelectronic suture that allows direct monitoring of physicochemical states at deep surgical wounds (> 4 cm); 3. a lotus-inspired frictionless multiphasic mini-sensor that can be leveraged for wireless intracranial pressure monitoring with near-ideal aero-elastic performance. These wireless bioelectronic sensors may move a step towards the digital healthcare era with better patient outcomes.

柔性生物电子传感器可以利用无线技术实现与数字化智能终端的实时信息交互。通过赋能传统临床诊疗过程,无线柔性生物电子技术能够实现健康状态的连续监测与分析,进而有效提升疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和管理水平。以术后创伤管理为例,伤口异常状态的及时检测和干预对保障患者康复质量至关重要。然而,目前的检测方法主要依赖于主观的临床观察评估或大型实验室仪器测试,常常导致治疗的延误以及严重并发症的发生。本报告将主要针对皮肤、消化道、颅脑等部位的术后异常介绍三种无线柔性生物电子创伤管理技术:1)基于 DNA 水凝胶的无线无源柔性传感器,可以与伤口共形接触并实现基于智能App的感染早期诊断;2)基于无线功能化的柔性生物电子缝合线,可以原位检测深部手术伤口(> 4 cm)的异常物理化学状态;3)基于荷叶启发仿生三相微型传感器和微型蓝牙(Bluetooth)模组,实现创伤后颅压异常的高灵敏、低回滞无线监测。这些无线柔性生物电子技术有望为智能化、数字化创伤管理提供有力支撑,从而为患者带来更好的诊疗效果。


Ze Xiong is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Wireless and Smart Bioelectronics (WiSe) Lab in the School of Biomedical Engineering at ShanghaiTech University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from The University of Hong Kong in 2017. After that, he worked as a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore (affiliated with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The N.1 Institute for Health, Institute for Health Innovation & Technology, and Department of Biomedical Engineering) from 2018 to 2022. His research focuses on the development and application of wireless and smart bioelectronics to endow diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with digital intelligence. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed paper in journals like Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, etc., which were highlighted by media like Reuters, Scientific American, AAAS, AIChE, People's Daily, XinhuaNet, and ChinaDaily, etc. He held 5 patents (2 PCT and 1 US patents) and contributed 1 book chapter. He served as a reviewer for Science Advances, Advanced Materials, and Advanced Science, etc. He was awarded Shanghai Overseas High-Level Talent, 2023 Emerging Investigator of China (Outstanding Achievement Award), MINE 2023 Young Scientist Award, Swissnex Fellow, etc.

熊泽,上海科技大学生物医学工程学院助理教授、研究员、博导、无线与智能生物电子实验室主任。熊泽教授2017年博士毕业于香港大学化学系,随后前往新加坡国立大学依托电子与计算机工程系、N.1健康研究所、健康创新与科技研究所 (iHealthtech) 以及生物医学工程系从事研究工作。熊泽教授主要致力于通过无线与柔性生物电子技术赋能数字化、智能化诊疗和个人健康管理,目前已在相关领域期刊发表高水平论文40余篇,其中包括Nature Biomedical Engineering、Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、ACS Nano等期刊;申请专利5项(含 PCT 专利2项,美国专利1项);相关成果得到了路透社(Reuters)、美国科学促进会(AAAS)、Scientific American, AIChE,新华社、人民日报等国内外知名媒体的广泛报道;长期担任Science Advances、Advanced Materials、Advanced Science等期刊的审稿专家;入选上海海外高层次人才计划,2023中国新锐科技人物杰出成就奖,MINE2023优秀青年科学家, Swissnex Fellow。






With the rapid development of intelligent medical information technology, the signal acquisition and processing of flexible semiconductor multifunctional integrated system are required. At present, flexible semiconductor sensors can realize single function perception, including light, sound, force, temperature, biochemical signals, etc. However, compared with single function devices, multi-mode semiconductor perception fusion has obvious advantages in evaluating human health status and improving disease recognition accuracy. In the traditional multi-mode sensing system, the acquisition of different information is mainly through the integration of various sensors to collect different signals, which will produce large power consumption and circuit redundancy. Therefore, it is very important for us to design semiconductor materials, optimize the structure of new semiconductor devices, and propose new sensing mechanisms to realize the perception and recognition of external complex information.



Lili Wang is a Professor in the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences and a high-level talent of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research work of flexible semiconductor electronic devices is mainly carried out in three aspects: high sensitivity, multi-signal and integrability. For the last five years, the first or corresponding authors are in Nat.Commun. (2), Natl.Sci. Rev., Adv. Mater. (7), Matter, adv.funct. Mater. (7), Sci. Bull., ACS Nano (5), IEEE EDL and other international authoritative journals published more than 100 SCI papers, all papers have been cited by SCI more than 9000 times, H-index: 69. 23 papers were selected as ESI global highly cited or hot papers, and 11 national invention patents were authorized/applied for, of which 2 patents were converted. In 2017, she was selected into the "Young Talent Lifting Project" of China Association for Science and Technology; In 2018, she was selected for the 15th "Future Women Scientists" Award. In 2021, it will be selected into the introduction plan of "High-level Talents of Chinese Academy of Sciences". She served as J. Semicond., InfoMat, Nano Res., and J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. Young Editorial Board member, guest editor of periodical. Vice President, Beijing Chapter, IEEE Nanotechnology Council. As the project leader, she undertook projects including National Natural Science Foundation, a ministry project and Chinese Academy of Sciences project.

王丽丽,中国科学院半导体研究所研究员,中国科学院高层次人才。主要针对柔性半导体电子器件高灵敏、多信号以及可集成三个方面开展了系统的研究工作。近五年,第一或通讯作者在Nat. Commun.(2篇)、Natl. Sci. Rev.、Adv. Mater.(7篇)、 Matter、Adv. Funct. Mater.(7篇)、Sci. Bull.、ACS Nano(5篇)、IEEE EDL等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文100余篇,全部论文被SCI总他引9000余次,H-index:69。23篇论文入选 ESI 全球高被引或热点论文,授权/申请国家发明专利11项,其中实现专利转化2项。2017年入选中国科协“青年人才托举工程”;2018年入选第十五届“未来女科学家”奖;2021年入选“中国科学院高层次人才”引进计划。先后担任 J. Semicond.、InfoMat、Nano Res.、J. Phys. D Appl. Phys.等期刊的青年编委、客座编辑,以及 IEEE Nanotechnology Council北京分会副主席。作为项目负责人承担包括国家自然科学基金, 某部委项目和中国科学院项目等。















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