Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


科技英语“机器翻译”基础:谷歌翻译(Google translate)怎么样?

已有 1146 次阅读 2024-2-7 07:25 |个人分类:Scientific Translation|系统分类:论文交流



看过我的博客的你,知道我常常发“双语”博客。我只是想分享科普知识,没有时间追求“信、达、雅”。对我来说,谷歌翻译(Google translate;GT)不错。它翻译的文章,有错;但是,大概只有10%的“错”。我快速读一遍,纠错后,就完成任务了。








Yellow means "questionable."



Seasonal changes and time-space scale dependence of air-sea relationships This paper reviews the seasonal changes and time-space scale dependence of the air-sea relationship based on recent analyzes of the relationship between surface turbulent heat flux and sea surface temperature changes. The content includes the characterization method of the relationship between surface turbulent heat flux and sea surface temperature changes, regional changes, seasonal changes and changes with time and spatial scale, as well as the relationship between surface wind speed and air-sea humidity difference on surface latent heat flux and sea surface temperature changesrelative contribution. The relationship between surface turbulent heat flux and sea surface temperature changes is significantly different in mid-latitude ocean frontal regions and subtropical eddy regions. 【译者注:前面的句子需要润色。】In the mid-latitude ocean frontal zone, the contribution of oceanic processes to sea surface temperature changes dominates, thus manifesting as ocean forcing, and is greater in winter than in summer. In the subtropical vortex region, the effect of surface turbulent heat flux on sea surface temperature changes is more significant, thus manifesting as atmospheric forcing, and is more obvious in summer than in winter. In the western Arabian Sea, oceanic processes have a significant impact on sea surface temperature changes in summer, showing ocean forcing, while in winter the main influence is surface turbulent heat fluxshowing atmospheric forcing. In the Bay of Bengal, South China Sea and Philippine Sea, atmospheric forcing occurs in both winter and summer. In winter in the mid-latitude oceanic frontal region and in summer in the western Arabian Sea, oceanic forcing increases with time scale. In other regions and seasons, there is a change from atmospheric forcing on shorter time scales to oceanic forcing on longer time scales. For important conversions, the time scale for conversion is approximately 20 to 40 days. In the mid-latitude ocean front region, the oceanic forcing weakens as the spatial scale increases, and transitions to atmospheric forcingThe converted spatial scale is smaller in summer than in winter. Generally speaking, atmospheric forcing increases as the spatial scale increases.



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