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[转载]如果没有动力,你很难坐下来推导公式做理论研究 (科技英语听力资料,英汉对照)

已有 961 次阅读 2024-2-14 13:26 |个人分类:科技英语|系统分类:科普集锦|文章来源:转载

Philosophy for our times


The trouble with string theory - Roger Penrose, Brian Greene, Tasneem Husain, Er.mp4


whether it's time to move on from the dominance of string theory in our account of the universe


I would suggest at the outset that the framing of the question suggests a radically incomplete understanding of how science actually works. I mean, I'm happy to engage in these kinds of discussions. I think they can be illuminating for the general public and they're enjoyable to have. So I have nothing against them. But the idea that we would sit here and pronounce how science should or should not move on from this or that idea misses the point of how science actually works. Science is an endeavor carried out by scientists who generally have an enormous amount of training, an enormous amount of experience like Roger and others in the discussion here. And the choice of what to work on by design is left to the individual, what they find interesting, what they find exciting. So people will continue to work on any given subject so long as it continues to bear fruit and give interesting results that inspire yet other avenues of research. And that's what's happened in string theory and that's why people have continued to work on it.


And when the theory and the ideas begin to dry up and they're no longer bearing fruit, then individuals will move on. And certainly some string theorists of the past have moved on to other ideas because they lost interest in this or that avenue of research and they do other things. And that I applaud. That's a wonderful way in which science can be rich and self-propelling in order that the endeavor of trying to understand the universe will continue. When it comes to string theory itself, where have we gotten? I think that's a conversation that we will continue to pursue in our discussion here. But briefly put in 30 seconds, string theory is the most potent and powerful approach that we have discovered as a species for blending general relativity and quantum mechanics. And putting these two pillars of scientific understanding together is vital to understand things like black holes and the Big Bang. And indeed string theory has made its greatest mark in understanding black holes. So is it something that is worthy of pursuit? I think the answer is yes. Obviously, thousands of others around the world think the answer is yes, but it's not for us to pronounce. It's for the marketplace of ideas to decide and scientists will vote with the most precious resource they have, which is their time. And so as long as scientists think that it's worthwhile to work on string theory, they will. And when they don't think it's worthwhile, they won't. That's about it.

当理论和想法开始枯竭并且不再结出果实时,人们就会停止在这上面花时间。当然,过去的一些弦理论家已经转向其他想法,因为他们对这种或那种研究途径失去了兴趣,转而做其他事情。我对此表示赞赏。这是科学能够丰富和自我推进的奇妙方式,这样尝试了解宇宙的努力才能继续下去。就弦理论而言,我们应该如何选择是需要继续探讨的话题。在 30 秒的时间里,我只能说弦理论是最有效、最有力的方法将广义相对论和量子力学融合在一起。将科学中的这两个支柱融合一起对于理解像黑洞和大爆炸之类的东西至关重要。事实上,弦理论在理解黑洞方面取得了巨大的成就。那么弦理论是值得追求的东西吗?我认为答案是肯定的。显然,世界各地成千上万的人认为答案是肯定的,但这个答案不是我们给出的,而是由思想市决定的,科学家们会用他们的时间来投票。因此,只要科学家认为研究弦理论是值得的,他们就会将要继续研究。当他们认为不值得时,他们就不会。就是这样。

I feel like I'm almost taking up where Brian left off in the sense that I do think science is a self-correcting mechanism, and especially for theoretical physics, when all you're doing is you're sitting down and writing these equations and thinking about things in your head. It's very hard to put that kind of work into something if there's no pull in it for you. So there has to be something that appeals to you. And to that point, I just want to say that one of the criticisms that leveled at string theory is that it was supposed to be the theory of everything and it hasn't turned out to be that. And it's had 40 years and we don't have this one coherent theory of everything. To which I say it's been 40 years and the theory is still talking to us. It's very hard to explain what it feels like when you're doing math and the equations are talking to you. The closest I can get to it is saying it's like you wrote the theory, you wrote the equations, but they have consequences that seem to have an intelligence of their own. It's like if you programmed a computer, you would expect it to do calculations much faster than you, much more efficiently than you, which is probably why you built it. But you don't expect it to have this innate intelligence that is different to yours. The thing with string theory is that we may have misinterpreted in the beginning how much work was required, but the theory is still telling us things. Yes, it's been four decades, but it's built a lot in that time. It's a very robust, consistent mathematical framework. And I think it's very easy to underestimate what a feat that is, because something this huge and just structurally coherent, it doesn't collapse in on itself, that in itself is something worth looking at. And string theory has led to many new ideas along the way. Sometimes I feel like we criticize it because it's still called string theory, but that may just be an accident of history. It's not a theory of only strings anymore. Is it a theory if it doesn't have testable predictions? But then again, we call atoms atoms. We know they're not indivisible. So maybe it's just called that as a historical accident. But whatever this framework is that's developing, it's giving us a lot still. And while the equations are still talking to you, I think it's very hard to stop listening. It's telling us a lot of things.

