2024年2月27日,Elsevier 旗下国际著名期刊《Renewable Energy》在线发表了云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院陈玉保教授课题组的最新研究成果《Enhancing catalytic isomerization ability of SAPO-11 by typical acid modification in preparation of green biodiesel by one-step hydrotreatment of FAME》。云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院陈玉保教授、厦门大学郑志锋教授和程俊教授共同通讯作者。
SAPO-11 molecular sieve is a promising candidate for preparation of hydrocarbon-based biofuels. Herein, two typical acids including citric acid (CA) and nitric acid (NA) are used to modified SAPO-11. The results show that the acid concentration was within the range of 0.05–1.0 mol L−1, SAPO-11 maintained a complete crystal framework structure, and more (002) crystal planes were exposed. The specific surface area, pore diameter and acid content of molecular sieve by acid modification are significantly higher than those of the fresh SAPO-11. The pore size increased from 7 nm to 17 and 18 nm, an increase of the total acid from 104 μmol g−1 to 174 and 162 μmol g−1, respectively, when SAPO-11 was treated by CA with 0.5 mol L−1 and NA with 0.3 mol L−1. Pt–Sn/SAPO-11-CA-0.5 showed the best catalytic activity with selectivity of C15–C18 alkanes of 95.8% and iso-alkanes of 33.1%. Additionally, the deoxygenation ability of Pt–Sn/SAPO-11-CA-0.5 decreased 30% after running 1200 h. Using propionic acid (PA) as the model probe molecule, the DFT reveals steps of the hydrodecarbonylation pathway of PA absorbed on the Pt (111) plane as below: CH3CH2COOH*→CH3CH2CO*→CH3CHCO*→CH3CCO*→CH3C*+CO*, and the rate-limiting step is CH3CH2COOH*→CH3CH2CO*+OH*.
中国农业工程学会 高级会员
中国农业工程学会农业机械化电气化专业委员会 理事
云南省农业机械学会 常务理事、副理事长
云南省农业机械学会团体标准化技术委员会 副主任委员
1997年9月- 2001年6月,苏州科技大学,环境工程系,学士
2001年9月- 2004年6月,昆明理工大学,环境科学与工程学院,硕士
2004年9月- 2007年11月,昆明理工大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士
(1) Liangdong Hu;Longlong Ma;Guangzhi Hu;Wenjie Zhang;Ying Liu;Rui Xu;Wen Ge;Yubao Chen*,Utilization of illumination and thermal field in the preparation of jet-fuel components: The photothermic catalysis of Jatropha oil over the M/TiO2-HZSM-5,Energy, 2022, 239(2022): 122209.
(2) 马敏;陈玉保*;庄诗韵;兰青;刘莹;徐锐,Pt负载于不同载体对蓖麻油加氢催化制生物航油的研究,中国油脂, 2022, 47(07): 56-60, 77.
(3) Liangdong Hu;Ruifan Li;Ying Liu;Dona Souliyathai;Wenjie Zhang;Yubao Chen*,Energy-efficient photothermal catalysis of rubber seed oil for the preparation of
biofuel compounds,Fuel, 2021, 306(2021): 121683.
(4) Wenjie Zhang;Yubao Chen*;Shiyun Zhuang;Ruifan Li;Liangdong Hu, Acid-etched Pt/Al-MCM-41 catalysts for fuel production by one-step hydrotreatment of Jatropha oil,Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2021, 13(2021): 679-690.
(5) 庄诗韵;陈玉保*;张旭;李兴勇;王菊华;张文杰,热解油加氢催化制航空燃料工艺及响应面优化, 太阳能学报, 2021, 42(10): 311-316.
(6) 张文杰;陈玉保;刘莹;徐锐;李兴勇;胡良栋,Pt-La/SAPO-11催化剂一步加氢制备航空煤油及其反应过程探究,林产化学与工业, 2021, 41(05): 65-71.
(7) 胡良栋;陈玉保*;高燕妮;张文杰;李睿帆;庄诗韵;赵兴玲,基于改性Pt/SAPO-11催化废猪油制备航空煤油的工艺优化,中国油脂, 2021, 46(02): 55-59.