我继续布莱恩的话题。科学,尤其是论物理,有一种自我纠正机制,当你坐下来写下这些方程式并在头脑中思考事情。如果没有动力,你就很难投入这样的工作。所以一定有一些东西能吸引你这样做。对弦理论的批评之一它是一个试图统一一切事物的理论,但事实并非如此。40 年过去了,我们还没有一个连贯的万事万物的统一理论。40 年过去了,这个理论仍然在与我们对话。


英汉对照 (机器翻译)

String theory, heralded as a potential theory of everything, has been dominant in theoretical


physics for 30 years with more scientific papers arising from it than any other theory.

物理学研究了 30 年,由此产生的科学论文比任何其他理论都多。

But critics argue the theory has held undue influence and it is an error to pursue it.


String theory proposes 11 dimensions and a vast landscape of possible universes without

弦理论提出了 11 个维度和广阔的可能宇宙景观,而无需

any evidence.


Moreover, a theory of everything has not been forthcoming and predictions of supersymmetry


have not been confirmed.


Is it time to move on from string theory and recognize that the search for supersymmetry


has failed and seek alternative accounts of the universe that are supported by observation


and experiment?


More fundamentally, should we see mathematics without a connection to the physical world


as little more than fantasy?


Or is the continued dominance of string theory justified by its potential to unify our understanding


of the universe once and for all?


So on to our speakers.


Roger Penrose is a world-renowned mathematician and Nobel Laureate in physics.


He's best known for his work on general relativity and sharing the Wolf Prize for physics with


Stephen Hawking for his work on black holes.


Eric Weinstein is an American podcast host, managing director of Teal Capital and a doctor

埃里克·韦恩斯坦(Eric Weinstein)是美国播客主持人、Teal Capital 董事总经理、医生

of mathematical physics.


Brian Green on the screen here is a professor of mathematics and physics at the University


of Columbia.


He's famous for his groundbreaking discoveries in superstring theory.


Tasneem Hussain is a theoretical physicist, writer, educator, and author of Only the Longest

塔斯尼姆·侯赛因 (Tasneem Hussain) 是一位理论物理学家、作家、教育家,也是《只有最长》一书的作者



We're first going to start off with Roger, who's going to tell us about his kind of three-minute


pitch on whether it's time to move on from the dominance of string theory in our account


of the universe.


Well, I wasn't sure it was still dominant.


When I first heard about it in, I guess, the early 1980s, I found it a very exciting idea.

当我第一次听说这个想法时,我想是在 20 世纪 80 年代初,我发现这是一个非常令人兴奋的想法。

It looks as though you could use these sort of, well, these surfaces, Riemann surfaces,


as a replacement for things like Feynman diagrams in talking about quantum field theory.


And it looked very like an exciting idea to me.


But then it rapidly became, well, if the story was, and I didn't understand it well enough


to see why it had to be like this, that it only worked originally in 26 dimensions.

看看为什么它必须是这样的,它最初只能在 26 维中工作。

So it meant that space had 25 dimensions and time had one dimension.

所以这意味着空间有 25 个维度,而时间只有一维。

My reaction was, OK, well, that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned, because space


doesn't have that many dimensions.


Of course, I understood that the idea somehow that several of these dimensions are tied


up into little knots and things like this.


But it just never struck me that this worked, because, well, the argument was somehow you


could never excite the degrees of freedom which are involved in these tiny little extra




It just didn't seem to me that was correct, because even though it would take a lot of


energy to excite these degrees of freedom, that amount of energy was as far as the whole


universe was concerned.


You don't just do it locally.


It would affect the whole universe.


And the amount of energy that here over the whole universe, which amounts to, say, a Planck


scale energy, which is the sort of thing they were talking about, is ridiculously small.


So I didn't see why you wouldn't notice that the number of space dimensions was wrong.


I just never took it seriously for that reason.


But then it became very much an in thing.


And so I had to pay some attention to it and make critical remarks, which are probably


too naive, I expect, in my various books.


But I've never been a fan of the idea.


As I said, initially I thought it was a very beautiful idea.


But since it seemed to require all these unreasonable extra degrees of freedom, it's not just extra




There's all this stuff which you can't get hold of and doesn't affect the physics.


So it didn't make too much sense to me, I'm afraid.


The trouble with string theory .docx


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