(8) 张文杰;胡良栋;陈玉保*;蔡正达;庄诗韵;李睿帆;刘莹;徐锐,柠檬酸改性Pt/Al-MCM-41催化麻疯树籽油一步加氢制备燃油组分,中国油脂, 2021, 46(10): 58-64.
(9) Yubao Chen*;Xingyong Li;Shijie Liu;Wenjie Zhang;Qiang Wang;Wenhua Zi,Effects of metal promoters on one-step Pt/SAPO-11 catalytic hydrotreatment of castor oil to C8-C16 alkanes,Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 146(2020): 112182.
(10) Wenjie Zhang;Yubao Chen*;Xingyong Li;Shijie Liu;Liangdong Hu;Shiyun Zhuang;Qiang Wang;Zhi Yang,Optimization of kerosene from a one-step catalytic hydrogenation of castor oil over Pt-La/SAPO-11 by response surface methodology,Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2020, 1007(2020): s13399.
(11) Xingyong Li;Yubao Chen*;Yajie Hao;Xu Zhang;Junchen Du;Aimin Zhang,Optimization of aviation kerosene from one-step hydrotreatment of catalytic Jatropha oil over SDBS-Pt/SAPO-11 by response surface methodology,Renewable Energy, 2019, 139(2019): 551-559.
(12) Xingyong Li;Yubao Chen*;Xu Zhang;Juhua Wang;Wenhua Zi;Shijie Liu;Jing Liu;Xingling Zhao,Optimization of Operating Parameters in C-8-C-16 iso-Alkanes Selectivity with Response Surface Methodology,Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2019, 13(2019): 1-8.
(13) Wenhua Zi;Yubao Chen;Yihong Pan;Yougang Zhang;Yufeng He;Qiang Wang,Pyrolysis, morphology and microwave absorption properties of tobacco stem materials,Science of the total environment, 2019, 683 (2019): 341-350.
(14) 王菊华;陈玉保*;郝亚杰;李兴勇;张旭;资文华;尹芳,响应面法优化麻疯树油加氢催化制航空燃料工艺,中国油脂, 2019, 44(09): 81-85.
(15) 张旭;陈玉保*;张少朋;李兴勇;王菊华;王强,响应面法优化Pt/SAPO-11催化废弃猪油一步加氢制备生物航空煤油工艺,中国油脂, 2019, 44(02): 68-71, 80.
(1) 2021.08,第九届云南省高等教育教学成果二等奖(排名第3),云南省教育厅
(2) 2020.12,第九届云南师范大学教学成果奖(排名第1),云南师范大学
(3) 2020.12,第八届全国“农建杯”三等奖,中国农业工程学会等单位
(1) 云南省低碳发展引导专项,云财资环[2021]135号,农业秸秆低碳化综合利用研究及应用示范,2021/01-2023/12,100万元,在研,主持
(2) 云南省科技人才与平台计划,202105AF150166,云南省马隆龙专家工作站,2022/01-2024/12,180万元,在研,主持
(3) 云南省地方标准重点项目,云市监函[2021]161号,乡村新能源高效利用与一体化技术规范,2022/01-2023/06,50万元,在研,主持
(4) 云南中烟工业有限责任公司重点项目,滇烟工技[2022]14号2022GY03,梗丝品质重构及靶向性控制工艺技术开发,2022/01-2023/12,81.76万元,在研,主持
(5) 云南省基础研究重点项目,2019FA004,木本生物质加氢热解及催化异构制高品质航空煤油研究,2019/07-2022/6,50万元,在研,主持
(6) 云南省科技人才与平台计划,202105AC160058,云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才项目陈玉保,2021/01-2025/12,12万元,在研,主持
(7) 云南省烟草化学重点实验室开放课题,2019539200340163,香烟主流烟气特征官能团与感官关联性研究,2019/10-2022/3,40万元,在研,主持
(8) 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,21266032,动植物油脂一步法制航空煤油的催化剂构建与催化过程研究,2013/01-2016/12,52万元,已结题,主持
(9) 云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才,2020年,生物质转化与利用
(1) 2022.02,云南省高等教育本科教学成果立项培育项目(排名第1),云南省教育厅
(1) 本科生课程:有机废弃物处理工程、课程设计
(2) 研究生课程:农业生物环境与控制工程
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